Archive for 2023

Mar 22 2023

TBYC Sailing Instructions 2023

Published by under Club Notices

Please see sailing instructions for 2023 – TBYC SI 2023

Cadets! Please note the course changes.

Race Officers – please take time to read and print out. There will be laminated copies on board SS4.

Have a great season!



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Mar 21 2023

Please do not leave your car in Barrowsands next to the Club House Night of 24th / 25th March 2023

Published by under Club Notices

Please do not leave your car in Barrowsands next to the Club House on Friday Night or park there early on Saturday morning as we will be carrying the support boats down the road between 07:00 – 08:00 on Saturday morning.

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Mar 19 2023

Sandhopper and Cruiser Lift in 25 / 26 March 2023 –

Published by under Club Notices

It’s that time of year and the Support boats , Sandhoppers and Cruisers and being launched next weekend (25th and 26th March) We would ask if you can move your own dingy into a row during this week as to ease the burden of moving them to allow us to get to the Sandhoppers and Cruisers it would be appreciated. We also ask that you avoid being in the dinghy park from 07:00 to midday on both Saturday and Sunday next weekend as we will have heavy machinery operating and the small team of people helping with the lift should be the only people in the dingy park at this time. Thank you and I hope you all have a fabulous season.

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Mar 16 2023

Reminder – Put Club Racing Dates in your Electronic Diary

Published by under Racing

This year the programme has been supplied electronically and therefore this will help integrate with your calendars.

As DutyMan has just been populated for the year (Race and Tide details), I thought this would be a good reminder. You can automatically include the DutyMan/Racing dates in your diary (Outlook, Gmail, Smartphones, etc).

The following link downloads a file in a format that is recognised by most packages (.ICS). To put into Outlook you can use the Import Option once the file is saved, and within Gmail Google Calendar you can just add the URL directly as anothers calendar. . When any changes are made they reflected in this link, so if you are using a dynamic calendar like Gmail it should automatically update.

If you are more adventurous all this information is available in the Smartphone tab once logged into DutyMan, including links specifically for your duties. Remember however the file format isn’t just restricted to Smartphones.

Never miss a race !

When any changes are made they reflected in this link, so if you are using a dynamic calendar like Gmail it should automatically update.

Any Problems have a chat with me.

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Mar 09 2023

Winter / Icicle Series Prize Giving

Published by under Club Notices

Please note that the prize giving will take place asap after sailing on Sunday 12th.
Please check the results online and if you think you’re in with a chance, please do try to be there!
Look forward to a good turn out for the last 2 races.
See you there!
Rear Commodore

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Mar 02 2023


Published by under Cadets

We have an exciting calendar of Cadet Training and Racing this season.


New this year is our Cadet Development Pathway, which will enable us to deliver more focussed training across the full range of abilities from Stingrays to Sharks.


Check on the graphic below to see the best training for your child. TBYC Cadet Pathway 2023


Refer to the Calendar for all the dates and times. The events will also be published on this homepage and facebook.

Put the dates in your diary to attend all of the sessions suited to your child’s level of sailing, to get the most out of the training.

Dont forget to look at the Cadet section of the website for more details and Cadet Race results.



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Mar 01 2023

Mother’s Day 19th March

Published by under Club Notices

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Feb 28 2023

St Patrick’s Quiz 18th March

Published by under Club Notices

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Feb 27 2023

Sandhopper Class Membership & Media – Web, Facebook, WhatsApp, YouTube & Insta,

Published by under Sandhoppers


The Sandhopper Class British Association are now on the following platforms.



WhatApp: Please email your name and mobile number to [email protected] with a request to join.

Instagram: Find and tag us @sandhopperclass

Youtube – Includes videos on how to use Primo and for sailing support videos for Adults who are new to sailing:

For membership to the Sandhopper Class British Association: please complete the below form:

Thank you
Scott James
SCBA Chairman

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Feb 27 2023

Sandhopper drinks night – This Thursday

Published by under Sandhoppers

It’s the first Thursday of the month this week and that means it’s the sandhopper drinks night at TBYC. Come along and chat hoppers, guests welcome as long as they are signed in by a TBYC member.

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