Archive for 2011

Sep 04 2011

race starts from last weekend

race starts from last weekend



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Aug 31 2011

Thank you for the rescue — Glenn Stoneham.

Published by under Club Notices

Big thanks to the guys who came so quickly to the rescue of my mate Glenn and those that called the ambulance. In the heat of the action I didn’t get their names. But an incredibly quick response and I’m glad you were there. Glenn has been checked out and will be ok. I’ve nick named him Flipper but I doubt you’ll see him in a tender again!!! Big big thanks from us both.

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Aug 27 2011

Duty Swap – 3rd September

Published by under Duties

On behalf of Mark Evans

Is anyone able to swap for SS7 helm duty on September 3rd as I have to work. I am able to swap for any duties after September 16th when I will no longer be working weekend shifts!

Anyone able to swap please do give me a call 07931908257

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Aug 27 2011

Team Purdon thankyou

Published by under Club Notices

Hi Pete, could you please pass on my thanks to our fellow club members for coming to Chris’s Service on Wednesday and making his Yacht Club send off
a fitting and memorable one.

The day went very well and it was great to finish at the club, where people had the chance to catch up with old sailing friends. The photo board created lots of interest and the cakes (homemade by our friends), went down very well. Thanks to everyone who who took the time to do this for me. The catering team were fantastic too.

Charles eloquent off the cuff speech was touching and funny and appreciated by all. Thanks also to everyone who put a comment
in our Happy Memories book.

Any donations kindly given c/o A.R Adams are being collated by them, and I will be able to update and thank everyone personally for their kindness in a few weeks time..

We hope to spend more time at the Club in future and look forward to seeing you all again soon.

Best Regards

Gill, Matt & Emma Purdon

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Aug 26 2011

PAT Testing

Published by under Club Notices

Following a fire inspection the Club’s portable electrical appliances need to be tested for safety. If any Club member has the knowledge, expertise and inclination to lend a hand it would be greatly appreciated.

Please contact the office, 587563 or [email protected].

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Aug 26 2011

Fancy a giggle? 24th September

Published by under Bar,Catering,Social

There are still some tickets available for the comedy night on the 24th September 2011.


The Laughing Factory comedy night will be showcasing 3 experienced comedians, Ashley Frieze, Tom Roche and Del Strain. Anyone of these guys could be the next Russell Kane or Billy Connelly. See them first here at TBYC.


Tickets cost £10 per person and there are a limited number still available.


Gary will be opening the kitchen between 5.30pm – 7.30pm and the show will start around 8.15pm. Be sure to arrive early to get a good seat.


To book email [email protected] or call 07734904824.


Please make cheques payable to Thorpe Bay Yacht Club and put in the club post box for my attention.


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Aug 25 2011

Where has the Weather Station Gone ?

Published by under Club Notices

Various people are having problems with the online weather station display, it shows as loading but then fails to display anything and if you dig down it says “movie not loaded”. The problem if occuring has been caused by recent updates to your browser Adobe Flash Player to,as I found out last night with one browser Chrome not working  (Flash is apart of Chrome and is upgraded during it’s updates) and then I upgraded flash on Internet Explorer which then stopped my second working. I have found references to this problem on the Internet with the only suggestion to fix, is installing an earlier version of Flash which I have tried but not successfully. I would assume Adobe will pick up on this problem and include a full fix in a later version but I don’t know when.

Unfortunately this also affect the live wind display at the IOS and I know many of us use them both. So the main advice is, if it works successfully now, then do not accept an automatic upgrade to your flash player, otherwise it will probably stop working. Hopefully somebody may highlight a fix in the comments.

4 responses so far

Aug 23 2011

Duty Officer Swap

Published by under Duties

I would like to request a duty swap for ‘Duty Officer’ on Sunday 18th of September.

I will be away at the K6 Nationals in Falmouth.

many thanks


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Aug 23 2011

Sunday race starts

Published by under Racing,Videos and Photos

Cats Monos and sandhopper starts from sundayYouTube Preview Image

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Aug 22 2011

Cadets on Tour

Published by under Cadets

9029 “Freestyle”- George and Ben Warrington
8401 “Spook”- Matthew Lloyd and Savva Tretyakov
8451 “Stress” – Alex Warrington and Laura Lloyd

Last week saw six TBYC cadets take to the water for the Cadet National Championships at Stone Sailing Club. After difficult year with wind conditions ruining most of the Indicator Series, Stone SC managed to do their usual magic and put on a fabulous event.

The Cadet being the only true junior racing dinghy with an upper age limit of 17, meant that this would be George’s last event.  Some of the usual faces had decided to end their Cadet sailing at the previous Worlds in Germany so 67 boats were entered in total.

With George & Ben’s and Alex & Laura’s previous results saw them boosted up to the Gold Fleet. Matthew with our new member, Savva, who has recently joined TBYC from Russia where he had been crewing at National level were in the Silver fleet.

The Stone tides and different wind directions, gave all the competitors something to think about! It was like being at a different venue each day! George & Ben had a good event and finished overall in 22nd, a black flag and a broken rudder stock lost them 2 races but managed a 9th place in race 7. Alex & Laura started well and were in the teens overall half way through, but a bad last 2 days saw them drop back to 31st overall – with some massive lessons learnt about the effects of the tide! Matthew & Savva were 49th but had an interesting race 2 which saw the leaders stuck in the tide trying to fetch the windward mark when the breeze dropped. The boys put in a long tack inshore and out of the tide, found a puff of wind and managed to make the mark in 2nd place. Only to find the race abandoned when they were feet from the line! The Committee had decided it was an unfair race. The boys protested the committee but it was not upheld. Good effort none the less!

Another great event finishes and we move on to the final Open meetings and RYA Squad qualifiers. We would love more of you to join us and if your child would like to learn their race craft in this superb racing dinghy, please contact me. Many members stop and look at the Cadets in the dinghy park and remember their days in the Cadet fleet with fondness…..!

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