Archive for September, 2017

Sep 14 2017

Barts Bash 2017 Supplementary Sailing Instructions

Published by under Racing

The Supplementary sailing instructions for Bart Bash can be found here:

Bart’s Bash 2017 – TBYC Supp SIs Amended

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Sep 14 2017

Dinghy park gate

Published by under Club Notices

A reminder to club members, who use the dinghy park and the grass car park.  Please ensure that the dinghy park gate is locked at the end of the day.  Do it please, even if there are still one or two cars in the car park.  Those leaving after you can open and relock the gate.  Better that, than leaving the gate open all night.

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Sep 14 2017

Pico race this Sunday 9:30 start on the water

Published by under Cadets,Monohulls

Pico race and training 17/09/2017 Sunday with Andras and Nick

Dear Cadets and Parents,

This is going to be the last Pico race of the Season, do not miss it!

1. Change and rig
2. at 9:00 briefing at the Sail Training Room
3. start on the water at 9:30

Follow the leader (small RIB) with Nick leading the fleet to the course.

1. drill No 1: starting:
Position your boat in an imaginary square right of the start line.
Polly motorboat with Andras on board as committee boat.
Sail slowly with sails flapping close hauled, and cross the start line, starboard tack. Bear away, round the pin, return to the imaginary square, get ready.
Repeat, sail slowly with sails flapping close hauled, approaching the start line, control your speed.
Repeat 7 times

2. drill No 2:
Same activity as No 1, but timed.
Use your sailing watch, if you have one, or ask for one for Christmas, will be worth it.1 minute count down.
One minute count down from Polly.
Series of short sound signals (whistle) as warning
1 long signal: 1 minute count down starts
1 short signal each 10 seconds:
at 50 seconds left,
at 40 seconds left
at 30 seconds left
at 20 seconds left
at 10 second left
1 long signal at the start, board goes down
This cycle is going to be repeated many times.
Boats should proceed to start if ready, or wait for the next sequence

3. Pico race on the trapezoid course
3 minutes count down with boards, last minute signals as in drill 2.
Three windward marks will be laid to encourage sailors to tack more often
and to stay in the middle of the course.
This will compress the fleet and results in more boat to boat tactics.
Round each upwind mark from port.
1 lap race.

Once finished, leaders should proceed with drill No 1 until others finished.

4. as 3., second Pico race

Sailors are encouraged to come to Polly to have chat when available.

See you on the water:

Slow approach to the start line:
exactly the same technique, as coming to the coach boat.

our course will be similar to the basic trapezoid course here:

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Sep 13 2017

Thanks to all for their help Sunday!

I’d just like to thank all the people that helped on Sunday launching extra support boats and recovering the RIBs following the eventful end of the Sandhopper Nationals! It’s at times like this that the spirit of the club and it’s members really do shine through.

As you probably know all ended well with no injuries and Zeus was recovered quickly that night with minimal damage ( I think). And it even got a mention in the Echo!

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Sep 12 2017

Bart’s Bash 2017

Published by under Racing

it’s that time of year again where we get to race against the rest of the world and see how good we / our venue / our race laying is.

Graham Dare will be setting a lovely course for us all, it will be a mass start this Sunday at 9:30.

Can I urge you to sign up and donate as a competitor here

as it is a great charity and it’s good fun to see how you do on the overall results.

see you on the water at the weekend. Chris

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Sep 11 2017

RIBs on the beach!

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Sep 11 2017

Ashore in style 2

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Sep 11 2017

Ashore in style

Now that’s a RIB! And no, we weren’t being rescued, just accepted a lift ashore while the TBYC RIBs were busy!

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Sep 11 2017

Sandhopper Nationals 2017 – Zeus visits Neptune…

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Sep 11 2017

Sandhopper Nationals 2017 race 8 finish

The Dogs 5 lead the pack home


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