Jun 13 2024

RYA Youth Sailing Scheme – Stage Three at TBYC

Published by at 09:15 under Cadets

Applications are now open for the RYA Youth Sailing Scheme – Stage THREE at TBYC

Application Form – click on the link  https://forms.gle/XSkwM5B6XL1Uc61C6

Application form for the RYA Stage 3 Course and Assessment on Saturday 6th and 7th July 2024 starting at 09.30 each day, finishing at 17.30 at Thorpe Bay Yacht Club. (Registration is at 9.15 on Saturday). This course is aimed at Cadets who can sail confidently, or have gained Stage Two with one year’s experience. Normally, Year 7 or above.

There are 12 places available on this course.

The course is designed by the RYA to ‘……develop rigging and sailing techniques.

The course requires two full days of ‘on-the-water’ training, classroom and field activities and assessment. Every candidate must complete both days and reach a reasonable standard to be awarded ‘RYA Stage Three’, a nationally recognised certification. Appropriate clothing must be worn. The course is run by your RYA Qualified Club volunteer coaches.

The cost is £30 to cover administration, RYA Youth Sailing Scheme Book (G11) if not already have one, Certification and RYA Registration.  Please wait until your application has been accepted before making payment.

RYA Stage Three – TBYC Scheme of Work (a guide) https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/c53j6jbqrcct5ajgkir3j/RYA-Stage-3-Scheme-of-work-2024.docx?rlkey=nhu0k9bcadckftu9a0klmppqc&dl=0

Nick Alston RYA Senior Instructor [email protected]

Adam Smith RYA Senior Instructor

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