Supplementary Sailing Instructions and Start times/numbers for the RNLI Pursuit Race – Saturday 28 July 2018 are attached.
First start – Cadet Class – 11.30
Two hour race finishes at 13.30
Howard Warrington has volunteered to be Race Officer.
Entry fee for the race is a £3 per boat voluntary contribution. – All proceeds will be donated to the RNLI. Please place the entry fee in the container located on the main bar on the race day
RNLI Pursuit Race 2018 Supplementary SI’s
2018 Pursuit Start times-numbers
First Start – Cadet dinghy @ 11.30.
2 hour race time – Finishing at 13.30
2018 Pursuit Start times-numbers
We need volunteers to help with the following Club Racing duties this weekend please
Sat 28 Jul 2018 11:30 RNLI Pursuit Race – Race Officer – COVERED THANKS HOWARD
Sat 28 Jul 2018 11:30 RNLI Pursuit Race – RIB Launch (using TBYC launch car) – volunteer please
Sat 28 Jul 2018 11:30 RNLI Pursuit Race – SS8 Helm – volunteer please
If you have a duty coming up and want a refresher on what to do please come along to any race and let the Duty Officer know if you would like to join a displacement or the committee boat to help / observe.
Don’t forget you can swap a duty with a VOLUNTEER PLEASE duty
If you can help please volunteer / swap in the usual way via Dutyman or email [email protected]
Many thanks
RNLI pursuit race this weekend. just to clarify, due to the nature of a pursuit race, results will not count in the summer series.
Remember this is a charity race, please remember to donate.

Hi All I have found a pair of very expensive looking sunglasses in the dinghy park Monday. They were left on the vice on the bench.
See photo’s attached
I will drop them off in the club behind the bar latter today wednesday 25th July
Kind Regards Steve
3 days to go and it’s looking hot hot hot for next week so plan ahead. Hydration and sunscreen, maybe a beach tent for some groups?
Club Picos are not available to use till Sat 28th. They are being used for sail training Saturday and booked out for Cadet Week. If you have arranged with me to use a club boat during Cadet week, please see me during registration on Sunday (16:30-17:30) to collect your sails.
I have put all the groupings and volunteer rotas on the Cadet notice board in the front of the club. Please take time to check your volunteer role, child’s cadet group and that their boat, sail number and crew are as expected. Please make any amendments on the paper notice board copies. If you with to swap a volunteer duty please write your SWAP on the lists by 16:30 Sunday and see me to tell me what you have agreed.
If you are helping on the stingray beach you will be expected to be dressed to be in the water. Piranha helpers may be in the water if they feel able to help cadets sail, or in a rescue boat starting, timing and recording the results of games and races.
The front Car Park will not be used for the duration of the Week, so please do not park in or block the entrance to the front car park.
Cadets are welcome to Sundays registration, but not required, parents simply need to turn up and pick up their cadets paper bag full of goodies.
Thanks everyone for their hard work, help and sponsorship, without it we could not plan such a fun packed week for our cadets. Take a moment to read this years sponsors, they deserve our thanks and support.
See you on the water soon
We need volunteers to help with the following Club Racing duties this weekend please
Sat 21 Jul 2018 17:00 Summer Sat / SHT – ARO – volunteer please – COVERED THANKS GARY BURROWS
Sun 22 Jul 2018 09:00 Summer Sun / Sprint SRC – SS3 Crew – volunteer please
Sun 22 Jul 2018 09:00 Summer Sun / Sprint SRC – SS8 Helm – volunteer please – COVERED THANKS RICHARD SANDS
Sun 22 Jul 2018 09:00 Summer Sun / Sprint SRC – SS8 Crew – volunteer please
If you have a duty coming up and want a refresher on what to do please come along to any race and let the Duty Officer know if you would like to join a displacement or the committee boat to help / observe.
Don’t forget you can swap a duty with a VOLUNTEER PLEASE duty
If you can help please volunteer / swap in the usual way via Dutyman or email [email protected]
Many thanks
Cadet Sailing
Training and Race
Saturday, 21st of July, 2018
Start on the water at 5 pm
Briefing on the beach just before
For all abilities, in any boats.
Training, rabbit run, racing
Parental help will be most appreciated to help on ‘Polly’ and with launching on the beach
Also, Sailor’s Meeting on Friday at 7 pm
Cadet Sailing
Training and Race
Sunday, 15th of July, 2018
Start on the water
at 12:00
Briefing on the beach just before
For all abilities, in any boats.
Training: acceleration, stopping, tack
trapezoid course, rabbit run, racing
Parental help will be most appreciated to help on ‘Polly’ and with launching on the beach