Archive for July, 2024

Jul 15 2024

Next Racing

Published by under Racing

Please click the link for the UPDATED main season’s SI’s TBYC SI 2024 ver 2

Date Start – Event – Tide

Check to see who is on Duty and make sure it is not you (It’s a scrollable window)

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Jul 10 2024

Cadet – Piranhas and Barracudas Training

Published by under Cadets

This Sunday, 14th July we have combined training for Barracudas and Piranhas.

Briefing is at 16.00 (on sea wall, changed and rigged) Leaving the beach at 16.15.

We will be finished in good time to see England win the Euro finals!

If attending, it is very important to fill in this form:

Nick and Andras

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Jul 08 2024

Cadet week 2024

Published by under Cadets

With just under a month to go please
  • Return perpetual cups polished and engraved!!!!
  • Check your boat and equipment; you must have sail numbers and painter
  • Get out on the water and practice! – Stingrays 27th July, Piranhas & Barracuda’s 28th July, sail to TEYC 21st July
  • All cadets need to wear a full wetsuit, buoyancy aid, boots – spray top, hat, sunglasses, gloves are useful
  • Adults will require a buoyancy aid while on and in the water and parents must remain of the club site throughout the week

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Jul 03 2024

John Glynn

Published by under Bilge,Club Notices

It is with sadness that I announce that John Glynn a long standing and active sailor until the last couple of years passed away peaceful today.
John had been a member since 1975 and also sailed at Halfway Yacht Club.

Funeral arrangements will be circulated when known.

On behalf of TBYC we send our condolences to his brother Peter and all his family.

Adrian Bunting

Commodore TBYC

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