On Friday 4th April, we will have the third night in the Friday Themed series:
‘The Italian Job’
There will be two sitting times – 7.30pm and 8.30pm.
Mixed olives accompanied by an olive oil & balsamic vinegar dip with fresh bread Italian Spicy Meatballs in a tomato sauce served on a bed of spaghetti
(Vegetarian option – ricotta and spinage lasagne)
****************Tortamele e mandorle****************
Coffee & biscotti
Tickets are priced at £11.50 and are available from Theresa Ryall on 07803 247582 or via e-mail: [email protected]. Please also see posters on the Club notice boards.
Dear Hurricane sailers, Just a reminder that our Nationals are held at Stokes bay on the last bank holiday in May. Racing over three days which should be great fun. At the moment, Wayne & myself on 272 plus Pete Sherwin & Chris on 307 are representing TBYC. It would be great to get at least another two boats from the club to join in. Take a look at the web link for more details, A full list of open events are posted in the Fast cat section in the club. Regards, Struan.
P.S. Why not join us at Eurocat 2008 at Carnac, all fast cats welcome:
I need a swap for this coming Saturday 29th March.
For some reason Chris thought I sailed with Earnie Faulkner. I dont I sail with Struan. Which means we would have 8 ocassions where we cant sail instead of 4.
So I have to swap them all.
Apart from that I need to get off water quick and get on with cruiser fixing!!! its the last weekend.
Regards Wayne A Miller 07799 704 524.
We finally got to race for the first time on Monday, althought not to many turned out, the one’s that did had a great race. We re ran the Spencer Cup which was eventually won by Nick Elmore and Kyle Stoneman, special mention to these two who stood by a stricken competitor untill help arrived.
I would like to say the race got underway after an uneventful start, but i cant as it was my fault we managed to wack into Peter and Steves brand new sandhopper, in the process of making the whole fleet tack “sorry”still it give’s Mr H new ammo for this year, anyway once started the fleet sailed of into the distance in a nice 3-4 enjoying the 1st race of the season.
We are proud to be holding three major National Championships
this year for the following classes:

21st – 22nd June 2008
Laser Pico National Championships
5th – 6th July 2008
Finn National Championships
16th – 18th August 2008
Sprint National Championships
More details to follow, watch this space!
Many thanks to all those who made lift in a success on Sunday, special thanks to Tony, Toby and Peter for helping with everyones mooring connections, Roger, Jason and Spratty for their help with the co-ordination which made the day run so well, shame the weather was a bit unkind however it was a good laugh.
Looking forward to a good easter weekend.
If you click on the link you can view the lift in photo’s, thanks to peter thompson.
The Sandhoppers will be holding the ‘first breath’ race on Saturday 22nd March.
The Wetsuit Outlet has sponsored a meal in the clubhouse straight after the race for all sandhopper entrants. The course will run along the shore to enable all those walking along the front to enjoy the spectacle, please make the effort to enter and lets kick the season off with a bang.
The race will also count for the 1st Spring Series Race – we managed 22 boats for the last gasp, so it would be nice to beat it.
New TBYC Website

As you will have noticed the website we have got used to over the last few years has disappeared and been replaced with this new super smart version. Martyn and his team at Flightline have been developing this site over the last few months and today decided it was time to go live. As with all these things there is still a fair amount of work still to do, so please bear with us while we get it up to speed.
What you can do immediately is to register yourself on the new site, which will allow you to submit artices in a similar way to the old site with the addition of several features including easily adding links and pictures to your article. You must use your correct name when submitting an article otherwise it will be rejected.
I am sure there will be plenty more instructions about the site over the next few weeks so keep an eye on it to keep yourself up to speed.
Once again thanks to Martyn and the guys at Flightline.
Gordon Sanders.
Don’t forget the Winter Prizegiving, which takes place after the last Icicle Series race on Sunday. Can Chris Boshier topple Paul Beasley in the Monohulls? Is Paul Clarke at risk from Rick Paxman in the Lasers? Can the Lion King & Queen (the Goodmans) see off the Young Cubs (Dan Henderson and Spratty Jnr) in the Fast Asymetrics? And what can the Sailing Sec do to stop Messrs Wallace & Miller in the Multihulls?
For this and other nail-biting scenes, make sure you’re there on Sunday!
Howard Hawkes