There’s still time to book a table for the SANDHOPPER QUIZ NIGHT this Friday 13th Jan..
…but please be quick if you don’t want to miss out!
Tony and Janet will be your quizmasters starting at 7:30 so please arrive by 7 to get to the bar prior to the kick off.
Cost is only £5 per person and includes a Ploughman’s to refresh you at half time!
Please book with Janet in the club office on 01702 587 563 or email [email protected]
Cheques made out to TBYC please.
teams / tables of 6 people and there are of course prizes !!!
Our Valentines Dinner will be held on Saturday 11th February with a great menu and a pre-dinner drink included in the ticket price of £20 per person – we’re taking bookings for tables now (maximum table of 12) and numbers will be limited so please don’t delay!

Roasted Tomato & Tarragon Soup with a Parmesan Tuile Crisp
Trio of Fanned Melon with a Red Berry Compote
Supreme of Chicken with Champagne & Woodland Mushroom Sauce
Spinach & Bearnaise Salmon en Croute
Mushroom Stroganoff Filo Parcel (v)
Fresh Cream Profiteroles with White Chocolate Sauce & Strawberries
Cheese & Biscuits
Booking forms can be downloaded using the link below or picked up from TBYC office or bar, or by calling me on 07831 090816 or emailing me using [email protected]. Please complete and return booking forms with full payment to TBYC office as soon as possible.
Thanks, Stephanie.
Why Not You ?
Why should the kids and your partner have all the fun? Are you chauffer and cheerleader but stuck on shore and sometimes bored? Do you sometimes stare with envy at the powered boats chasing the sailing boats around, or people aboard our luxury Committee Boat?
Just because you do not want to go sailing, does not mean you cannot be part of club sailing activities, so why not get out there amongst your children and partners?
Many club members are only here for the social side, and that’s great. Hundreds are cadets, and that’s fantastic. Hundreds race, and that’s brilliant. Some only sail casually on a nice day, and that’s terrific. Others want or have to support their family, which is fine as well. Continue Reading »
Saturday from Noon for an afternoon, and then Sunday morning, of training.
We plan to hold 6 or more ‘clinics’ ranging from how to start a race (whether you are in a sailing boat, or on the flags), to how to get the best trim from your sails (whether one sail or three), to racing strategy (whether not being last to becoming National Champion).
It is possible we might get onto the water late afternoon on Saturday for a couple of hours for practical sail trim and race tuition, so bring sailing kit if you might sail, and wet/wind proof and warm clothes, with Buoyancy Aid if you have one, for a support boat experience.
Sea conditions dependant, we intend to bring the Committee Boat into the slipway/shore so everyone can come have a look at our fantastic new asset.
This will be training and activity geared to adults. Whilst Cadets may of course attend clinics, the Cadet Section will be working on keeping younger Cadets occupied.
So if you are interested in taking ‘the next step’, whether it is your first step to knowing what the starting flags mean, or what to do and not do when boats meet on the water, or you are already a good racer but just can’t seem to get past the guy always just in front, we aim to have clinics which appeal to all. We already have two multiple National Champions signed up to spill their secrets, so don’t miss this opportunity to find out how they got to the front of the fleet!
Please would you make sure you write all members e-mail addresses on the form when you return it to the Club Secretary with Membership Forms and subscriptions. E-mail is a primary, very swift and cost effective method of communications between the Committees and Club Members. By post the club spends hundreds of pounds on one letter, i.e., the cost of the paper and the postage. By e-mail the Club spends no money! For that reason alone, unless really necessary, postal communication on general matters is just not feasible, but we do not want anyone to miss out on opportunities. We are currently missing several hundred members e-mail addresses. E-mail circulation will not disclose your or your families e-mail addresses to other recipients.
The Race Committee announce that the previously published results were calculated in error not in accordance with the Racing Rules of Sailing and the Sailing Instructions. The error is now remedied with the publication of correct results.
The Sailing Instructions state the following:
1. Unless the number of rounds was signalled in advance then after an appropriate sailing time has elapsed International Code Flag S would be displayed and boats would be finished when they next passed through the finish line.
2. Scoring would be calculated on the basis of average lap times.
3. Results would be calculated on the basis of average lap times.
After International Code Flag S had been raised, boats were finished, and the times recorded, as they next passed the finishing line. In calculating the published results the time of raising Code Flag S was reduced by a few minutes compared with the actual time of raising the flag which resulted in the last lap of 5 boats being excluded when calculating the corrected times. This was undertaken in order to make an adjustment because two classes of boat with the same PN (49er and 29er) had each been split at the time of raising the flag.
This has been reviewed. This method of adjustment of average lap times has not been used previously by the organising authority and is not part of suggested practice by the RYA, and is not therefore in accordance with the Rules or Sailing Instructions. The published results were incorrect and have now been amended.
Race Committee
3 January 2012
Happy New Year!
Following our fabulous New Years Eve party and hugely popular New Years Day Brunch, its time to think about Valentines Day at TBYC….
Our Valentines Dinner will be held on Saturday 11th February – menu and ticket information will be available shortly, but if you’re thinking of getting a table of friends together and would like to make a provisional booking, please let me know by emailing [email protected] or call me on 07831 090816.
Numbers will be limited so please don’t delay!
A huge CONGRATULATIONS to all those who helped Cook and Serve on New Years Day. The bruch was well received by over 100 members. It was a great day and after all costs we posted a £ 200 profit plus a generous bar take.
Well Done !
Nick Elmore