Archive for August, 2014

Aug 25 2014

August Bank Holiday Saturday races

Published by under Racing,Videos and Photos


Some footage of races on Saturday from the committee boat. Thanks to Rupert, Linda and Debbie

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Aug 22 2014

Bank Holiday Racing

Racing this weekend at TBYC:

Sat 23rd

10:00 Bank Holiday Mini series 1&2/Summer Sat points, Usual 3 starts, all classes 2 races.

Pico B/H Mini series 10:20

Sun 24th

11:00 Benfleet Shield, Committee Boat mass start Trophy race.  Course on the Blackboard.

Pico B/H Mini series 11:20

Mon 25th

12:00 Bank Holiday Mini series3&4, Usual 3 starts, all classes 2 races. (Sandhopper long distance is cancelled)

Pico B/H Mini series 12:20

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Aug 18 2014

3 men and a sinking boat

Published by under Club Notices

On a beautiful early evening last Friday, it was noticed that SS2 was rather ‘squat’ in the water. Comparing her with SS3, which is hidden behind the Bosun’s Hut, it was clear she was sinking. Without hesitation and despite being in fine Friday night attire, Jeremy Sandford and Toby Speller grabbed some oars and headed off. Peter Thompson saw what was going on and joined them – rowing out to bail the boat out and find that a disused cooling pipe was drawing water in. We must thank the guys for their swift actions as SS2 would have been swamped by the next morning’s tide.

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Aug 18 2014

FOR SALE – SANDHOPPER 157 – Reduced to £7500

Published by under For Sale,Sandhoppers

Boat is in as new condition.  Gelshielded below waterline from new.  Three suits of sails.  Two Spinnakers.  One storm jib.  Echo sounder.  Hi Tec Milanese foil rudder plus Parker rudder.  Both rudders have removable tillers and rudder bags.  Detachable outboard bracket.  Anchor and warp.  Cockpit cover.  New running rigging 2014.  Max weight correctors.  Galvanised Mersea road trailer with lightboard just serviced very good condition.  Galvanised launching trailer in good condition.  Various spares, anti-fouling etc.

I am moving from the area hence the sale.


Already reduced to £7500 but sensible offers considered


Roger Lambourn 07885 909984 or 01268742643

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Aug 12 2014

Laser Open Meeting

Published by under Monohulls

Tollesbury Sailing Club are holding a Laser Open Meeting on 14th September from 3pm to 6pm. 3 races back to back, at the moment we hope to have about 7 Lasers going from TBYC, but hope to get more. It will be sailed in the tidal lagoon off the Blackwater and will be an informal event. Let me know if anyone is interested as we need to sort road trailers etc.

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Aug 12 2014

For Sale – Pico 10664 – £1150 ono

Published by under For Sale


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Aug 11 2014

A little bit more from the TBYC windsurf crew

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Aug 11 2014


Published by under Videos and Photos

Hurricane Bertha has brought some weather, wasn’t so good for sailors on Sunday but TBYC windsurfers enjoyed it. A couple of videos from yesterday and today.

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Aug 08 2014

Cadets on Tour

Published by under Cadets

The Thorpe Bay Cadet teams are in Weymouth for the start of the 2014 Nationals  followed by the World Championships.

8541 Alex Warrington and Anna Wootton

9029 Ben Warrington and Katy Lloyd

Follow their results at

and for the Worlds.



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Aug 08 2014

TBYC at Hurricane Nationals

Published by under Catamarans

Good luck to the Thorpe Bay teams entered in this years Nationals at Harwich Town Sailing Club.

Around 35 boats entered and some top sailors could make for a great nationals.

follow the action at

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