Archive for 2018

Mar 15 2018

Weekend Catering-Friday to Sunday-St Patrick’s Day

Published by under Catering

Friday night menu will include Cod or Haddock with chips and peas as well as a fiery chilli with rice or jacket potato…….

Saturday is St Patrick’s day and England need to up their game to restore some pride at Twickenham, so there is an Irish Stew as well as all the normal favourites.

Sunday Lunch will be Roast leg of lamb or pork, as well as Chicken breast wrapped in pancetta all with seasonal veg, roast potatoes and yorkies as well as poached Salmon fillet with new potatoes and veg.
I am making Tarte Tatin, Treacle Tart and individual apple tarts for dessert! I hope to see you all then!
Regards H

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Mar 15 2018

Thursday 22nd March 10am -New date for the Chimney Demolition

Published by under Club Notices

Kent Online have now confirmed that the new date for Kingsnorth Power Station Chimney at Hoo to be Demolished is next Thursday 22nd at 10am.

Full updated article can be read at—160915/

Howard will be in serving Breakfasts and Brunch, with some themed specials, for those watching it from the club bar.

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Mar 15 2018

Quiz night – Tuesday 20th March

Published by under Bar,Cruising,Social

We are doing it in aid of Cancer Research to remember all our Cruiser and Yacht Club Friends lost to this terrible disease.

It is £3 per person and the winning team will …. win a ….drink from the bar!! and of course the glory of becoming winners! There will be a raffle and the main prize is tickets to a show at the Cliffs Pavilion !!

Please arrive no later than 7.45 – 8 to sort yourselves a table / team (max in a team is 8) and get the drinks in as we start at ……8.30 PROMPT.

All club members and guests are welcome. The questions are all General Knowledge so nobody should struggle with an answer.

John and Monica

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Mar 14 2018

Work Party – Saturday 17th March

Published by under Club Notices

Club members are asked to help spring clean and tidy the club for the coming season.  Just a couple of hours of your time could make a difference.

There are a variety of jobs inside and outside the clubhouse and in the dinghy park.  No skills are needed, all ages are welcome.

Starting at 10am. Just turn up, in old working clothes.  Tools and materials will be provided and direction given, if needed.

See you there.

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Mar 08 2018

6 Nations Rugby viewing in the club

Published by under Bar

6 Nations Rugby will unfortunately not be on our Large Screen this Saturday due to a Private Party in the main bar starting at 3 pm.

Don’t forget the following Saturday will see the final 3 matches starting at 12:30. England will be playing Ireland at 2:45 pm. It will also be St Patrick’s day, which is always a reason for celebration!

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Mar 08 2018

Families Night – Friday 9th March

Published by under Bar,Cadets,Catering

Friday night is almost here again!
Andras Gal will be doing another of his talks for cadets in the ‘How To Sail’ series in the Commodore Bar around 7pm – this week he will be covering “Gybing” with the usual fun quiz at the end. New sailors of all ages are welcome to attend!
Howard will be offering another great menu to help you relax at the start of the weekend:-
Chicken Madras
Chicken Korma
Fish and Chips
Plus the usual cadet and standard menus will be available.
Hope to see you all there!

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Mar 05 2018

Race Officer Talk and Dinghy Night – Thursday 8th March

Published by under Bar,Race Officers,Racing

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Mar 02 2018

Weather Postpones Chimney Demolition at Kingsnorth Power Station

Published by under Bar,Club Notices

Originally scheduled for demolition on the 8th March at 10:00, Kent Online report: “due to the adverse weather conditions, particularity of the Hoo Peninsula, the demolition is off. It has been postponed because of the snow, but a new date for it to be razed to the ground, has not been fixed.”

Full article can be read at—160915/

We will keep you informed of the new date and time.

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Mar 01 2018

Dinghy Night Talks

Hi All,
The sailing committee has arranged a series of engaging and entertaining talks for you to get you in the mood for the coming season and remind you how some things work.

Get together at 8pm for a 8.30pm start, so some dates for your diary are

8th March – Rupert on Rules
5th April –John on Seasafe 4
3rd May – David on resins, laminating etc.
TBC – Alan Willis – Race Officering

Please come along and have a beer and a chat with your fellow sailors, in fact, even if you don’t sail regularly, come along, meet some people and maybe learn something interesting.

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Feb 26 2018

Sandhopper Quiz Saturday 3rd March 7pm

Published by under Club Notices

Tony and Janet will be setting the questions again on Saturday evening, starting at 7pm.

All club members are welcome.

Teams of up to 8 people.

£5 per person, including an antipasti buffet

Please book your table at the bar,

or email: [email protected],

or tel: 01702 587563

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