Jul 13 2014
Photos of Sprint 15 Nationals 2014
Photos are now available at http://www.flickr.com/photos/96697991@N02/sets/72157645248145758/
The album now includes all days thanks to Irina Tretyakova, and Day3 thanks to Linzi Swindon.
Jul 13 2014
Photos are now available at http://www.flickr.com/photos/96697991@N02/sets/72157645248145758/
The album now includes all days thanks to Irina Tretyakova, and Day3 thanks to Linzi Swindon.
Jul 13 2014
Remember to select HD under the cog icon
Day 1, Sprint 15 Pratice Race Start
Day 1, Sprint 15 Pratice Race 1st Mark
Day 1, Sprint 15 Race Start
Day 1, Sprint 15 Race 1st Mark
Day 1, Sprint 15 Committee Boat & SUP
Day 2, Sprint 15 Nationals Race 2, 1st & 2nd Mark
Jul 09 2014
In a precursor to the UK Nationals & Cadet World Championships in Weymouth next month Alex Warrington & Anna Wootton (Waldringfield SC) have this afternoon won the Belgium Cadet Nationals held during the 2014 Flanders Youth Regatta.
This is the first time the Cup has left Belgium. Team GBRCadets actually came 1st, 2nd and 3rd in the Belgium Nationals which hopefully bodes well for the Worlds in a few weeks.
Jul 08 2014
This weekend the club is hosting the Sprint 15 Nationals. This is a good opportunity for the all members to join us in the fun off the water. We have arranged entertainment on both Saturday and Sunday night. Both nights it will be starting around 8:30. Sunday Night it will be following the Sprint 15 Association Dinner, so if this is still ongoing when you arrive there should be room around the bar and on the balcony to have a drink. Please don’t stay away just because you don’t know anybody that sails a Sprint 15.
Saturday – Martin McNeill’s Bottleneck Blues
Martin McNeill and his band are local and regularly play at pubs/concerts etc in Essex. On Saturday night he will play for us as a trio supported by a JJ Zarbo on the double base and a drummer. When possible they are supported by West Weston singer/harmonic player extraordinaire. They can be appreciated every 3rd Sunday at the Railway, Southend.
Sunday – Darren Jones – Acoustic Guitarist
Darren Jones…’The Kid From Canvey’ due to play live at Thorpe Bay Yacht Club. “An upcoming artist with a talent which will charm you to just want more from him. His amazing acoustic sound, quick ‘Clint Eastwood’ like hands, and beautiful lyrics set him aside from the rest. He plays original songs of his own, and loves to cover classic songs from all eras in his own style.”
Jul 06 2014
The Sprints have been putting together their main list of helpers. However we will require as many volunteers as we can for help on the Beach and in the Car Park and hope that we can enlist that from all the members. Please could you let us know if you can help by emailing us on [email protected] or by adding your name to the list at the bar and letting us know when you would be available.
Help on the Beach will involve (this should all be dry, unless it rains)- helping sailors across the beach, collecting and retrieving trolleys all under the supervision of the Beach Master for the day. If you feel that you can’t handle a trolley alone, we will get you to pair up with somebody on the day to work as pairs. Launching and Retrieving will be Saturday (09:30-11:30, 15:00-16:30), Sunday (10:00-11:30, 15:30-17:00) and Monday (11:00-12:15, 14:30-16:00)
Help in the Car Park will involve giving an initial welcome note to people as they come in, unhooking their trailers, boats and moving them into the boat park, ensure they then park and camp in the allocated areas all under the supervision of the Parking Marshall for the day. This will take place Friday (16:00-23:00) and Saturday (06:00-12:00).
We look forward to hearing from you and thank you in advance of volunteering.
Paul Morgan and Steve Healy (Sprint 15 Joint Captains)
Jul 06 2014
Due to staff shortages and a very busy Sprint nationals I can’t open the kitchen this Tuesday, I do apologise for this but I am trying to do this for the best interest in promoting the club for big events any problems please call me
Jul 04 2014
Dont forget to sign up for this record breaking day ! we need to get our club up the rankings. Lasers are leading the way globally as usual with over twice the number of the nearest other dinghy.
Jul 01 2014
Thanks to Hattie