Thank you to Howard Warrington, Duncan Clarke, Tolga Kulahcigil and Gary Levy who spent all day yesterday cleaning and then antifouling SS2 and SS3. They also cleaned and prepared Polly and the Committee Boat ready for winter. A great job well done, thank you for your time from all of us that rely on these boats every weekend.
Don’t forget the final fling is this Saturday. Race start is 10:00. The weather forecast is W, 10 – 16kts, 12 Degrees, No rain! Looks like it could be a good day for it. If you would like to sail, please let me know as I need crew/helm and maybe others will go out if there is availability of crew
To avoid confusion here are all the documents I have regarding the TWO SEPARATE Cadet external races this coming weekend.
Matt Dear Race, TEYC, Start time 11.45. An entry form needs to completed (below) and sent directly to [email protected]. If you could copy me in, that would be useful.
Matt Dear Sailing Instructions 22 Matt Dear NOTICE OF RACE 22 Matt Dear Entry Form 22
Last day for completed forms is Wednessday directly.
Interclub Cadet Team Race, Leigh Sailing Club, Start time 12.00. A team of 3 or 4 boats need to be formed and entered using their Entry form. I would suggest you let me have the names and I will submit.
INTERCLUB TEAM RACE INSTRUCTIONS 2022 Version B (including Entry form)
Last day for completed forms is Thursday directly or to me by Wednesday.
End of Season
Sadly, next weekend is the end of our main sailing season. We hope you have had a successful year on the water!
For those signed up for the Winter Series the fun continues….. (signing up means having entered the event by filling in the google form).
Please can we ask all those who have not filled in the sailing/storage form, that your dinghy is removed from the dinghy park as soon after the weekend as possible. We need to make space for the Cruiser & Sandhopper Lift Out the following weekend.
If you need assistance with trailers etc please contact your class captain who I’m sure can put the word out among the class to help.
Please do make this happen. It’s often left to a handful of people to move boats around that shouldn’t be there.