Archive for March, 2022

Mar 31 2022

Adult Sailing Support Sessions for Beginners at Thorpe Bay Yacht Club, Supported by the Sandhopper Fleet

We have now concluded the Adult Sailing Support Sessions for the Winter as we now have changed seasons and will be out on the water. All of the sessions were recorded and the packs are now available to download. We will be continuing our support of Beginner Adults, but will be taking a break for a couple of weeks to gather our thoughts and plans.

Please note: these sessions are not formal training. They are sharing of experiences from the Sandhopper Fleet as well as many other sailors from the Club, we are not qualified coaches. For formal training we suggest that you approach the RYA or other qualified coaches.

Below you will see the details of what subjects were covered in Q1 2022, these were recorded on Zoom (now on You tube) and the slide packs have been made available with the original links to reference material and videos used. The sound quality varies, but the packs and links in the slides should help.

Session 1

Club Induction, different boats at TBYC, Basics – Parts of a boat, Port/Starboard

Slide Pack

Session 2

Points of Sailing, launching a Laser, returning to shore, boat control – tacking & stopping

Slide Pack

Session 3
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Mar 28 2022


Published by under Cadets

New Sailing Instructions for Cadets competing in the Main Club Races

Meeting from 19.30 to 20.00 this Friday 1st April in the Sail Training Room.

Content:  Signing on and off, new Course for Series Races and Trophy Races.

“This activity is aimed at the more experienced Cadet Sailors to develop their Racing skills, probably Year 7 onwards. Sessions include exercises to improve boat handling, sailing a set course, starting and finishes with a series of short races”.  Coach: Nick

This Sunday 3rd April

Briefing at 12.45 (changed and rigged on beach). Leaving the beach at 13.00.

Please complete the form to register your child for this session.

Let’s have a good turn out for our first session of the season

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Mar 28 2022

Experienced cadets skills and developments

Published by under Club Notices

Scott Weller (RYA race coach) Sam Weller (RYA dinghy instructor) and Chris Boshier will be running an advanced Feva and laser skills and development sessions for experienced cadets – Wednesday 13th and Thursday 14th April 9am
Experienced cadets with access to fevas and lasers are invited to join skills and development sessions.
Please comment below or email  if you want to join the sessions to ensure we have adequate support on the water. I will then create a WhatsApp group.
Please note that a parent will need to remain at the club throughout sessions.

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Mar 25 2022

Lift in of the Sandhoppers and Cruisers this weekend – please do not enter the dinghy park.

Published by under Club Notices

Please note that this weekend the 26th and 27th of March the dinghy park should not be entered by anyone other than those involved directly with the lifting in of the Sandhoppers and Cruisers, this will be from 09:30 Saturday until circa 15:30 and circa midday Sunday until 18:00.

This is to keep us all safe while heavy machinery operates throughout the dinghy park.

Thank you for you cooperation.


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Mar 22 2022

Dave Gellett – Saturday 2nd April – Book for Food

Published by under Club Notices

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Mar 15 2022

Mother’s Day – Now Fully Booked

Published by under Bar,Catering,Social


Mother’s Day is now available to be booked!!


£20 per person will include a 3 course meal and a glass of Prosecco for all the mums!


Click on the image right to see the menu in full screen.


Booking and Pre-order is essential so please book at the bar today or give us a call on 01702 587563


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Mar 12 2022

For Sale – RS Feva Sail No 2151

Published by under For Sale

RS Feva XL, with club jib, purchased direct from the factory in Eastleigh in 2007 and sailed only lightly for a year or so.  Since then it has remained covered on my drive.

Blue hull, purple gennaker, launching trolley and 220 road base trailer.  I have all the paperwork.

Everything is in very good condition apart from the tyres on both trolley and trailer.

£2400           contact Chris Martin  

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Mar 12 2022

–Early Clubhouse Closure Due To Spring Ball–

Published by under Bar,Catering,Social

Just a note to members that the Bar and kitchen will close at the earlier time of 2:30pm today to allow us to set up the clubhouse for the Spring Ball. Due to this we also won’t be showing todays 6 nations matches.

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Mar 10 2022

Race Officer and Assistant Race Officer Training – 24th March

Published by under Club Notices

Race Officer and Assistant Race Officer Training, please register your interest. These jobs are vital to keep the amazing racing we as a club can offer. You will get all the support you need from the Rear Commodore and the experianced race officers, this is just the first classroom piece!

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Mar 04 2022

Cadet Season

Published by under Cadets,Club Notices

The Cadet season is fast approaching.  

Cadet week planning meetings have commenced and it is hoped the entry forms will be released over the Easter holidays.  This will be advertised via the website, email and Facebook.  If you have any time to offer in the organisation – excel skills, ordering trophies, sponsorship please get in touch.

The cadets are lucky to have many volunteers who are offering a comprehensive programme over the sailing season. Parents are required to stay with their children and assist throughout activities at all times.  All children will require appropriate clothing and a buoyancy aid.  It is advisable for parents to also have a wetsuit and in cadet week a buoyancy aid is required for all adults. 


Oppie beach club led by Adam Clarke for new and younger cadets – learning basic skills and water confidence very close to shore. The first session is the 2nd April at 11.30.  Please watch out for information via Facebook and the website.  Families can access the club Oppies, learn to rig them etc and if confident can be borrowed at your convenience. 

Andras Gal is the cadet sail training officer and Nick Alston the Cadet racing officer – their contact details are on the website.  They run a comprehensive programme for cadets starting with race training on the 3r April.  Other sessions will include mini races and tera sessions.  Please chat with Nick and Andras if you need further information or you are unsure which sessions are suitable for your child. There will also be limited places on the RYA youth training.  

If parents are new to sailing you might want to catch up with the adult sailing support for beginners via facebook and zoom recordings which have been very beneficial for our novice adult sailors – you can catch up and join in from now.


The club calendar can be found here 

Which is also located on the sidebar under “Whats On”


Please remember that parents remain responsible for their children at all times.  Please leave the club as you would wish to find it and remember to throw rubbish away (sweet wrappers, crisp packets and cans) and ensure that children are not running around in the club house or car park.  Children must NOT play down the side of the club where the RIBS are stored at any time.  We encourage everyone to be kind and courteous to fellow cadets, adults, our neighbours, visitors and the general public.  Please familiarise yourself with the parents charter to ensure that the club is a safe and happy place that can be enjoyed by all members  and also located under “Safeguarding Policies on the sidebar”

I will advertise a date for the first wetsuit shop of the season shortly.

Don’t forget the working party tomorrow, 5th March 10-12noon

Looking forward to seeing you all soon weather on the beach, on the water or in the club.

Lindsay Rainbow – Cadet Rep

cadet season

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