Archive for 2008

May 16 2008

Change to Sailing Programme

Published by under Club Notices,Racing

Due to the Air show exclusion zone we will have to swap the Shoreline Trophy with the Petal plate.

The programme alterations now read

Petal plate 25th May 14.30 start

Shoreline trophy 8th June 15.00 start.

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May 15 2008

TBYC’s 60th Celebrations. Champagne Invitation to all Members

Published by under Club Notices

To celebrate 60 glorious years of sailing at Thorpe Bay, the Commodore would like to extend an invitation to all members to join him for a glass of champagne and a few nibbles, on Sunday 18th May, at approximately 1 o’clock, in the main bar – immediately after the Hobday Anniversary Race. It’s not often you get a free drink from the Commodore, so please come along and join him and make the most of this rare opportunity!

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May 15 2008

Laser Pico Nationals 2008

If you are visiting the TBYC website for details on the Laser Pico Nationals please click on the “Nationals” tab on the left had side of the screen for further details, including Sailing Instructions and Entry Forms. Also see the how you could win a new Pico.

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May 15 2008

Swap required for Race Officer AND Assistant Race Officer Saturday 23rd August

Published by under Duties

Two people required to swap our Race Officer AND Assistant Race Officer duties on Saturday 23rd August as we shall be away at our nationals.

Kevin & Lesley Iles

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May 14 2008

SandHopper Long Distance Race

Published by under Sandhoppers

The Sandhoppers held their first long distance race of the year (5 races left to go) on Sunday, 8 boats left the moorings at 7.30 with the start at 8.00, the weather was stunning with a clear blue sky and a 13mph north easterly breeze, Sand Storm (current national champions Chris Clarke and Nick Barnes ) were first around the mid Shoebury buoy clocking 8 knots on the gps, with sand star (Hopper/Thompson) close on their heels, Squiffy, Sand Spirit, Spider, On The Hop, Windrush and Pearl all fought for the other positions, the black tail spit was missed by Sandstorm and the national champions had to come back on themselves to round the mark, the rest of the fleet didn’t laugh to much, three and a half hours of tactical windward and tidal sailing saw Sand Star finish first, at the Maplin Edge, Squiffy second , On The Hop third, Sand Storm (current champions) fourth, Pearl fifth, Sandspirit sixth, Spider seventh and Windrush eighth (Windrush went to the rescue of a fishing boat in distress hence the position). The second part of the race was a long spinnaker leg home Sand Star again took first place, Sand Storm second , On The Hop third, Squiffy fourth, Pearl fifth, Sand Spirit sixth, Windrush seventh and Spider eighth .
However, due to the competitiveness of the fleet we had the video running during the day from our fabulous support crew on Sea Safe 3, Nik Bennindyke, Dan Henderson and Bruce Spratt, (thanks boys for giving up your day ensuring our safety) ,
After collating all the days information and video , unfortunately our national champions forgot to sign on and off for the first leg and were ocs at the start of the second race, never mind messers Barns and Clarke better a lesson learnt now rather than at the national in a few weeks time, so with them out of the chocolates the rest of us moved up a place.
The day was a great success and I hope we will have even more entrants for the next one, if anyone would like to see the video of the day we will be showing it in the club on Thursday evening, watching Chris and Nick over the line by a country mile is very funny to see.

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May 14 2008

Midweek Series

Published by under Racing

What a great way to end a working day

Author: Paul Spratt

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May 13 2008

Duty Swap for Monday 26th May

Published by under Duties

Can anyone help please?

I need to swap my guard boat duty on SS3 on Monday May 26th as we are taking the Sandhopper’s round to Burnham for the ‘Nationals’.

This involves both myself and Tony Byrne.

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May 12 2008

Sandhopper News

Published by under Sandhoppers

Many thanks to Steve Hopper who tuned 5 Sandhoppers on Saturday morning, the tuning has made a noticable difference to boat speed, also thanks to both Steve and Peter Thompson for helping to lift out ‘Prey’ very early saturday morning, I would also like to welcome Dick White to the Sandhopper class who has just purchased a boat.

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May 12 2008

Finn Masters

Published by under Monohulls

Another win for Burrell

Race 1 John Heyes 3rd Allen Burrell 57th

Race 2 Allen Burrell 1st John Heyes 46th

race 3 Allen Burrell 1st Sander 29th John Heyes 31st

Race 4 Allen 9th John 19th Sander 22nd

Overall Allen 20th Sander 24th and John 32nd

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May 12 2008

Anybody need a crew?

Published by under Racing

Hi , I’m looking to get back into sailing/racing preferably cats as a crew for someone. I’ve been too busy with work and school to make time to come down. I’ve been sailing since I was 8 and have sailed a range of boats, from cadets to crewing for a couple of seasons on a Spitfire. I’ve done Exams are over soon and I would like to do as much sailing this summer.



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