Archive for 2011

Mar 24 2011

Mother’s Day Lunch – Sunday 3rd April

Published by under Catering

Wild Mushroom & Tarragon Soup
Poached Salmon & King Prawn Cocktail
Main Course
Supreme of Chicken Chasseur
Fillet of Salmon in a White Wine Sauce
Red Onion & Goats Cheese Tart
All served with Potatoes & Seasonal Vegetables
Chocolate Tart & Raspberries
Fresh Fruit Salad
Cheese Plate & Biscuits
£16.00 per head – adults £10.00 under 10 years old
Bookings and payment to be made with your selection by Wednesday 30th March.
Contact Gary on 07854 229939 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              07854 229939      end_of_the_skype_highlighting or through the Kitchen.

Published on the behalf of Nick Elmore

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Mar 21 2011

TBYC 2011 Icicle Series

Last Sunday was the conclusion of the 2011 Icicle Series, great racing with over forty boats participating in the final two races. Following a small computer glitch with our results programme after racing I’m now pleased to say that the full results for this series have been uploaded.

Thanks to the Race Officers, Support Boat crews & the Results team.

The prizegiving for this series will now take place as part of the Club Race Officer Training evening to be announced shortly.

Top 3 places in each class are:-

Class: Asymmetric Cats

1 455 Wierd Fish HURRICANE 5.9 SX Julian Reichert/Jeremy Sandford
2 309 Ibble Dibble HURRICANE 5.9 SX William Thomason
3 112 cold fusion HURRICANE 5.9 Anthony Blower

Class: Asymmetric

1 859 49 ER Colin Goodman
2 892 Skandia 49 ER Miles Burrage
3 549 RS 500 Alex Gibson

Class: Catamaran handicap

1 1871 Woofenhound DART 15 SPRINT Gary Burrows
2 42 Boat name A Class

Class: Winter Monohulls

1 550 Rita FINN Alan Burrell
2 1 Boat name Finn Sander Kooig
3 3527 Snagglepuss National 12 Kevin Iles

Class: Laser

1 198568 Skiff-a-dee-do-da LASER Nick Turner
2 180665 LASER Nick Rivers
3 182687 YerButt LASER Rick Paxman

Class: Sprint

1 1488 DART 15 SPRINT David Ball
2 1981 DART 15 Martyn Ellis
3 1551 Dart Vader DART 15 SPRINT Keith Persin

One response so far

Mar 21 2011

Published by under Club Notices

Many thanks to those that came and helped paint both huts at Saturdays working party.

they look great!

your help was really appreciated.

thanks sam

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Mar 20 2011

Thank You

Published by under Club Notices

Many thanks to all of those who turned up on saturday for the work party, we manged to get a huge amount done, so many names to mention ( including Bertie who I think is still locked in the new cuoboard) but you know who you are, although a special mention to Sam Husk, Paul Spratt and John payne for heading up various sections and making the day run so well.
we are so lucky to have such a wealth of gifted talent to call upon in our club.
Looking forward to the good weather and a fun summer of sailing.
Thank you all again

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Mar 19 2011


Published by under Sandhoppers

Thanks to all 72 fellow sandhopper sailors for a great lift in supper, together with our friends from maylandsea bay we raised £325 for Essex air ambulance which David will take to them today as a token of our fund raising efforts for them this year.

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Mar 18 2011

Icicle Series Race No 5 – Sunday 20th March 2011

Published by under Racing

Icicle Series  – Change to published Sailing Instructions 

In accordance with Rule 3 & 5 Changes to Sailing Instructions  / schedule of races 

Please be advised that Icicle 5 on Sunday 20th March will remain at the previously published start time of 11:00hrs. 

A second race on Sunday 20th March will then commence as soon as practical after conclusion of Icicle 5. 

This is by popular demand to replace Icicle 2 which was not sailed due to unsuitable weather conditions. 

2011 Sailing Committee

Comments Off on Icicle Series Race No 5 – Sunday 20th March 2011

Mar 15 2011

Kitchen Franchise

Published by under Catering,Club Notices

I am pleased to report that we have now secured the services of Gary Watty of Purple Chilli Catering to take on the kitchen franchise. Gary comes to us with good experience of Yacht Club Catering and we are confident he will be an asset to TBYC.

Gary will be taking over officially from 1st April and for any bookings please call Gary on 07854 229939.

Jo has kindly agreed to stay on to help with the handover to Purple Chilli Catering and our thanks go to her for going the ‘extra mile’ for our club. Well done Jo.

As with all new enterprise, it needs support. Please come down to the club and meet Gary whilst trying the new food experience.

Nick Elmore
Vice Commodore

3 responses so far

Mar 09 2011

Work party saturday 19th March

We have a painting work party on saturday the 19th march starting at 9am, please give some time as there is alot to do with the race box, guard boats etc. Many thanks to Graham Dare who has made an excellent start on the committee boat, lets hope the weather is kind.

2 responses so far

Mar 08 2011

A Gentle Reminder

Published by under Club Notices

May I remind those members who have not renewed their subscriptions to date, that time is running out.

Your membership will automatically cease at the end of March, please do not delay, post it today.

However, if you have not received/lost your renewal invoice or have moved please email [email protected] to update the records.

Published on the behalf of Tony Padbury.

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Mar 04 2011

Mark Petty-Mayor thankyou!

Published by under Club Notices

a very big thankyou to Mark Petty-Mayor for an excellent evening covering CPR and defibrillator emergency response training.
we are very lucky to have had a defibrillator very generously donated to TBYC by Team Palmer which is positioned on the wall next to the main bar. This is a very easy to use piece of equipment which along with CPR can really help save someones life.

Mark Petty-Mayor is a natural leader and teacher and we are so very lucky to have such members who are able to donate their time and expertise so generously.

Mark offers all the first aid and emergency response courses through his company to organisations big and small and it would be great if your workplace requires these courses you could contact Mark.

0870 740 9247

thanks again

Peter Thompson

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