Archive for 2008

May 11 2008

New Club Sailing Pic’s Wanted!

Published by under Club Notices

Dear All, It’s that time of year again. The club stairwell needs brightened up with your latest boat pic’s. Please send your photographs in h/res digital or print format, for my attention, care of the club secretary, Lorraine.

Many thanks, Struan

P.S. Original material will be returned via the club Sec.

2 responses so far

May 09 2008

Sexy Fast Cats Crews Wanted!

Published by under Catamarans,Racing

Dear Boys and girls of the fast cats section. Now I have your attention, I’m looking to Kick start the racing again at the club and would value your opinions. Please can I get all your email address so I can send out reminders and also find out if you are needing crew. We have a thriving club at TBYC , lets use it.

Any sailors, old or young who fancy a go on a high flying projectile. please get in touch for the ride of your life, Sorry Barry, we saw two Sandhoppers trying to replicate at Cat, not fast but very funny.

Open meetings for fast or slow cats are a great way of improving both racing and social skills, if anybody fancies going to a meeting, please let me know as we can help with de-rigging etc. and possible transport to the event. On the last Bank holiday this Month, there is the “Hurricane Nationals” at Stokes bay on the south coast and also a Cat open. Several boats from TBYC are planning to be there, the more the merrier with a great social atmosphere. See you soon. Email: [email protected]

8 responses so far

May 09 2008

Solo Bits & Bobs for Sale

Published by under For Sale

I’ve got a superspars M2 mast, purple sail, sovereign combi, even an old composite hull! If anyone wants any or all of these, call Dylan, 020 8207 5443

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May 08 2008

Sandhopper News

Published by under Sandhoppers

Well done to Paul Clarke for launching his new Sandhopper Nemises on Saturday evening, Paul launched with Toby under the cover of darkness to ensure none of us could take a look at his new machine, Nemises performed very well over the races on Sunday and Monday and I’m sure will be up in the chocolates at the Nationals, keep it up boys.

The Nationals are at the end of this month, to download the notice of race and entry please click on the link.

Download the NOR & Entry Form here

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May 07 2008

Duty Swap

Published by under Duties

In light of the fact that I need to be in Weymouth at the end of the month, I need to swap a “double shift” ie helm and crew.

George and I are due to helm and crew SS3 on Sunday 25th. Can anyone help?

I can do anything after August if

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May 07 2008

Cadets On Tour

Published by under Cadets

Cadet 9631
James Hayward (Waldringfield SC)
Alex Warrington (TBYC)

2nd Indicator Trial – Datchet Water

After the 1st Indicator at Rutland being “snowed off” the Inland Championships were moved to be combined with the 2nd Indicator at Datchet. It was a very important event as the selections could have been won or lost at this event.

Saturday arrived with a nice force 3 and a steady breeze which is rare at Datchet! The first race finished with the boys in 5th place – solid and where they wanted to be, but consistency was going to be the key. The 2nd race saw them improve again and finish in 2nd place which was fantastic. They were equal 2nd place going into lunch. The afternoon only got better with a 3rd place and then that all important win!

However the wind failed to turn up at Datchet on the Sunday and despite several attempts, racing never got started. Although this played in to the hands of our boys, it would have been nice for them to have had a crack at extending their lead which by now was clear by 8 points.

Both of the lads sailed brilliantly and rarely put a foot wrong. A credit to the winter coaching from Mike Macnamara and his team, not forgetting all the great coaching and training of Alex last year by Ollie Herve!

3rd Indicator and final selection of the World Team is in 3 weeks at Weymouth. I couldn’t be happier with their position going into this event and ever hopeful that they will continue in the same way!

In the meantime they were crowned “Cadet Inland Champions 2008”

2 responses so far

May 07 2008

Guard Boat Duty

Published by under Duties

I am down as crew on SS2 on the 10th May but due to unforseen circumstances will be in Devon on the day (no not holidaying).

Wayne is down as Helm for the same day and he is in Wales.

Sorry for the short notice.

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May 07 2008

Sandhopper Mast

Published by under For Sale,Sandhoppers

I have an old but complete Sandhopper mast, contact Peter on 616738 if you are interested.

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May 07 2008

Tales of Carnac

Published by under Catamarans,Racing

Three boats from TBYC attended Raid de Carnac 2008, Ian and Simon Keam-George, who managed to break their mast on the way to the event but organise another just in time to start racing, finishing mid fleet just above David White & Jon Sweet, both teams on their new F18 Cats. David had a few of his own problems, one of which was just trying to get over the channel with out his passport. On Davids first race in the 125 strong F18 fleet, he managed to break his rudder stock which ended in a capsize in the middle of this lot, Sh**! and had to retire till the next day. Wayne and my self on the Hurricane 5.9sx had a great first day with a position of 16 out of a 41 boats, sailing in a F5 but that was the end of the wind. The following 3 days had dying or no wind, resulting in less races being run than usual. Our long distance race of 40 nm ended being timed out after 6.5 hours on the water and 100 yds from the finishing line, We could almost smell the beer! Carnac is set in the Gulf of Morbihan which is just in the bay of Biscay, Lovely place with sunny beaches etc. but! this was my first visit to Carnac YC and this event, the French club just couldn’t organise a pi??-up in a brewery. All this, makes you thankful to the hard work put into running TBYC and the sailing program. Our races! 99% are run on time! and all with members support. Well done! Cheers from your fast cat capt.

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May 06 2008

Crew Wanted for Hornet

Published by under Racing

Crew Wanted for Hornet

Regular racing in trapeze / spinnaker boat at Thorpe Bay

Please call Graham 07946 413923

email: [email protected]

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