I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to Simon Boygle, Adrian Bunting, Chris Boshier, Tony Clarke, Robin Foster-Taylor, and George Mellon, who provided help and comfort to me when I collapsed in the dinghy car park yesterday. And also to others who showed their concern about my well being both during the incident and afterwards.
After very thorough checks in the ambulance and at the hospital, which took account of my existing medical condition, I was given a clean bill of health, with the incident being put down solely to dehydration. I had only consumed one cup of liquid since the previous evening. So be warned – do keep the liquid intake up.
So again, many thanks indeed to the wonderful Members of Thorpe Bay Yacht Club who continue to provide great expertise and care, both on and off the water.
Jim Percy
Our Cadets had a tremendous day participating in the Matt Dear Trophy. 25 Cadets in 15 dinghies travelled to TEYC, some by sea, to compete in this annual event, which attracted 31 boats. Hannah and Lydia gained 1st place in their RS Feva closely followed by Pippa and Isabella in their ‘420’. Third was Luke in his Laser, followed by Daniel also in a Laser and in fifth position was Nathan who was also the first Pico. They all crossed the Start line within seconds, tacking to gain clear air and fought in light winds to get to the windward buoy. The wind direction changed making the next leg a challenge for everyone. The battle increased on the final leg resulting in victory for TBYC.
This event is run by The Matthew Dear Foundation to raise awareness about the dangers of Appearance & Performance Enhancing Drugs after Matthew Dear’s life at 18 was cut tragically short, by having a fatal reaction to taking these steroids. https://www.matthewdearfoundation.co.uk/Home.html
We are proud of all our 25 Cadets for their participation in this race and congratulations to them all. Thank you to TEYC for hosting this event and making us feel so welcome.
Laser Pico Sport. Not more than 5 years old.
Phone 07730 815267 or email [email protected]
We will be running the Sandhopper Nationals on the 19th/20th October and this will also incorporate the Final Fling Trophy. Unfortunately we lost the scheduled event due to high winds so we are looking forward to the re-run and hopeful of fair weather conditions!
If anyone is interested in joining us and taking part (there’s no club racing that weekend) please let me know. I am sure there may be boats available to sail. It will be a great event and as there’s no club racing, we’ll be able to hold it directly off the clubhouse so spectators will have a better view.
We are looking for volunteers to run the ribs. If you are free please let me know, my number is in the sailing programme.
Sandhopper Class Captain
entries now being accepted for winter 2019/20 Winter-Series-Entry-Form
fees will be same as winter storage, please see attached Winter storage rates 2019 20
Matt Dear Trophy at TEYC
Let’s give it another go! Saturday 12th October
I presume a 12-00 – 12.30pm start (tide is similar), but I will provide more details when I receive them.
Cheryl the organiser, has worked hard to reschedule this race. She has asked for two people to help the race officer, volunteers please.
Please could let me know by E-Mail if there are any changes, otherwise I will presume the same and forward this next Tuesday.
I will have a meeting the Friday before the event; 11th October.
I have not yet heard anything about the Interclub Race.
Cadet Sail Training and Racing this Sunday 6th October
The present forecast is for 21mph with 26mph gusts. This is too much, but hopefully this may change!
Presuming a change in forecast/wind………
Briefing; changed and rigged in the Sail Training Room at 15.30, on the water at 16.00.
This session is aimed at all abilities and will help our young sailors make progress with their sailing, racing and boost their confidence on the water.
Participating Cadets should be able to beat, reach and run, at least at a basic level, and be able to sail to and from the training area.
Food also now available from 7.15 to 8.30. Platters and side dishes. See More details by clicking on post title.
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