Race Officer and Race Officer Assistant Swap required for August 14th.
Unfortunately neither of us are able to complete the duty due to a clash with an unforeseen boat delivery to Torquay.
Please let me know if you can assist.
Nic (07590 562487)
The event everyone has been waiting for – TBYC’s Totally Tropical Caribbean night
From 6pm on Saturday July 24th
Caribbean BBQ includes: Jerk Chicken, bbq ribs, regga ribs, burgers topped with pineapple and cheese, corn on the cob, roasted vegatable couscous, beef tomatoes and red onions, mixed lettuce, homemade coleslaw, hot new potatoes and fruit platters. A rum punch bar will be set up on the balcony for that real Caribbean feel. Food will be served between 6pm – 8pm
Entertainment is being provided by the Big Sand Steel Band and there will also be Pinates and limbo for all those people feeling flexible.
Prizes will be awarded to the 2 best dressed adults and children.
All this and more for only £10 for adults and £8 for children up to the age of 13.
Tickets will be available behind the bar from tonight – get yours quick to avoid missing out on the event of the summer!
This is a ticket only event and for those not wanting food there will be entertainment tickets at a price of £5 per person
Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th July is the Cadet and Lark Open.
Saturday night there will be a BBQ open to everyone and a rounders match on the green open to everyone.
BBQ costs £5 per person
Does anyone want to crew on a Hurricane Wednesday night? Please give me a ring on 07795 097438 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 07795 097438 end_of_the_skype_highlighting.
Also crew required for Stone hurricane open this weekend.
This Tuesday and Wednesday the 6th and 7th July the kitchen will not be open as normal on these two days but are going to make up sandwiches/rolls for after sailing food – which will be available from behind the bar. Orders can be placed in advance with Jo.
I would welcome your comments in this regard.
Lunchtime catering will remain unaffected and the kitchen is open as usual.
Nick Elmore
Vice Commodore
Can anyone swap with me to do duty officer on the 1st August as I will be away on that day.
many thanks
Nick 0770 2299555