Archive for the 'Bar' Category

Jun 09 2010

World Cup – Saturday 12th June

Published by under Bar,Catering,Social

Due to my utter lack of football knowledge i have already got the kick off time for the England V USA match wrong!!

Kick off is 7.30pm on Saturday!

The kitchen will be open from 11am -6.30pm sharp!

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Jun 08 2010

Passenger Lift

Published by under Bar

The General Committee are currently seeking expressions of interest in a lift for less able members to access the first floor bars. We are a long way on with several companies in this regard. We would like to hear from anyone who has a view on the matter.

We anticipate putting in a Planning Application shortly and plans will be available to view on the notice board.

Nick Elmore
Vice Commodore

6 responses so far

Jun 03 2010

World Cup 2010

Published by under Bar,Catering,Club Notices,Social

Hi Everyone,

World Cup 2010 kicks off on June 11th and all matches will be shown at the club. Jo will be opening the kitchen before the games so everyone is suitably fed before kick off!

The first England match is on June 12th and kick off is at 8.30pm!

Don’t forget to get to the club early to secure a prime viewing position!!

The kitchen will be open from 11am – 7.30pm sharp!

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Jun 03 2010

Lovely Weekend Weather Rolls on to Monday Evening Racing

Not before time we have a lovely weekends weather ahead, morning and evening tides with the Bar and Kitchen working all hours to keep us suitably fed and watered, this is also extended to monday evening where both Bar and Kitchen are opening to support the sailing programme, fantastic, enjoy and don’t forget to nip off early from work on Monday for a 7pm race start.

tip of the week, Suncream…..

nearly forgot for all those not turning the wheels of the economy today Clubhouse is open all day to support the School holidays with extended Bar and Catering thanks to our great team of staff.

keep smiling


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May 28 2010

Half Term Holiday

Published by under Bar

For the convenience of the Members the Yacht Club bars will be open all day from 11am to 11pm during the coming half term Holiday and throughout the Summer Holidays.

Nick Elmore
Vice Commodore

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May 28 2010

Half Term Catering

Published by under Bar,Catering

Hi All,

Jo will be open until 4pm everyday this half term.

One response so far

May 25 2010

Regatta and AirShow Weekend

Published by under Bar,Catering

Hi Everyone

This weekend is the TBYC Regatta and Southend Airshow, why not spend Monday afternoon after sailing on the balcony and enjoy a bbq rustled up by Jo.

Weather permitting (everyone please do a sun dance!) Jo will be bbqing straight after sailing on Monday!

Hope to see you all there!

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Apr 30 2010

Summer Ball – May 15th

The count down to the summer ball has now begun… Only three weeks to dust off those suits and buy new outfits.

Anyone who has already booked tickets and not paid yet please can you do so as soon as possible, either give me a call or leave your cheques/cash in an envelope in the club letter box. Also anyone still left to give their menu choices to Jo, please can you do this asap.

For those of you still umming and ahhing about coming, there are still a limited number of tickets available, but be quick before they all sell out.

This year’s entertainment is provided by the band Hardcover, they have played at the club before and proved to be very popular.

If you would like tickets or need to cough up cash please give me a call on 07734904824 or email [email protected]

Don’t miss out on the event of the year!

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Apr 22 2010

Last Chance to book tickets for the Summer Ball

Published by under Bar,Catering,Club Notices,Social

Don’t miss out on the event of the year.
There are still a limited number of tickets for the summer ball available, book today to avoid missing out!
Ring or email me on 07734904824 or [email protected]

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Apr 13 2010

Summer Ball 2010

Published by under Bar,Catering,Social

There are still a limited number of tickets available for the Summer ball on May 15th.

if you are interested in booking a table please contact me on 07734904824 or email [email protected]

thanks Kylie

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