Archive for October, 2008

Oct 02 2008

Willing Crew for the Winter Series Available

Published by under Catamarans

Dear Catamaran and Dingy fleets doing the winter series, you need to register now! to take part but best off all we have some willing crew available, these two guys, Simon Brown and Garry Ellis are looking for more sailing experience and are newish members to the club. Drop me a line and I’ll pass on contact details or pop into the club and look on the notice board. Here’s to some cracking winter sailing, God knows it’s got to be better than this summer. Regards,  Struan

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Oct 01 2008

Thursday Cadet Nights

Published by under Cadets

ust a reminder that there will be no cadet night this Thursday as they are now every other week. Please refer to your Sailing Programme for details.

Coming up this month are talks by Tony Clarke on October 9th and Ian Little on October 23rd. These will start at 7.15pm and last for about 20-30 minutes.

Hope to see you all then.

Bev Warrington

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