Archive for 2016

May 25 2016

Cadet/Families Night, Bank Holiday Weekend & Thorpe Bay Regatta

Published by under Bar,Cadets,Catering,Social

The bank holiday weekend is nearly upon us with all the excitement of the annual Thorpe Bay Regatta.  Let’s keep everything crossed that the weather is kind to us!


We kick the weekend off as usual with our popular weekly Cadet & Families Night on Friday.  A couple of brilliant activities are planned (aside from the usual games) and we would encourage all cadets and adults to join in:-


  1.  Throw Line Training – Throw lines are an essential piece of safety kit which enables the rapid deployment of a floating line to either a swimmer in the water or another boat that requires a tow.  David Elkington has kindly offered to oversee this training – he is an experienced sailor/safety boat helm and also a qualified Paramedicso has lots of experience in the correct use of these.


  1.  How to correctly fold and put away an Oppie rig – not as easy as it looks, but helps to prolong the life of the equipment that we all enjoy using!


Kitchen opening times for the weekend are as follows:-


Friday: usual lunch times plus 5.30pm-8.00pm

Saturday: 10am – 8pm

Sunday: 10am – 8pm

Monday: 10am – 3pm


Menu for The Weekend:-


Breakfast (Sat, Sun & Mon):
The usual selection, available 10am-12 noon


Lunch (Sat, Sun & Mon):

The usual snack menu plus ‘specials’ will be available.


Evening Menu (Fri, Sat & Sun – NB: not Monday):

Chicken Curry & Rice £6 (£3)
6oz Steakburger + Cheese & Onions £5
Jumbo Hot-Dog & Onions Baguette £4
Scampi + Chips £6 (£3)
Home Made Cock-A-Leekie Soup + Bread £2.95
French Fries £1.50
Cheesy Chips £2.25


DESSERT MENU ALSO AVAILABLE; NO OTHER MAIN MENU ITEMS AVAILABLE IN THE EVENING; NB : If you suffer from any Food Allergies please ask the kitchen staff who will gladly inform you of the contents of all dishes on the menus.

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May 22 2016

Pico race training 28-29-30 May

Published by under Cadets,Monohulls

Dear Cadets and Parents,

Please, see the Pico Spring Series Results in the Clubhouse notice board.
Congratulations, we have great results.

We plan the prize giving on cadet night Friday 17 June 2016.

With Nick Alston we plan to run a 3 day Pico race training over the bank holiday weekend for cadets.
This is going to be fun, relaxed atmosphere, no pressure.
We will support cadets with different level of experience and competitiveness.

Parents and adult Pico sailors are welcome.
Cadets with different boats, BIC, bug, RS Tera, Optimist, Topper, Laser 4.7 and other boats sailed by cadets are welcome.
Meeting in the dinghy park, changed and rigged.

Meeting times as follows (same time as the club race starts):

28th of May, Saturday 15:00
29th of May, Sunday 16:00
30th of May, Bank Holiday Monday 17:00

It is going to be a similar experience to the recent Pico races.

1. briefing on the beach, short demonstration of skills
2. warm up with reaching back and forth around two pencil marks, tacking
(figure of eight course, similar to the first few Pico races this season)
3. starting practice
4. mini practice races
5. debrief

The 3 day program is going to build up skills. We would like you all to come to all 3 days, but we understand that this is not possible for everyone. Cadets are welcome to join in any day.

Expressing interest, signing up would be helpful to us, but this is not mandatory.

See you on the water.

Kind regards:


Andras Gal
Pico Class Captain

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May 20 2016

Yantlet Trophy Race – Sunday 22nd May

Published by under Racing

Yantlet Trophy Race – Sunday 22nd May 2016



These are supplementary to the TBYC 2016 Sailing Instructions.

Eligibility – The Yantlet Trophy Race will be open to any boat owned by a member of Thorpe Bay Yacht Club and with a PY of less than 1200. Boats with a PY of 1200 or over will race to the Leigh Buoy and back.

Safety – All competitors are reminded of the Regulations for the Prevention of Collision at Sea and in particular that ships in the channels will have restricted ability to manoeuvre or are constrained by draught and therefore have priority over sailing vessels. Keep a look out for ships in the shipping lanes and pass well astern. Plan and alter your course accordingly.

Safety disclaimer – by signing the declaration sheet for the Yantlet Race owners are accepting responsibility for their actions during the race and indemnifying the club accordingly.

The Start – there will be 2 starts from the committee boat.

Time Class Flag
11:30 PY < 1200 R
11:33 PY >= 1200 K


The Provisional Course(s):

PN < 1200.

