Archive for 2022

Aug 24 2022

Sailing with Andras Sunday and Monday

Published by under Cadets

Please, sign up if you can:

Sail with Andras Sunday and Monday
5 min briefing at 12:00 both days on the beach
Be ready to launch

For those sailors who wish to develop their skills
and do not feel ready to sail 3 big races back to back yet (cadet regatta).
Piranhas in particular, but all sailors welcome
in any boat, single handed or paired up.

I need your parents help on Polly and on the beach.
Get in touch if you have questions.

See you on the water: Andras

this registration form will collect the following information: first name and age
boat type and sail number – optional
Be prepared to spend 10 seconds with this form.
Alternatively you could message me
or just come and surprise me.

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Aug 24 2022

Cadet week 2023 dates

Published by under Club Notices

Cadet Week 2023 dates confirmed as 31st to 4th August.

Thank you to all the wonderful sponsors, volunteers, cadets, parents, member and staff who made 2022 such a fun and brilliant week! you were all amazing!

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Aug 24 2022

Cadet Regatta this Bank Holiday weekend

Published by under Cadets

We have the Youth and Junior Regatta from Saturday to Monday. See Poster below.

Saturday Briefing at 09.30

All Races start at 11.00. Nine races overall. All classes of boat.

There will be considered support for ‘beginner’ Cadet Racers (by Nick), allowing everyone to enjoy competitive racing.

If you wish to use a Club boat, it must be booked via Lindsay (Cadet Rep) at [email protected]

Other Cadet activities:

Sunday 4th Sept – Race Training 16.30 (Nick)

Saturday 10th Sept – Details to follow (Andras)

Sunday 11th Sept – Cadet Mini Race 12.00 (Nick) Re-scheduled race from 17th July

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Aug 22 2022

Club boats usage for the regatta

Published by under Club Notices

Club boats must be booked for the Cadet regatta via myself at [email protected]

Thanks Lindsay Cadet rep

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Aug 17 2022

— BEER FESTIVALS BACK — Friday 26th – Monday 29th

Published by under Bar,Social

Bank holiday weekend, Friday 26th – Monday 29th
8 real ales and 1 special lager
Entry to club members, inter-club members and guests!


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Aug 17 2022

Tera training with Andras – Sunday

Published by under Cadets

Cadets and parents!
Tera training with Andras
Sunday, 21 August 2022
Launching at 17:30

All Tera sailors welcome!

Sign up, please
(simple form:
first name and age, sail Number, that’s all)

Continue Reading »

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Aug 15 2022

Sandhopper Class British Association National Championships 2022 – The Results

Published by under Club Notices

Congratulations to Alex Farrall and George Warrington who are the new Sandhopper National Champions,
that really was some great sailing. A huge well done must go to Richard Barnes, Mark J Dell and the
little Dells as well as Allen Burrell and Mark Jewell. The top 3 boats so close together just shows the
class of sailing and completion within the Sandhopper Fleet. Thank you to everyone that took part
and supported the event. Let’s make 2023 even bigger and better



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Aug 14 2022

Day two for the Sandhopper National Championships is today. Racing starts at 12:30

Published by under Club Notices

Day two for the Sandhopper National Championships is today. Racing starts at 12:30.

We are aiming to get start launching ribs at 11:00. Come and watch from the beach or even maybe .

the pier.

The awards ceremony will start circa 15 mins after the Ribs are packed away.

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Aug 13 2022

Youth and Junior Regatta 27-29 August

Published by under Cadets,Racing

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Aug 10 2022

Cadet Race Training and 3 Races

Published by under Cadets

This Sunday 14th August

Briefing at 12.15 (changed and rigged, meet on the sea wall). Leaving the beach at 12.30.

This activity is aimed at Cadet Sailors to develop their Racing skills. Sessions include exercises to improve boat handling, sailing a set course, starting and finishes with a series of short races.

CADETS ARE TO COMPLETE THE FULL SESSION, coming back during a session is not an option due to safety reasons. Parents are encouraged to help with preparation, recovery and on-the-water.

Please complete the short form to register your child for this session. Click here 

(This allows me to prepare the Race sheet and save so much time on the day)

Coach: Nick

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