Archive for 2009

Jul 17 2009

TBYC at the J80 Worlds

Published by under Racing

Congratulations to Nic Barnes who sailing with Rob Larke in Joystick came 13 th and the first visiting boat at the  J80 Worlds in Santander out of a fleet of 131. After a rigorous weight loss regime to drop 5 kilos in 2 weeks i am sure Nic will more than enjoy a few San Miguels this evening. Well done Rob, Nic and the crew of Joystick…..

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Jul 15 2009

Hi-Tec Cadet Week Special Offer

Published by under Cadets,Club Notices

To celebrate the Cadet Week, Hi-Tec will again offer footwear at greatly reduced prices during the event.

This year, the following products will be available, and can be ordered every day.

However, additionally, all members, visitors and friends are invited to take advantage of an extra special ‘40% off all products’ offer off the website. Simply select the product type in the promo-code TBYC40 (case sensitive) and get your Hi-Tec’s delivered to your home.

Have a great week and……. Enjoy your shoes


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Jul 13 2009


Published by under Sandhoppers

Congratulations to Peter Thompson and Steve Hopper in Sand star who swept the board at the open with 3 firsts, second place was taken by Paul and Bruce Spratt in Apollo and in third was Phil Crawford and Margaret Kennedy in Satisafaction,

19 boats took part in near perfect conditions with close battles being fought throughout the fleet, many thanks to Gordon Sanders and his team who set perfect courses and did a stirling job.

Thanks to Primo Insurance for Sponsoring the regatta and pulling a sandhopper grandfather (Ken) in the draw giving him a new ipod touch.

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Jul 06 2009

Thorpe Bay Regatta

Published by under Racing

Primo Plc: Professional Insurance Advice

Hi All,

Just a reminde that it’s the Thorpe Bay Regatta this weekend and,

 courtesy of Robin’s company, Primo PLC

you could win a 16GB iPod touch

provided that you sail all races (or are doing a duty)
and you attend the prize giving

so good luck everyone, lets see if Shaun can continue his lucky streak!

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Jul 06 2009

TBYC Has New Laser Pico National Champion

Congratulation to Alex Farrell on winning the Pico Nationals 2009. Alex won the National Championship Trophy and the top place Under 15 Trophy.

Chris Clark came 3rd sailing with new cadet member Maddie Shields taking the Designers Trophy for the first Adult/Cadet combination.

The first boat with a combined age of 21 years or under, and taking the Isle of Wight Trophy was Alex Warrington and Teddy Elmore.

With a 56 boat turnout this has firmly established TBYC as the best club to race your Pico with visiting boats from Wales to the Isle of Wight.

Thanks to Simon Bown for his work behind the scenes with preparation, to the Race Officer team and the Rescue Boat helms & crew.

Finally thanks to LaserPerformance for the great prizes and help throughout the event.

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Jul 03 2009

Entertainment at the TBYC Regatta and Sandhopper Open

Published by under Social

Saturday 11th July – post sailing

I am pleased to announce that James Christian our resident DJ will again be entertaining us all.  He is organising a Scavenger Hunt and games from about 7pm which will be followed by a disco.  

Large Jenga, Connect 4 and other games will be set up in the Commdores bar for all to enjoy, leaving the main bar free for everyone else to get down and boogie, strutt your funky stuff, moon walk or whatever takes your fancy.

Pre-booked tickets cost adults £2.00 and children £1.00

Tickets purchased on the eveningtbyc beach cost adults £3.00 and children £1.50

There will be a raffle at 9pm – entrant must be present to claim the prize, otherwise it will be redrawn

Tickets are on sale from Tina Little on Cadet night or via [email protected] or 07733 025 642

BBQ available from aFORDERble post sailing from 4.45-6.45pm
Prebookable with Jo on 07500 878 249
Price £6.00 – Menu = chicken, burger, sausage in a bun and salads (veggy option available)

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Jul 02 2009

Cadet Week Trophy Recall

Published by under Cadets

Cadet Week is only 3 weeks away and we need to have all of last year’s trophies returned to the Club. If you have any of the following please return to me as soon as possible:

–  Walley Cup

–  Dedman Shield

–  Waitrose Shield

–  Race Group Trophy

–  Eyre Cup

–  Elmore Seamanship Trophy

–  Stingray Le Mans Trophy

I will shortly be posting out the timetables for the week and the parent’s duties.

Bev Warrington

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Jul 02 2009

Fast cats away “Texel” 2009

Published by under Catamarans

On the 13th June, three boats from the club turned up to sail the biggest catamaran race in the world, with approx 580 boats from twelve different countries on the beach at Texel in Holland. As usual getting off the beach was bad as usual due to the surf. This was my third year, the first time was back in 05 when most boats was destroyed, RFT ‘s included, only 80 boats completed the course that year.

Nick & Kyle on the F20, Pete Sherwin and crew Mark, plus Wayne and I on our Hurricanes joined the 9am early morning start line after successfully launching our kites to break free of the surf in very light F1-2 winds.
Web link for pictures:

The start had nearly 500 boats, some decided not to go in the light winds or to attempt getting off the beach. As the race organizes had warned off closing the gates if timed out.
Unfortunately for Pete, he was a casualty at the second gate along with hundreds more and had to sail all the way back, which took nearly as long as doing the whole race.

Wayne and I had a good result for us being 98th boat home but after handicap 223rd but a great result for Nick and Kyle who were 9th boat home on the water and 56th overall on there first Round Texel race, Well done guy’s

Here’s to 2010, just don’t tell the wife

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Jul 02 2009

Marconi 3 Piers race

Published by under Catamarans

Last weekend in light winds, 4 tbyc boats made the journey to Marconi SC.
Kyle Stoneham and Ollie Herve used Kyle’s Tornado for around the cans racing on the Saturday and won 3rd place out of 35 boats, well-done guys.

Then on the Sunday the weather decided to play tricks with little wind and horrible fog with a variable F3 due to come in. The 3x Piers race stretches for 50 miles up and back down Essex coast from Osea pier to Walton pier. The race officer decided to delay for half an hour to let the fog lift enough to see the water and the wind to fill in.

Neither happened, so the race was started with the intention to shorten course at Colne point. A slow start for everybody, all looking for advantage of tide and wind to get ahead.
At one point, Chris Brooks on Hurricane 307 had the advantage closely followed by Nick and Kyle on the F20, with Kylie and I, Chris Hull and Simon chasing. This was Kylies first open event and long distance race and it was good to see the amount of alcohol such a small person can consume and still stand-up from the night before BBQ.

Lucky for me, having such a light crew was to pay off dividends, All the way up and down the course the Hurricane’s were within 300yds off each other it was at the Colne turning point that Kylie and I started to lead the pack, Most went directly down and were swept out but we cannily, gybe back in shore and had a good angle to power up and be on course for first Hurricane home on the piers race. If only I had read the race instructions properly, Next time Kylie, just kick me. We were home and dry but my mistake lost us 4 places at the finish.

Well done to Nick and Kyle, once the wind picked up a bit the F20 got flying and they got back in double quick time finishing 3rd over the line and 18th on handicap. Simon Steptoe on his F20 was going to join in the fun but had to drop out at the last moment, luckily for us he decided to join in on the BBQ and bring the wine, Most appreciated mate.

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Jul 01 2009

TBYC Slipway Open Day Photos

Published by under Social

Hi, I want to share some of my Flickr photos with you. They’re in a set called “TBYC Slipway open-day 27.6.09“.

Hope you like them!

— Struan Wallace

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