An upwind leg, Pier Head to Starboard, Leigh buoy to Port, the Yantlet Tower (south side of the Estuary) to Port, Leigh Buoy to Starboard, Pier Head to Port, then finish at the Shore Box line.

PN >= 1200

An upwind leg, Pier Head to Starboard, Leigh buoy to port, Pier Head to Port, and finish at the Shore Box Line.

The actual course(s) will be displayed on the blackboard to the west of the Bosun’s hut one hour prior to the start(s) and may include additional marks and/or a shorter course depending on weather conditions and wind direction/speed.

TBYC Race Committee. 20/05/2016

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May 19 2016

Oppie Beach Club – this Saturday 21st May

Published by under Cadets

Just a reminder for anyone interested that the Oppie Beach Club is on again this Saturday.  Meet around 10.30am.


Hope to see you there!

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May 19 2016

Cadet & Families Night – this Friday, 20th May

Published by under Bar,Cadets,Catering,Social

From Jeremy Sandford:

Games will be available as usual for the cadets in the Commodore Bar and outside (weather permitting).

Friday night menu this week:

Homemade Jalapeño & Beef Chilli With Rice £6
Tandoori Chicken Escalope +Rice £6
6oz Steakburger with cheese & onions £6
Scampi + Fries+Salad (£6 or £3 )
Jumbo Hot-Dog & Onions £3.50p
Chicken Nuggetts+Fries+ Salad(£6 or £3)
Four Cheese plough mans supper £6
Home made soup+bread £2.95p
Bacon Baguette… £3.50p.(£2) Sausage Baguette £3.50p(£2)..
Tuna Mayo or Ham or Cheese Baguette £3.50p (£2)
Chips£1.50p…Cheesy Chips £2.25p

Dessert menu also available; Service from 5.30pm to 8.00pm

No other menu items will be available on Friday evening.


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May 17 2016

Finn world masters Allen Burrell lying 8th out of 355

Published by under Monohulls,Racing,World's

Click on the link to see how fantastic Allen Burrell is doing in Italy.

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May 16 2016



WEDNESDAY 18th MAY at 8pm

Alan Willis is running his popular training session on how to be a Race Officer next Wednesday 18th May at TBYC club main bar.

The night will focus on Setting the Start Line and Setting the Course but will also cover everything you need to know on how to run a race and have lots of tips on stress free race management plus an opportunity to ask questions!

If you are RO or ARO this year – especially at the beginning of the season – now’s the time for experienced hands to brush up their knowledge and for new ROs to learn the ropes.

Even if you are not RO / ARO this year come along and learn how the starts work – it may help you get off the line better! And at least you will know what the flags actually mean….

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May 16 2016


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May 16 2016

For Sale – Sprint 15 Sail No.1821 – Reduced £1300 Must go ASAP

Published by under Catamarans,For Sale


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May 14 2016

Cadet Racing starting Saturday 21st May

Published by under Cadets,Monohulls,Racing

Next Saturday 21st May is the beginning of the Summer Saturday Series. 

This is calling all Cadets to join in with the adult racing using a special Cadet Buoy.  



picoterraRS FevaLaser

The races will be approximately 50 minutes long and use a shorter course. Perfect for 11 to 15 year olds! Any class of dinghy, helm and crew or single handed.


Cadets: All you need to do is turn up at least one hour before the race and (optional) find me. I will help you understand the course, brief you on the number of laps and even get you on the water!

Remember there are club Picos and a RS Feva available on a first come first served basis.


So, let’s have a big turn out for our first BIG RACE on Saturday 21st May. This week’s race starts at 11.03 for Cadets.


Your guide, but I will explain it all on Saturday.

Cadet courseCadet course

  • There will be an optional briefing 1 hour before start.
  • The race will be a windward leeward course starting at the committee boat. It will be the second start with the Fast and Slow Monohulls at ‘Start time’ plus 3 minutes.
  • First check the number of laps on the blackboard at the top of the slipway.
  • Once on the water, go to the Committee boat and look for the last number on the BACK of the boat, which indicates D on the diagram.
  • On the starting signal, you will cross the line and beat to the CADET BUOY, which is a special orange buoy marked with CADET. This will be your windward mark.
  • Check whether a Red or Green flag is displayed on the Committee boat; Red means leave marks to port, Green means leave marks to starboard.
  • Run or reach down to the course. You must NOT go through the line on the downwind leg (as in the sailing instructions).
  • Beat up through the line to the Cadet buoy and continue until the displayed number of laps are completed.
  • As you cross the line the committee boat will record your time. They will not give you a signal. Your race is then finished.
  • Remember to ‘sign on’ and ‘sign off’ using the CADET sheet in the Bosun’s hut.


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