Archive for 2024

Feb 28 2024

2024 Membership Renewals – deadline 29th of Feb

Published by under Club Notices

Dear Members,

If you haven’t yet renewed, please be advised that the deadline is the end of the month. Please click on the link below to renew and pay for subscriptions and fees.

If you have any problems, please e-mail [email protected]

If you have already renewed, thanks for doing so.


Membership Secretary

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Feb 25 2024

Hunter Horizon 23 – Cruiser For Sale £9995 – With Road Trailer

Published by under For Sale


As we are getting to that time of year, if you fancy a great cruiser that really is ready to go that can be kept and launched at TBYC. The almost new engine (to go with everything else that is almost new) is being serviced as we speak!




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Feb 22 2024

Published by under Club Notices

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Feb 22 2024

Icicle Series SI’s Amendment

Published by under Club Notices

Please see link Icicle Series Amendment b

2024 Icicle series has been extended. This is to ensure we can hold the prize giving on the same day which would not have been possible previously.

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Feb 16 2024

Lift is now working

Published by under Club Notices

Many of you will be pleased to hear that the lift has been repaired and is now working.

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Feb 15 2024

2024 Membership Renewals

Published by under Club Notices

Dear Members,

If you haven’t yet renewed, please be advised that the deadline is the end of the month. Please click on the link below to renew and pay for subscriptions and fees.

If you have any problems, please e-mail [email protected]

If you have already renewed, thanks for doing so.


Membership Secretary

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Feb 10 2024

Bill Poole

Published by under Club Notices


It is with sadness that I announce that Bill Poole 76yrs a long standing member of TBYC passed away with family present on Wednesday 7th February.

Bill originally a cadet at the club in the 50’s has been a full member since 1976. He went to sea aged 16yrs for 43yrs serving in the Merchant navy  and rising to the rank of Captain.

On behalf of TBYC we send our condolences to his son James and all his family.

Adrian Bunting

Commodore TBYC



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Feb 01 2024

Sandhopper AGM – 11:00 Commodore Bar Saturday 3rd February

Published by under Sandhoppers

CALLING NOTICE FOR THE 2023/24 AGM – 3 Feb 2024

The Annual General Meeting of the Sandhopper Class British Association will be held at Thorpe Bay Yacht Club on Saturday 3rd Feb 2024 commencing at 11.00 a.m.

Address: Thorpe Bay Yacht Club, 115 Thorpe Bay Gardens, Thorpe Bay, SS1 3NW

1.  Apologies for absence
2.  Approval of Minutes of 2022/3 AGM
3.  Review of Actions
4.  Chairman’s Report
5.  Membership Report
6.  Treasurer’s Report
7.  Subscriptions for year 2024
8.  Technical Report
9.  Election of the Committee – Nominations for the Committee should be sent to reach the Secretary at least one week before the AGM.
10. AOB.

Notice of any other business to be brought forward at the meeting must reach the us not less than seven days prior to the meeting.

Please note: you must be a member of the SCBA to attend and vote.
We look forward to seeing you at the AGM

Best Regards

On behalf of the SCBA Committee

Mark Robinson
SCBA Treasurer

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Feb 01 2024

Cadet Week 2024

Published by under Club Notices

Cadet Week 2024 5-9th August!

Entries are traditionally released in April so if you have any friends wanting to join TBYC make sure they do that as soon as possible as there is only 2 general committee meetings before then to approve membership applications.
As always if you want to help with this incredible event we are always looking for help on the cadet committee. You bring fresh ideas and enthusiasm!
The sailing programme will be released shortly with training and mini series dates, attending these is a huge benefit to all our cadets.
Looking forward to seeing you all on the beach and water soon!

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Jan 20 2024

Quiz Night

Published by under Club Notices

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