Oct 04 2021

Last cadet race training of this season

Published by at 00:31 under Cadets

Sunday 3rd of October, 2021 10:00

It was great to see so many sailors joining the club race. I know them for years, teenagers, making the effort on a grey cloudy morning with strong breeze. What credit you all are to our club.

It is constant source of immense pleasure and satisfaction for me to coach the new generation. Great to see how much our team has grown in confidence and skills this season. We had 11 boats with 12 sailors today, the growing RS Tera fleet came out with 7 boats this morning. In strong winds and rolling waves our sailors bravely gave it a go, even the youngest and least experienced. I saw confidence, amazing technical skills, focus and determination, capsize and fast and slick recovery. Most importantly however there is love for sailing and fun on the water. Sailors talk to each other more and more, our team spirit is building up.

Our cadet sailors should be really proud of themselves. Great achievements, great team.
They must not forget however that it is their parents who look after them, take them to the club and support their sailing.

What a great team of parents, helpers and supporters we had this season! The sailing and general committee must know how much of effort and volunteering goes into cadet sailing these days. We all can see that this is not done in vain.

I am specially grateful to my friend and partner Nick Alston, we worked together and supported each other relentlessly over the years. Special thanks to our present and past core supporters, we all know who you are.

Next weekend we are hosting the Open training of the Tera East group, the first of their winter training series. What a great way to see the end of the season.

The Winter season is starting for many. Those who do understand that our sport is not about sunshine and heat will not be disappointed. I am looking forward to spend a bit more time with sailing. There are ways to get involved for all members.

I am sure that cadets and parents will be eager to hear about what plans are being made for the next season. Have your say and let me know what was good and what are the things we could do better.

You all have a great end of season, winter and looking forward to the next season soon.


One response so far

One Response to “Last cadet race training of this season”

  1. Howard Warringtonon 04 Oct 2021 at 12:09

    Totally agree Andras. It was great to see some cadets racing their Lasers in the main fleet. The only way is up!

    Well done to you and Nick Alston for your hard and dedicated work with these youngsters.

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