Archive for 2008

Jun 10 2008

Are you ready for the Pico Nationals 21st & 22nd June

Have you got your entry form in yet, if not you still have time.

The entry price of £20.00 for two up and £15.00 for single handed pico’s covers racing on both days, plus an evening meal on Saturday followed by karaoke.

Thanks to our sponsors we have some great prizes which includes a NEW PICO to be raffled amongst those that sail in all races over the weekend.

For Entry Forms, Sailing Instructions and some great deals on new sails and spares click on “Pico’s” down the left-hand side on the screen.

If any visitors are arriving on the Friday and need access to the dinghy park or are camping please give me a call and I will be happy to meet you on arrival.

Kind regards

Shaun – mobile 07881 501 675

Sponsors – LaserPerformance, Henri-Lloyd, Yachts & Yachting,

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Jun 08 2008

Count down to Pico Nationals – 21st & 22nd June

With just two weeks to the Pico Nationals it is not to late to get your entry in. The entry price of £20.00 for two up and £15.00 for single handed pico’s covers racing on both days, plus an evening meal on Saturday followed by karaoke.

Thanks to our sponsors we have some great prizes which includes a NEW PICO to be raffled amongst those that sail in all races over the weekend.

For Entry Forms, Sailing Instructions and some great deals on new sails and spares click on “Pico’s” down the left-hand side on the screen.

Any questions please give me a call.

Kind regards

Shaun – mobile 07881 501 675

Sponsors – LaserPerformance, Henri-Lloyd, Yachts & Yachting,

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Jun 03 2008

Cadets On Tour

Published by under Cadets

Cadet 9631
James Hayward (Waldringfield SC)
Alex Warrington (TBYC)

3rd Indicator and World Team Selections – Weymouth

The boys were starting the final indicator in 1st place and 8 points clear, so in a good position! However the Saturday proved very windy and with just 2 races they posted a 22nd and a 25th after 2 very unfortunate downwind capsizes just before the finish line! This didn’t help things as Sunday was forecast as very light and may not even be able to race!
Luckily there was a force 2 in the morning but they still only posted an 18th – nail-biting stuff for the parents!! In the 2nd race things went more their way with a ninth and in the decreasing wind for the final race they finished in style with a win!

So in the final rankings they finished the selection series in 3rd place and comfortably in the team! – 7 boats plus a reserve will go to Medemblik in the summer.

In the meantime there’s all the training with RYA top coach, Adam Bowers.

-oh, and they managed to win the Waldringfield SC Open meeting last weekend too!! Lets hope they carry on in this way in Holland……

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Jun 03 2008


Published by under Nationals,Sandhoppers

What an Adventure! The sandhopper nationals held at RCYC was the largest fleet recorded for several decades; the sight of 26 sandhoppers sailing in the crouch was a fantastic site.

To get there and back added to the occasion, 3 boats went in 40mph winds the Monday before and the rest sailed on the Thursday in pouring rain, on both days despite the weather everybody had a huge smile.

Saturdays race was held in very light fluky conditions and we only managed one race out of 3, local knowledge was the key to the race and sand star took line honors followed by sandstorm in 2nd Zeus 3rd windrush 4th and squiffy 5th .( the rest of the results are on the RCYC web page)

The rest of the day was spent anchored by the windward mark of the second race where the real fun began, the banter was relentless and such a good laugh, upon abandonment late afternoon we headed for the great hospitality at the club bar and waited for the evening meal, over 80 people enjoyed a tremendous 3 course dinner at RCYC where the banter continued, Tony Padbury won the sponsors lonton and gray raffle prize which was a brand new spinnaker,Tony then kindly donated it immediately to be auctioned which raised £450 which once added to the donated mooring fees from rice and coles plus the raffle money raised over £1300 on the night for the RCYC local hospice charity, which for me was the icing on the cake to a brilliant weekend.

Sunday started with a huge good value buffet breakfast for nearly all the entrants at the RCYC followed by the next race, once again light conditions saw 6 finish in 45 minutes who were , satisfaction, sandstar, Apollo, sandstorm, squiffy, windrush and true blue the rest eventually crawled across the line 2 hours later. It looked like the championship would be abandoned but fortunately patience paid off and we managed one more race, the points were so close every place counted .

With the race over and two of the top finishers being ocs ( o dear, o dear, o dear)the final results saw sand star (Thompson and hopper) become the new national champions, worthy champions in everybody’s eyes , I have never met two people who put so much effort into helping others, if they weren’t coaching they were tuning boats, lending sails, blocks , shackles local knowledge etc, they were ensuring everyone’s safe passage to Burnham, both steve and peter did all the journeys with the boats to Burnham.

