With further “easing” on the horizon and another pleasant weekend ahead, we thought that the time is right to release the use of the club boats.
If you do use one it will need a full wash down on its return please. We will try and get cleaning equipment put out in the dinghy park in boxes near the hoses. Please ensure that the boat is returned ready to use again, clean and tidy.
As the boats have not been used for some months and you’re first out in them, you may need to give them a pre-wash down.
As with all sailing currently at TBYC; you are sailing at your own risk. Please be aware of the conditions and the forecast and sail within them observing TBYC guidance notes 2 & 3 posted around the dinghy park .
Happy Sailing!
please note. If you’d like to use the club Feva, please book this through Andras Gal only.
We need Helms for SS2 & SS3 this weekend please. This is for trot boat duties only – ferrying sailors to cruisers and Sandhoppers.
Saturday 30th May 16:00 – SS2 Helm – Covered thanks John Casson
Saturday 30th May 16:00 – SS3 Helm – Covered thanks Janet Willsmer
Please note: One helm will need to row out to SS2 as RIBs are not in use.
If you can help please volunteer via dutyman in the usual way or contact me via [email protected]
Thanks for your support
Mark Robinson – [email protected]

Needs some attention.
Call Paul 07812 576977.
Click on Image for larger copy – This information is also available in the COVID19 Banner and Side Section

We need Helms for SS2 & SS3 this weekend please. This is for trot boat duties only – ferrying sailors to cruisers and Sandhoppers. Outstanding vacancies are:
Sunday SS3 Helm – Covered thanks Paul Graves
Monday SS3 Helm – Covered thanks Sue Daly
Please note: One helm will need to row out to SS2 as RIBs are not in use.
If you can help please volunteer via dutyman in the usual way or contact me via [email protected]
Thanks for your support
Mark Robinson – [email protected]
Until further notice TBYC will be running 2 trot boats on each weekend and bank holiday sailing days. This is subject to obtaining volunteers each duty and will be available from 1/2 hr before previously scheduled club start times to just after HW but will require sailors to ensure they have made suitable arrangements with the trot crews for their conveyance ashore when first going afloat. The trot will be in the main crewed by one person and will only take one set of crew afloat at a time. The trot will only be used if the wind strength is 15 mph or below as measured from the Pier head. Volunteers will be required to book via duty man which has suspended all previously booked duties for this summer sailing at present. The club is currently not providing support boats for those sailing and the 15 mph limit is regarding the use of the trot boats only. It is for members to make their own risk assessment re wind strength etc but further consideration should be taken into account that the level of assistance in general on the Thames if needed will be greatly reduced
Whilst Thorpe Bay Esplanade is closed for road works. Access has been authorised by Council from junction with Maplin Way only for members of TBYC only. From the afternoon of Fri 22 May members may return their dinghies for the summer season and use the car park.
The only access /exit route is to be from Maplin Way. Please keep your speed to a minimum and be aware of wandering pedestrians and cyclists.
Due to the success of the Cadet and general sailing sections of the club in 2019 we have a number of new boats in the Dinghy Park for 2020. We have an additional 9 Feva’s and 5 Hurricane’s to name just two.
It has been necessary to have a move around with the boats to ensure all sailors are catered for. It will therefore be a little tighter this year and some existing classes will have to move rows to ensure each class is positioned together.
I have attached the 2020 list of boat positions and would be most grateful if you can park your boats in the correct space at the beginning of the season being May 23rd.
There are a number of winter stored boats that will need to be moved on Saturday 23rd to their Summer positions whilst observing the current restrictions regarding Social Distancing.
Your help in this matter would be appreciated. Please don’t leave moving your boat to others. There are 47 boats that require moving to the Summer position.
Many thanks, stay safe and good sailing.
Nick Elmore
Dinghy Park
TBYC Dinghy Park Allocation 2020
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This is updated notice to include details on going sailing.
Click on Image for larger copy – This information is also available in the COVID19 Banner and Side Section