Oct 14 2008
Dinghy AGM
Just a reminder that the dinghy AGM is this wednesday evening at TBYC, the start is at 8pm or 8.15 if you sail a sprint 15.
see you there.
Oct 14 2008
Just a reminder that the dinghy AGM is this wednesday evening at TBYC, the start is at 8pm or 8.15 if you sail a sprint 15.
see you there.
Oct 09 2008
Due to unforseen circumstances we have had to change the date of the End of season prizegiving, the new date is 8pm Saturday November the 1st, Please see club web site and notice boards next week for a list of of prize winners.
Dont forget it could be you.
Regards Spratty
Oct 07 2008
A very well done to Howard Hawkes who in his sprint (yes I know) won the race on sunday, with no wind to start just rain and 44mph half way round it was a very exciting race, once again the sandhopper fleet out numbered all the other classes with Zues sailed by Rupert Snow taking first amongst the sandhoppers, this is ruperts first win of the season and im sure his improved performance was down to the training session we held in the morning thanks to Peter Thompson. Alex Farrell was the star of the day helming Apollo surviving multiple knockdowns and still managing second place. Chris Clark put in a very disappointing show in sandstorm with third position, but it is thanks to his tuition with Alex over the last two years that the pupil has started to beat his master, i’m sure as he gets older he will also be able to out drink you chris?
Oct 06 2008
Winter Series 2008 and Icicle Series 2009 documents (in Adobe PDF format) below.
Winter Series 2008 and Icicle Series 2009 Entry Form
Winter Series 2008 and Icicle Series 2009 Sailing Instructions
Oct 06 2008
Did anyone else wonder if the winter series had started earlier than expected?
Oct 04 2008
The Dinghy AGM is to be held on Wednesday 15th October at 8.00 pm.
If you’re a cat or dinghy sailor, please attend if at all possible – it’s the opportunity to have your say.
Oct 04 2008
Due to a lack of ticket sales I regret that the launch party for Club 14:18 has had to be cancelled. A full refund will be given to the one ticket we did sell.
The aim of Club 14:18 is to keep our 14 to 18 year olds involved in activities both on the water and in the club house. We therefore hope to continue with Club 14:18 on a monthly basis from mid November. Friday night will be a meal followed by an activity such as cinema or bowling. Saturday sailing will be an opportunity to either join the club racing or try different boats out.
Further details to follow nearer to November.
Oct 03 2008
Well done to Howard Hawkes for winning the Sprint 15 northern championships.
Oct 03 2008
Dear All,
Having had a discussion with Barry last night I recomended this site for self testing.
I thought that it might be useful to anybody interested in taking courses.
There are great tests for IRPCS (International Regulations for Prevention of Collisions at Sea.) Including identifying Vessel Lights.
I have used the site extensively for Day Skipper Training and found it invaluable.
Maybe a permanent Link can be made?
P.S for those doing CEVNI There are two self tests here. http://www.sailtrain.co.uk/cevni/index.htm Scroll down. (2nd Test is “Next Exercise” and includes lights) Good Luck.
Oct 02 2008
Dear Catamaran and Dingy fleets doing the winter series, you need to register now! to take part but best off all we have some willing crew available, these two guys, Simon Brown and Garry Ellis are looking for more sailing experience and are newish members to the club. Drop me a line and I’ll pass on contact details or pop into the club and look on the notice board. Here’s to some cracking winter sailing, God knows it’s got to be better than this summer. Regards, Struan