I would like to thank Steve Hopper and Martin Eyre for using their ribs as support boats, Tony Clarke for seasafe 5 and all his assistance, tony padbury for his fabulous donation, Dave Johnson for the Burnham Idea, RCYC for their hospitality, all fellow sandhopper sailors for their support and fantastic company, Len, Pat, Sally and john for their kind words of encouragement from the support boats, ken Clarke for liaising between all for the event, finally Peter Thompson for getting us all back safely in the dark on Sunday night, flying spinnakers in the pitch black onto the moorings at tbyc was beautiful and a first for some.

I thoroughly enjoyed the nationals and have sailed in many classes over the years, the sandhopper fleet has the nicest most helpful group of sailors I have ever had the pleasure to sail with.

results click here

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Jun 03 2008

Are you ready for the Pico Nationals?

If you are visiting the TBYC website for details on the Laser Pico Nationals please click on the “Nationals” tab on the left had side of the screen for further details, including Sailing Instructions and Entry Forms. Also see the how you could win a new Pico.





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Jun 02 2008

Sandhopper Nationals

Published by under Nationals,Sandhoppers

What a weekend, once again thanks to all who made it happen.

Well done Peter and Steve worthy winners.

PS: Sailing in the dark is great fun

3 responses so far

May 29 2008

Fast cats away

Published by under Catamarans

Three boats from TBYC attended Stokes Bay Cat Open and the Hurricane Nationals, last Bank Holiday weekend. I said attended because it was more like a demolition derby on Saturday with the race officer assuring it was only 19knts from the NE. Yer right! more like 30-35knts once on the water. David White on his new F18 Narca Infusion had the sense to turn back with out any damage. Nick & Kyle, on the F20 Narca went blasting around untill a capsize ripped out their new main before the race. While Wayne and I on the Hurricane SX, zoomed off down a wave on the way to the start line, water spraying every where and promptly got dumped big time, ripping the jib for good measure. Back to the bar for many of us, out of 29 Hurricanes only 6 finished. One F18 crew mentioned that they got around the course by capsizing at every mark. The race officer then canned the rest off the day. Sensible man!

Next day after a few beers and a Disco (Why do they do that! it’s mainly blokes) in the YC, Racing was planned to start at 10am but after a short delay was postponed. Wayne did well swimming the boat to shore and got in first. We finally got racing after 2pm in very light winds which suited the F20 & F18 fleet on an inshore course but for the Hurricane fleet on a different 4x rounds, up wind/down wind course, fighting the strong Solent tides, wasn’t much fun especially when after 3 races, we were well down the fleet and finished racing at 6.30pm.

The Hurricane 2008 AGM was held later that night but nothing new to report. Possible 16/1 down haul system and the square top main still in development. Next years 2009 Nationals to be held at Stone SC. Ended celebrating Andy Webb’s 40th, God! more beer and a cold Chinese to finish the day.

Bank holiday Monday, say no more. Racing binned as avg. wind speed 35knts in Solent, all of us then packed up in the P***ing rain and join the traffic home. Mmmm! what can I say about the British weather. Now to spend some time sailing at the club and get the Fast cats on the water. Happy summer sailing when it happens.

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May 29 2008

Sandhopper Nationals

Published by under Nationals,Sandhoppers

Two days to go and the remainder of the fleet set sail this afternoon for Burnham.

I would just like to thank the following people for all their hard work in getting all our boats ready and organising this event.

Barry Duce  (for goading badgering and generally motivating us all)

Peter Thompson (for for his expertise and enthusiasm and tireless work)

Ken Clarke (for setting the whole thing up)

and last but by no means least

Steve Hopper (this list could be endless, for setting up boats,running his rib round in adverse conditions,towing boats round)


If I have fogotten anybody sorry.

Good Luck to all

Regards Spratty

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May 28 2008


Published by under Racing

Good luck to Chris Boshier in the Contender Europeans which start next week in Tuscany, you can follow his progress by clicking on the following link.

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May 19 2008

Sandhopper News

Published by under Racing,Sandhoppers

14 Sandhoppers joined in with the Hobday Trophy race on Sunday, the weather was great including the force 6 which always makes for some interesting sailing, Sandstar took top spot in our group followed by Sandstorm and Satisfaction, the surprise of the day was watching Apollo limp slowly around the course with a hungover crew that appeared to be fishing using the barnacles on their keel as bait, this helped add to the banter on the balcony whilst celebrating the clubs 60th anniversary.

The Sandhoppers will make their way to Burnham this bank holiday Monday in preparation for the Nationals the following weekend.

Any last minute entries can download all the details on the link below

Download the NOR & Entry Form here

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