This Saturday the Sprint 15 Association join us for a 3 race open starting at 10:00.
We will be running 2 Safety Ribs but with 3 Crews, so nobody has to stay on the water too long.
For this we have already have 3 helms but would like a couple of more people to volunteer to come and join them as crew on the boats.
If you are available, please volunteer. It would be appreciated. Let me know on 07741 201052. Thanks.
This Sunday the 3rd of February there will be a carvery of Roasted Pork Loin, Beef, leg of Lamb or Chicken Breast, all served with a large selection of veg.
Sticky toffee pudding, and homemade treacle tart as well as apple crumble with custard for dessert.
I hope to see you then!
Please book to secure a table if you can.
Many Thanks
Kind Regards
With the start of the 2019 season only 2 months away and the sailing programme now published I’ll be putting names against duties during February to complete the calendar in DutyMan.
For those that did not take the opportunity to pick your duties at the Club & Sailing AGMs you now have an opportunity over the next 2 weeks to pick duties online.
You should receive an email from [email protected] today with a link and instructions on how to do this.
Prefer not to do it online? – then simply email me at [email protected] with dates you can’t do and I’ll allocate duties for you.
If you have not received your email (check your spam folder?) or have not done duties before and would like to get involved (no experience necessary) please contact me at [email protected]
After a short break, the Last Thursday in the Month Dinghy Nights are back, starting this Thursday.
These nights give like minded club members a chance to come together and have a chat about the important things. We have a plan of areas that through the year that will have guest presenters on some evenings.
Come along this week, partners are welcome and show your support, which may also give us a chance to get the Kitchen open in coming months.
UKBF presentation – TBYC 29/01 – due to the current level of uncertainty and Met Office severe weather warning that has been put in place regarding potential travel disruption in Kent, London & Essex areas for this evening the UK Border Force presentation has now been rescheduled for Tuesday 12th March at 20:00hrs at TBYC.
UK Border Force Officers will be giving a presentation about their work in the main bar, this Tuesday evening (29th Jan) at 8pm.
All members and their guests are welcome.
Come along and find out about the fascinating work they do!
Hi all booking now available for Valentines Night dinner special menu together singer musician – live music. Book early to avoid disappointment booking forms along with menu choice forms available behind the bar

Hi all sorry for delay please see our first of many club social events. its back to the 80’s with TBYC 80’s night with special menu as a homage to the Berni Inn’s and 80’s disco music. It truly will be a night to remember

Book early to avoid disappointment all details menu and booking forms behind the bar
There will be a Carvery of Roast Pork Loin, Beef,Leg of Lamb or Chicken Breast served with a large selection of veg, with Yorkies and Roast potatoes.
Sticky Toffee Pudding is one of the desserts on offer as well as a selection of Rossi icecream and Churros.
Please book if you can.
I hope to see you then.
Thank you
Kind Regards
Saturday the 2nd Feb is very close, so plan to join the Sprint 15 TT. NOR and Entry Form now available.
Sprint 2019 Meeting entry form
Briefing at 9am , 1st of 3 Races Start at 10am.
We need volunteers to help with the following Club Racing duties this Sunday please
Sun 20 Jan 2019 10:00 Icicle 2 – SS7 Helm – swap with Sophie Boygle or volunteer please
Sun 20 Jan 2019 10:00 Icicle 2 – SS7 Crew – swap with Phil Hewer or volunteer please
Sun 20 Jan 2019 10:00 Icicle 2 – RIB launch with own vehicle – volunteer please – NOTE: RAV4 is out of service this weekend
The club tow car (RAV4) is available to launch RIBs with any club member over 25 insured to drive it.
If you have a duty coming up and want a refresher on what to do please come along to any race and let the Duty Officer know if you would like to join a displacement or the committee boat to help / observe.
Don’t forget you can swap a duty with a VOLUNTEER PLEASE duty
If you can help please volunteer / swap in the usual way via Dutyman or email [email protected]
Many thanks