Dear Cadets and Parents,
Sailors Meeting tonight 4th of May, 2018, Friday, 7 pm, Sail Training Room
• Start
• Boat control
• Strong wind sailing
• First leg: the beat
– basics, speed, tacking, tactics
• Briefing for Sunday

Cadet Sailing
Training and Race
Sunday, 6th of May, 2018
(“Pico Race”)
Start on the water at 15:00 (3:00 pm)
Please, allow time for changing and rigging.
Any boat welcome (RS Tera, Optimist, Laser 4.7, Pico, Topper…)
I recommend single handed sailing.
Parents – please, encourage and support your sailors !
All keen sailors are welcome, no particular experience needed.
Minimum requirement: willingness to go afloat.
Parent helpers needed and welcome: ask for tasks!
Focus: beating, close hauled speed, tacks. 3 pencil marks
Warm up: sail around start line. Drill 1: beat to windward mark, two tacks
Drill 2: beat to windward mark, tack to the whistle
Race: start, windward mark, run back to start line, 1 lap.
Please, see our YouTube channel: TBYCPicofleet – Andras