Archive for 2011

Feb 21 2011

Final bookings for wine tasting to be made by 23rd February

Published by under Bar,Social

There are still a few (but not many) wine tasting tickets left for Friday 25th February.

All bookings need to be made by Wednesday 23rd February 2011.

For bookings email [email protected]

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Feb 21 2011

RYA Volvo Dinghy Show

Published by under Bilge

Hi guys, theres a number of competitions at the dinghy show this year, and a number of opportunities for us to win things for the club, ranging from bouyancy aids, through to outboard engines, and support boats. Take a look on

Dan Henderson

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Feb 18 2011

Duty swaps required 22 May and 27 August

Published by under Duties

Lesley and I require swaps for 22 May and 27 August, as we will be away on both occasions. May is for race officer and Assistant, August is safety boat. Will consider either but hugely prefer to do race officer. Cannot do midweek.

Kevin Iles

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Feb 18 2011


Published by under Duties

Would anyone like to swap race officer duty for 29th April,(we will be away on hols) Please contact Paul Beasley on 07989 654842 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              07989 654842      end_of_the_skype_highlighting

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Feb 17 2011

Still a few wine tasting tickets left

Published by under Bar,Social

There are still a few (but not many) wine tasting tickets left for next Friday’s ‘Blind’ tasting. £15 per person which includes all wine and buffet.

If you are interested in tickets please email me on [email protected]

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Feb 16 2011

Guard Boat Duty Swop

Published by under Duties,Racing

I am at a conference on May 12th so unable to skipper SS3. Happy to take on a Saturday Race Officer duty not including June 26th – July 10th instead. Alternatively, if you are looking to swop because you are unsure about being RO, if you take my guard boat duty I would be happy to coach you as RO!



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Feb 15 2011


Published by under Club Notices

From Alan Butler

As the founding editor of the tbyc newsletter NEWSBUOY may I congratulate all concerned on the new colour magazine. The newsletter has come a very long way from its origins in 1961 when a four page foolscap paper produced on a roneo machine,with my wife typing the skins was mailed to 600/700 members.Members might be interested to learn how NEWSBUOY got its name. As editor I announced a readers competition, unfortunately as most editors of such publications will understand nobody answered or entered so the editor’s choice became the name which lasted for over 40 years.With best wishes for many years of success to the new magazine. Alan Butler.

11 responses so far

Feb 14 2011

Chris Hull

Published by under Club Notices

Yesterday a body was recovered from the sea and identified as Chris, very very sad in every way but at least we now have an opportunity to pay our last respects.
Chris entertained many of us with his great sense of humour both on and off the water with his last “on stage” appearance at the prize giving supper where the multihull class gave him ample ammunition with their years antics. Chris drew laughter from every quarter with his witty and very clever speech.
Many of us are still trying to understand this tragedy and now the sea he loved has relinquished its hold, Chris can be brought home for a fitting send off for a truly great member.
there will be a book of condolences on the bar which will be presented to the family in due course.

Peter Thompson

9 responses so far

Feb 14 2011

We Now Have Guinness

Published by under Bar

Martin and I are pleased to announce we have managed to get hold of a ‘Guinness Surger’ for those who love the Dublin taste.

Guinness has launched a new device that allows drinkers of the black stuff to create the magic of Guinness Draught.

The promise from the drinks company is that the device, called the Guinness Surger, sends a burst of ultrasonic waves through the special pint activating that instant rush of “Guinness Magic”.

Try this now for an introductory discounted period.

Nick Elmore
Vice Commodore

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Feb 14 2011

Evening talk

Published by under Club Notices

TCS Chandlers will be giving a presentation at TBYC on Wednesday 23rd of Feb at 8pm. They are looking for our input as to what we would like them to stock, so come along and join in the discussion with your friends over a pint.

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