Sep 27 2019
Archive for September, 2019
Sep 24 2019
TBYC Cadet Regatta
Congratulations to all the participants of this year’s TBYC Cadet Regatta who raced in challenging conditions over the weekend.
Over twenty boats, including visitors, sailed with considerable skill, completing 6 races in their respective classes; Youth, Junior and Pico.
2nd Becky C Joe B
3rd Hannah C Lydia S
1st Louise W Sam W
2nd Sophie S Matilda M
3rd Samatha E Will H
1st Sam B
2nd Becky C Joe B
3rd Hannah C Lydia S
1st Michael S Nathan S
2nd Isla H Arran H
3rd Hannah P
Sep 23 2019
The Matt Trophy 2019 and TEYC Interclub this Saturday and Sunday
Sailing instructions for the TEYC events this weekend.
Matt Dear Sailing Instructions
Briefing at 11:30 in their clubhouse.
Starting at 12:30 at TEYC. (Start time confirmed, as in some places it is listed as 12:00 and 1:00)
TEYC Interclub SIs 2019
Starting at 13:00 at TEYC.
Sep 18 2019
TBYC Junior & Youth Open Regatta
Please find attached SI’s and NOR for this weekends regatta
TBYC Youth & Junior Reggatta NORs
TBYC Youth & Junior Reggatta SIs
Sep 17 2019
Cadet Racing over the next two weekends
- Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd September – TBYC Junior Regatta – Official briefing at 1300, first Race 1430 hours (See poster below, optional Friday Meeting to cover the Sailing Instructions)
- Saturday 28th September – Matt Dear Trophy at Thames Estuary Yacht Club. (Please attend the Friday Meeting or contact [email protected] )
- Sunday 29th September – Interclub Cadet ‘Team’ Race (Put into teams of 4 boats). (Please attend the Friday Meeting or contact [email protected] )
- Explain the Course/Sailing Instruction for the Junior Regatta.
- To organise who is racing in the Matt Dear and Interclub Races. We will need to organise transportation for the Picos; RS Fevas, 420 and Lasers will sail to TEYC under supervision.
Sep 17 2019
Club boats – Youth & Junior Regatta – 21st & 22nd September
If you are planning to use a club boat for the Youth and Junior Regatta at the weekend, please ensure you have requested the boat to avoid problems Saturday.
You are free to turn up and use the club boats on Saturday, however priority will be given to those who have reserved boats. So far I have 2 Picos reserved.
Sep 17 2019
Youth & Junior Regatta – 21st & 22nd September
The weather for the upcoming weekend is going to be excellent so make sure this is in your diary.
Whilst chatting after sailing there will be food available for £6.99. Prebook at registration (although open to all members). Don’t go home and cook stay for a Lasagne, Chilli Con Carne or Chicken Goujons.

Sep 13 2019
Cadets! Bart’s Bash briefing
Cadets and Parents,
Bart’s Bash briefing is at 11:30 on Sunday (optional)
All cadets welcome who would like to sail.
Meeting at the sail training room.
Nick is going to do the briefing about the Bart’s Bash.
I am going to do the briefing about the Junior Bart’s Bash.
Be prepared, change and rig your boats.
This is a world wide race dedicated to the memory of Andrew Simpson (Bart), olympic English sailor, who lost his life in a tragic accident when training for the America Cup in 2013. He won gold medal in the Star class with his friend, Iain Percy in the 2008 Olympics in Beijing and also won silver medal at the 2012 London Olympics. He was the crew. He had brilliant instinct where to go, was also a great tactician. He studied at the University College London and gained a degree in Economics. He started sailing like all of you as a cadet and had many great friends in sailing. The Andrew Simpson Sailing Foundation is supporting Youth Sailing. Donations are being collected word wide.
Please, pay tribute to Bart by trying your best, with fair sailing, respecting your partner and others on the water. Also consider being kind to younger sailors, showing good example and offering support and advice.
And – first of all – enjoy sailing and being with friends.
See you on the water:
Sep 13 2019
Ladies Race and Barts Bash SI’s
please see attached for the long version, however if you don’t want to read that,
Saturday 14th September
short version – ladies race + club racing, first race 11:30 mass start from committee boat, course upwind downwind with a spreader mark using special marks (orange inflatables). this will also count towards club points
Saturday Autumn 2nd Race ASAP after ladies race usual club racing, fleet starts, courses on the committee boat front and back.
Sunday 15th September – Barts Bash – First race
Main racing from committee Boat same course as Ladies race on Saturday, mass start 12:30, this will also count towards club points.
juniors – Barts Bash, trapezoid couse inshore start from one of the cadet safety boats (polly, SS9 or maybe a rowing boat(?))
Sunday Autumn 2nd Race , ASAP after ladies race usual club racing, fleet starts, courses on the committee boat front and back.