Archive for 2009

Apr 28 2009

Island Yacht Club Open Meeting

To be held at the Island Yacht Club, Canvey Island on 19th and 20th September 2009

Fast cats up to 1.070  (Hurricane SX and Shadows have already booked)

This is one of the best value for money open meetings!  Wine with your meal and a free BBQ on the Sunday.

Free Hook up and Camping

For further details go to

3 responses so far

Apr 23 2009

Racing Marks

Published by under Racing

The Racing Marks are now in Google Earth, additionally, here’s the lats and longs of them

N 51 31 14.9 E 00 46 16.9 1
N 51 30 59.4 E 00 46 03.6 2
N 51 30 42.7 E 00 45 46.4 3
N 51 30 46.1 E 00 45 19.1 4
N 51 30 55.2 E 00 44 49.1 5
N 51 31 14.0 E 00 44 54.3 6
N 51 31 33.9 E 00 45 06 7
N 51 31 29.8 E 00 45 27.4 8
N 51 31 19.9 E 00 46 04.2 9
N 51 31 04.6 E 00 45 41.7 10
N 51 31 10.5 E 00 45 17.5 11
N 51 30 54.8 E 00 44 18.9 x
N 51 31 13.2 E 00 44 26.4 y
N 51 31 28.3 E 00 44 33.5 z

3 responses so far

Apr 20 2009

TBYC Anniversary Party Sat 16th May

Published by under Catering,Social


Hog Roast & Chocolate Fountain

Entertainment by James Christian of Bassline Disco’s


Food available from 18.00 – Post Sailing


Food & Entertainment Tickets – Adults £8.00/Children £6.00

Entertainment only £4.00 Adults/Children £2.00

Food only £6pp


To book contact [email protected] or 079191 06781


Payable in advance by Cash or cheque made payable to TBYC

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Apr 18 2009

RIB Launch and Recovery

Published by under Racing

Please note that now the slipway has gone, the RIBs have to be launched and recovered by hand. As we discovered today, this takes 12 people! If you are racing during the next few weeks please be prepared to lend a hand with this operation.

Many Thanks,


One response so far

Apr 17 2009


Published by under Monohulls

good luck to Martyn, Robin, Steve and the gang who are representing TBYC in spain next week.

you can watch the action on the web cam link.

7 responses so far

Apr 16 2009

TBYC Friends and Family Membership Introduction Scheme

Published by under Club Notices

tbyc-friends-families-form-download1The continued growth of TBYC membership is required to ensure the financial stability of the club going forward. The club promotes sailing to both beginners and seasoned racers and cruisers, the clubhouse & training facilities are amongst the best in the UK.

This scheme is to promote an incentive to existing members and to recognise those that support the growth of the membership base by introducing their friends and families into sailing. This is a sport which develops confidence both on and off the water and is great fun in a relaxed and friendly environment.

For each friend or family taking membership the introducer will qualify for a £10.00 club voucher, up to a maximum of £40.00 for each family joining. The vouchers can be used in the bar, club restaurant (including club functions) or club shop.

If you introduce one senior member you qualify for a £10.00 voucher, introduce a couple and you qualify for £20.00 voucher, introduce a family of four or more (including children) and you can qualify for a £40.00 voucher.

To qualify for the vouchers the TBYC Introduction of Friends & Families Scheme Form must be completed and attached to the TBYC Application for Membership Form, with both submitted together. There are a few simple rules noted below.

We hope that all TBYC members will continue to support the club and help to increase membership over the coming year.

TBYC Friends and Family Membership Introduction Rules.

1. This scheme is open to TBYC members only.
2. The Introduction Form to claim vouchers must be fully completed and submitted with the Application for Membership Form.
3. Introduction vouchers are not valid for new members that join on promotion/ open days.
4. In the event of a dispute over the application of the vouchers the decision of the Commodore is final.
5. TBYC reserves the right to alter, amend or withdraw this scheme at any time.

For any further questions please contact,

Shaun Christian – Membership Officer
Mobile: 07881 501 675
Email: [email protected]

The TBYC Introduction of Friends & Families Scheme Form is available from the club secretary or from behind the bar.


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Apr 16 2009

Race officer bits

Published by under Club Notices

If anyone one know’s the whereabouts of the handbearing compass that should be with all the race officer stuff can you let me know or get it returned to the appropriate place please.

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Apr 15 2009

Club Catering Services

Published by under Catering

Please note that only food and drinks purchased in the club are permitted for consumption on the premises. There have been recent instances of club members eating their own food in the club house. This must cease with immediate effect.

Vic Davis

Vice Commodore

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Apr 15 2009

Revised Bar opening Hours

Published by under Bar

Please note the Bar opening hours are as follows:-

Tuesday                 11 – 3                 7 – 11

Wednesday           11 – 3                7 – 11

Thursday              11 – 3                 6 – 11 

Friday                     11 – 3                5 – 11 

Saturday         11 – 11 

Sunday         11 – 9

Vic Davis

Vice Commodore

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Apr 14 2009

Race Officer Duty Swap Required.

Published by under Duties

Can anyone please help? I can not do my Race Officer duty on May 31st as I am away at  the Hurricane Nationals.

Cruiser and Hurricane commitments have not left many dates that I can swap.

I can do 26th April, 25/26 July, August 15th or anything after 10th October.

Many thanks,

Wayne Miller 07799 704 524.

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