We have an opportunity to bring SS4 alongside the slipway this Saturday 25th April and carry out familiarisation and Race Officer training
If you are a Race Officer or ARO this year then please come along and familiarise yourself with the Committee Boat!
Sessions will cover moving the Committee Boat and setting up for the race along with any other Race Officer info and I plan to do sessions at 9:30 and 13:30
BUT I need to know if you are coming to arrange numbers etc so please let me know if you want to attend and which session (9:30 or 13:30) asap on below
Mark Robinson
[email protected]
07957 801 099
We are running the next RYA Powerboat Level 2 Course on Thursday evening 14 May, followed by on the water sessions on Saturday 16 and Sunday 17 May. The cost is £50 per person.
If you would like to attend this course, please email Ken Clarke on “[email protected]” including your previous powerboating experience. We have up to seven places available.
Successful participants will be added to the Club’s list of competent helms to drive our safety boats and do your bit for Club racing.
Please book your table on 07947 741946 or email [email protected]
Sunday19th April 2015
French onion soup with blue cheese croutons
Ardennes pate with toast and red onion marmalade
Main courses
Roast lamb, suet crust, homemade mint jelly and Rioja gravy
Roast chicken breast, smoked streaky bacon, homemade sage & onion stuffing, cranberry sauce and Chardonnay gravy
Served with sea salted roast potatoes and a selection of spring vegetables
Fried cod fillets, new potatoes, lemon butter and roast cherry tomatoes
Spinach & Ricotta gnocchi, tomato and basil sauce £11.50
Banoffee ripple ice cream
Chocolate & Brioche bread and butter pudding
£12.50 per person for 3 courses or £10 per person for 2 courses
Children’s (under 12) portions and alternative menu available
Well done to Alex Warrington who attended the Youth Nationals and came a very good 20th out of a very strong fleet of 65 last week. Also Chris Tillyer went to the Laser Masters Nationals and came a very good 13th out of a fleet of 35 in the Radial class with winds 35 – 40 mph over last weekend.
Well done guys from all the Laser fleet

This evening’s menu will be a choice of Fish Pie or Chilli and will be available from the carvery area from 7.00pm. No need to book, just turn up and enjoy!
If anyone has the Club Bolt Croppers, please could you return them as soon as possible. We have some important jobs that need them. They are blue in colour with red tubular handles.
However, the rusty blue set from the Bosuns hut are also ‘missing in action’ and as we was also thinking of refurbishing them, it would also be nice to get them back.

The final pieces of the history archive for the metal found on the beach have come from Brian Sandford.
It demonstrates how sand can cover the beach one month and be cleared another to show parts of a 28 year old boat. What other artefacts does it hold ?