Archive for 2016

Aug 27 2016

Cadet Class National Championship at WPNSA

Published by under Cadets,Nationals,Racing

Video – UK Cadet 2016 Class National Championship 2016

Here’s a glimpse at what it’s like to take part in the Cadet Class National Championship at Weymouth & Portland National Sailing Academy (WPNSA) which took place last week.

Ben Warrington GBR 8541 & Katy Lloyd GBR 9029 were part of the 50+ fleet last week. If you think your children would enjoy participating at this level with entrants from Belgium & the Netherlands contact Howard Warrington or myself and we would be delighted to tell you more about life in the Cadet Class – for children & adults.

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Aug 26 2016

Musto Skiff Open Meeting

Published by under Club Notices

Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th September.  7 races in total.

Tickets are available for an informal meal on Saturday evening.

More information in Notice of Race attached.

Musto TBYC 2016-1

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Aug 26 2016

Pico race, Bank Holiday Monday, 29th of August

Published by under Cadets,Monohulls

Dear Cadets and Parents,

Next Pico race is on Bank Holiday Monday, 29th of August, 2016
Any boat with cadets or adults is welcome.

Start at 09:50 on the water

Proposed meeting in the dinghy park: 8:30 – 9:00
please, change and rig your boats

Briefing on the beach at 9:40
Launching, follow the leader to explore the course
Triangular course will be set little west off Piranha beach
offshore startline between pencil marks with red and green flags
Please, all stay in the racing area to enable prompt starting
wait on the right side close to the starboard pin of the start line (green flag)
2 laps, each race

Please, see our YouTube channel:

Triangular course
Start signals

See you on the water


Andras Gal
Pico class captain

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Aug 24 2016


Thanks all for a fantastic response to this appeal – we only really need RO for Sunday now

On Saturday 27th August 19:00 Summer Sat


On Sunday 28th August           09:00 Summer Sun – 2 Races


SS2 Crew        –       SWAP with Paul Chapman OR VOLUNTEER REQUIRED PLEASE


The below have all been covered now – thanks to all the volunteers!

On Friday 26th August           19:00 Midweek 8

Race Officer    –       Now covered – thanks to Kevin Iles
Assistant RO    –     Now covered – thanks to Janet Willsmer


On Sunday 28th August           09:00 Summer Sun – 2 Races
SS5 Helm        –       Now covered – thanks to Andras Gal
SS5 Crew        –       Now covered – thanks to Andras Gal
SS7 Helm        –       Now covered – thanks to John Casson
SS7 Crew        –       Now covered – thanks to Michael Lloyd
RIB Launch/Recovery     – Now covered – thanks to Steve Hopper

On Monday 29th August           09:30 Autumn Access Trophy

SS5 Crew        –     Now covered – thanks to Michael Lloyd
SS7 Crew        –     Now covered – thanks to Tony Padbury

If you are able to help out by doing any of these duties please volunteer through DutyMan or reply to this email ([email protected])

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Aug 22 2016

Sandhopper Nationals 2016 second two races

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Aug 22 2016

Sandhopper Nationals first two races

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Aug 22 2016

Sandhopper Nationals 2016 – Results, Photos and Videos

Well done to Allen and Paul for winning the Sandhopper Nationals again.

Videos are of 3 Starts and the winners crossing the finish line for the last time.

Photos are now available at Flickr Sandhopper Nationals

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Aug 19 2016

Change to Friday night catering

Published by under Catering

Unfortunately, due to staff shortage there will be no catering on Friday evenings until further notice.

We are working hard to put this right as soon as possible.


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Aug 12 2016

Missing Radios and keys

Published by under Club Notices

In preparing for this weekend’s races, we’ve been unable to locate the keys for SS7 and the handheld radios. It is vital that we recover this equipment soonest as it’s absence puts the weekend’s events into jeopardy. For example SS7 is blocking the other ribs and will prevent them being launched. If you have any of these items, please return them to the club asap.

With Thanks
Rear Commodore Racing.

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Aug 12 2016

Pico racing Sunday 14th of August, start at 9:20

Published by under Cadets,Monohulls

Dear Cadets and Parents,

Start at 09:20 on the water
Proposed meeting in the dinghy park: 8:30 – 9:00
please, change and rig your boats first
Briefing on the beach at 9:10
Triangular course little west off Piranha beach,
committee boat start (Polly and pencil marks)
2 laps, each race
Please, see our YouTube channel for tutorials:
starting signals, starting tutorial and triangular course

See you on the water:


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