Apr 28 2017
Archive for April, 2017
A gentle reminder to all – last one out, please lock the dinghy park gate.
Apr 25 2017
Cadet Night Friday 28th April, Cadet Week food menu trial
This Friday is the first Cadet night, we are starting the activities at 7pm, “Rigging and tuning boats”. There will be Oppie, Tera, Pico and Laser 4.7 rigging groups.
Cadet week forms were published last week and the Food available this Friday will be the same menu, Dave will be serving from 17:30 – 19:00, trialling cadet week menu. To promote and test the menu we will be offering a limited number of £10 family vouchers family to test the menu and complete the feedback form.
If you intend to come for food please comment on TBYC Facebook page posting to register interest and secure your voucher. Dave will use the Facebook comments indicating interest to gauge numbers for food on Friday. Lindsay will be posting on Facebook tonight.
Don’t forget, Oppie Beach Club on Saturday at 12:30, weekly forecast is looking hopeful at about 12mph wind and 12degree temperatures.
Come along and get involved.
Apr 23 2017
Pico race
Dear Cadets and Parents,
Next Pico race is next Sunday 30 April 2017.
Start on the water at 14:00
I would be grateful if you could keep me informed,
please, email me (coming / not coming).
Help will be given to those who ask for it.
Sailors new to racing are welcome.
No particular experience is needed, just the desire to join us.
I would like to see more teenagers on the water,
would like to encourage them to sail the Laser 4.7.
Please, talk to me, if interested.
Club Feva is available to sail for those, who would like to have the challenge.
Apr 19 2017
Pico race this Sunday, start at 10:00 on the water, 2017 cadet sailing program
Dear Cadets and Parents,
Please, email to secretary@tbyc.org if you would like to be included in the cadet mailing list.
Please, confirm your interest by email, like this:
“Please, keep me on the mailing list.
We are coming:
Dominic (11y)
Pico 5720
Is there anything I can do to help?”
Or: “We are not able to make it this Sunday, but keep us on the mailing list ”
I will update the mailing list accordingly.
I will post further invitations on the club website.
It is an option to join in any time (for club members).
Your reply will be helpful to me.
Everyone is welcome, including those, who just simply turn up on Sunday.
First Pico race is this Sunday, start on the water at 10:00 am.
Continue Reading »
Apr 18 2017
Dinghy Night – Talk Sailing and Drink Beer – This Thursday
We don’t often get a chance for all sailors to get together and have a chat about sailing with like minded people, so this Thursday evening will be that first opportunity.
Meet some of the people you often just sail past, watch and chat about sailing, chat to others how you could improve yourself, talk about the plans for the year or just help us have more evenings like this.
See you in the club Main Bar, Thursday evening.
Apr 16 2017
First Oppie Beach Club, 29th April
Due to a large number of cadets participating in Stage 2 sail training yesterday and the current water temperature there will be no Oppie Beach Club for new sailors or Cadets today.
Conditions permitting, we will start Oppie Beach club on Saturday 29th April.
The club boats are of course still available should you wish to sail today, just help yourself and remember to wash everything down and put it away after you. lub safety boats will be covering main racing, there will be no Cadet Rib patrolling the beach.
If there are ever any problems with club Optimists please let me know or if its Pico related, tell Nick Cotgrove.
Enjoy the beach and water today.
Safe Sailing
Apr 15 2017
Cadet Race Training and Races 2017
I have put together a full program of Training and Races for Cadets aged 11+ years, in any class of boat during this season. In addition to the Pico Racing there will be Cadet Race training (including mini races) using our new training Rib, preceded by Shore based sessions during Cadet nights on some Thursday / Fridays. I intend to go into some depth over the season, preparing our youngsters for Cadet trophy races, Interclub races and School’s Sailing. In addition, we will train a TBYC Team Racing squad (Year 9+) with our first match against Haileybury School in May. There will also be the opportunity to take the TBYC Stage 3 qualification in September. Nearer to the end of the season, we will enter the Matt Trophy and the Interclub Cadet Team Race at a neighbouring club, both of which, we have won in the past.
I have put all the dates and events together on one sheet to encourage our boys and girls to participate as fully as possible and ENJOY making progress with their sailing.
TBYC Cadet Race Training and Races 2017 version 4 I can E-Mail you a copy if you cannot open the file.
Whilst I will publish times and events, it would be helpful to know those who are interested. Please E-Mail me at nickalston@icloud.com
Apr 13 2017
TBYC 2017 Sailing Instructions
The TBYC 2017 Sailing Instructions are published below.
These SI’s are the similar to the 2016 SI’s, the main changes being:
- Boards (not flags) are to be used for the start sequence for race box starts
- The possibility of claiming average points for club series racing, when undertaking a club duty, is confirmed.