Archive for 2015

Sep 17 2015

TBYC Junior Bart’s Bash

Published by under Cadets,Monohulls,Racing

As part of the ‘New Cadet Racing’ events this year, we have decided to have a shorter ‘TBYC Junior Bart’s Bash’ to allow our younger sailors a chance to race on Sunday.

This event is open to all Cadets.
We welcome those who have been racing in the Pico Series and of course, all Cadets that may feel more confident with picothe extra support, and not forgetting our more experienced sailors.
The course with be shorter than the adults’ course, sailing for approximately 50 minutes.
Prizes according to numbers.

There will be a briefing at 1400, when the course will be explained. Instructions are below, but don’t worryRS Feva all will be made clear before the race.
Starts at 1500 (Mass Start).
There will be a briefing at 14.00 (1 hour before start) with Nick Elmore and Nick Alston.
The race will use the Cadet buoy as the windward mark with the rest of the course being decided on the day.
The start will be at the committee boat. It will be a Mass Start with the rest of the fleets.
The number of laps will be on the blackboard at the top of the slipway and / or check with Support Rib on the water. Your race can be shortened by the Support Rib.
On the starting signal, you will cross the line and beat to the CADET BUOY, which is a special buoy marked with a C. This will be your windward mark.
Check whether a Red or Green flag is displayed on the Committee boat; Red means leave marks to port, Green means leave marks to sterratarboard.
As you cross the finish line the committee boat will record your time. They will not give you a signal. The Support Rib will blow a whistle unless is needed elsewhere.
Let have a massive turn out on Sunday as this is the last race in this year’s New Cadet Racing programme.

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Sep 16 2015

Clipper Race Talk and Photos

Thanks to Neil Hurrell for this evenings talk about Crewing on the Round World Clipper Race. Good Luck to him completing his legs March onwards and hopefully he can come back and tell us more afterwards.

For those interested there are photos taken by Margaret Kennedy of the boats at Southend and St Katherines Dock, some of which are inside one of the Clippers. These are available on a Club Flickr Gallery at

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Sep 15 2015

BART’S BASH ( and the TBYC Veteran’s Trophy) – 20 September 2015

Published by under Racing

The TBYC Bart’s Bash is at 1500 this Sunday, 20 September 2015.

Please join in and support this event.


This is a mass start mixed fleet average lap race. The Supplementary Sailing Instructions are attached.                                  Bart’s Bash 2015 – TBYC Supp SIs

TBYC is a registered Bart’s Bash event venue. Whilst not essential,  competitors are encouraged to register their boat on the Bart’s Bash web site prior to the day.

Elapsed time and distance, together with sailing conditions, will be uploaded to the Bart’s Bash results site.

The TBYC results will also be included in the club results set and the TBYC Veteran’s Trophy will be awarded to the first ‘veteran’ helm. A veteran is 55 years or over on the day of the event. The race is also one of the TBYC Sprint 5S series races.


There are no entry fees for this event but entrants are requested to donate to the Andrew Simpson Sailing Foundation through the Bart’s Bash web site or at the charity boxes at the club on the day of the event. A minimum of £5 is suggested.



Bart’s Bash is officially a monster

The Largest Sailing Race in the World, verified by Guinness World Records.

The first bash in 2014 saw over 30,000 sailors take to the water at over 550 locations around the world. Forty eight boats took part at TBYC

Bart’s Bash is now an annual fundraising and participation campaign promoted by the Andrew Simpson Sailing Foundation (ASSF) and this year, the organisers want to see participation grow like crazy and see Bart’s Bash become the biggest sporting event in the world.



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Sep 15 2015

Laser Open Meeting

Published by under Monohulls

Three Lasers travelled to Harlow Blackwater Sailing Club on 12th September, when we arrived the breeze was light with a few gusts, but by the time we had rigged and launched it was blowing 25mph, we had a long run to the start line which was hairy to say the least and i was upside down within 2 minutes !! The course was set straight up and down the river towards Osea Island which meant it was a windward leaward course, and the run which was about 2 miles long was an out of control sleigh ride from start to finish with boats doing death rolls everywhere and people swimming to catch up with their boats !

Michael Airey gave up after having his boat blown away from under him, Chris Tillyer was in the mix up the front as usual, and i had more capsizes in these 3 races than the whole of the year. This is a lovely club to sail at and they had 21 entries from 5 clubs.


Chris Tillyer ended up 2nd overall, well done.

Rick Paxman was 5th overall


One for next years calendar

Rick Paxman

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Sep 14 2015

Sandhopper nationals day 2 pictures

Thanks to martin swindon for the photos

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Sep 14 2015

Sandhopper Nationals 2015 – Results and Photos

Published by under Sandhoppers

Well done to Allen and Paul for winning the Sandhopper Nationals again.

Photos are by Linda Snow and are now available on Flickr at

Link to Flickr Sandhopper Nationals 2015 Album

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Sep 11 2015

Sandhopper Nationals 2015 – 12th & 13th September

The 2015 Sandhopper Nationals will be held at Thorpe Bay Yacht Club on Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th September. SI’s, NOR and entry form are attached.

Registration opens at 08:30 and the Race Officers briefing is at 09:15.

Don’t forget, to compete in the National Championship the helm must be at least an associate member of the SCBA. If you have not joined this year, please contact Janet Willsmer 07969 598309.

SH Nats 2015 Entry Form

Sandhopper Nationals 2015 NOR V2

Sandhopper Nationals 2015 SIs V1

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Sep 11 2015

Sunday lunch 13th September

Published by under Catering

Please note the price of Sunday lunch, for either 2 or 3 courses, remains the same for anyone who books a table before Saturday.

There is a small increase of £1 for Sunday lunch which is booked at the weekend. This is essentially an incentive to book and helps us to keep costs down.



Creamed sweetcorn and bacon on toast

Sweet Sicilian tomato soup with fresh thyme, double cream, croutons

Ardennes pate with toast and red onion marmalade

Main courses

Roast breast of turkey, and hand carved ham, sage and onion stuffing, cranberry sauce and Chardonnay gravy

Slow cooked lamb, ale and dumpling ‘cobbler’

both served with sea salt roast potatoes, summer vegetables

Sauteed piri piri king prawns, Paella rice, coriander pesto

Pearl barley and vegetable casserole served in a bread cobette


Plum crumble with cream
Morello cherry tart and ice cream
Fresh fruit salad

Cheese and crackers

£12.50 per person for 3 courses when pre booked before Saturday. £13.50 thereafter £10 per person for 2 courses pre booked, £11 thereafter
Children’s (under 12) portions and alternative menu available

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Sep 08 2015

kitchen closed today Sept. 8th

Published by under Catering

Hello everyone

Just to let you know that the kitchen won’t be open today, Tuesday 8th September.

I do apologise again for any inconvenience. I know there have been a few occasions recently when the kitchen has not been open on a Tuesday, but for me this has been unavoidable because of the holiday season. Although my own son is now back at school I have meetings with his teachers today which are important to attend.

We are trying to recruit another kitchen team member, once we do we can resume our full Tues-Sun timetable.

Normal service will resume tomorrow, Wednesday.

Best regards to all and thank you for your support.


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Sep 05 2015

Autumn Sunday 1, 16:30 start. Veterans Trophy Re scheduled.

As published the Sunday Autumn series starts this weekend at 16:30.  The Veterans Trophy is also scheduled for Sunday but will not be sailed this weekend.

This year the Veterans Trophy will be awarded for the highest placed veteran in the Barts Bash on Sunday 20th September, 15:00 Start – more details to follow.

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