TBYC are proud to present:-
“Wildwood Jack”
Playing live Saturday 6th February
We are delighted to welcome back Wildwood Jack – Adam Piggott & Jayne Freeman
Melodic songs with guitar and ukulele fingerstyle sophistication drawing influences from folk, country and world music.
The Club is paying for the musicians so there is no-charge for the music. Come along with friends & enjoy an evening of live music!
Food available beforehand 6.00-7.45pm
Chilli-con-carne or Chicken Korma or Vegetarian Lasagna £5.00
Friday evening from 7pm. Come along, meet Dave and try some of his excellent cooking. Among other choices Dave will be preparing Beef Stroganoff – for £5.
The club will be ordering new chain for race marks / safety boats etc shortly so if you need a new mooring chain for your Cruiser or Sandhopper and would like to take advantage of any bulk discount and delivery to TBYC please let us know Midday Friday 29th Jan
Cruisers – please contact Rear Commodore Crusing John Williams
Sandhoppers – please contact Sandhopper Class Captain Mark Robinson
Price for Sandhopper 10mm chain is £3.43 per metre incl VAT
We are delighted to announce that Dave Dowson will commence service from lunchtime on Tuesday 26th January. Weekday lunchtime service will be available everyday Tuesday – Friday. Regular weekend service will commence from Saturday 30th.
Dave has a long career in catering and brings some new ideas to the kitchen.
We would like to give Dave a warm welcome to the club and as an opportunity for everyone to meet him we will be hosting an informal ‘Meet & Greet’ evening on Friday 29th January from 7pm. Come along, meet Dave and try some of his excellent cooking – among other choices Dave will be preparing Beef Stroganoff – for £5.
Sundays are changing. Starting from 31st January the day will start with DD’s Sunday Breakfast Club (details below). This will be followed at lunchtime by a full carvery with options for those coming off the water.
Sail number 2002, ‘Out of Africa’ edition.
In superb condition and ready to race.
Nearly new Hyde mainsail and jib.
All rigging for jib and trapeze.
Trampoline in excellent condition.
Price includes: Long and short tiller extensions and spare tiller bar. Spare battens. Full length cover is old but ok. Road trailer with large storage box. Beach trolley with big wheels. Full width number plate gantry.
Price: £3250
The following has been added to the Crew Wanted page on the Sidebar
Mike Threadgold
Crew Wanted
Class: Sandhopper
When: 2016 Summer Season
Contact Details: 864617 [email protected]

You will be receiving your printed copy of Newsbuoy Winter 2015 with your yearly invoice for membership, which are currently being dispatched.
It is nice to flick through it but it is also available here online.
All previous Newsbuoys are available from the Link at the top of this page.
The 2016 Sail Training dates have now been published on the “Sail Training” page available from the Sidebar or http://www.tbyc.org/sail-training/ . Full details of the requirements and dates are listed. Stage 1 starts in May and Stage 2 in April but please get you applications in early.
Unfortunately Southend Marine Activity Centre has closed therefore for the foreseeable future it is assumed that our and other Yacht Clubs will be the main locations to complete courses. So it is a good opportunity for us to remind you we do hold other courses that may also be of interest, many tutored by volunteers to keep the cost down.
We usually hold two RYA Power Boat Level 2 courses a year. These courses are always oversubscribed so just requesting a place does not guarantee entry. Priority is usually then given to those members that will be actively operating the club RIBS. If you are interested please email Ken at [email protected] .
First Aid courses are also organised at the club with an external organisation and these are advertised when they happen (although there is one happening on the 20th February). For more information email [email protected] .