Sep 15 2020
Archive for the 'Bar' Category
Jul 06 2020
Cadet Week 2020 Cancelled
Cadet Week 2020 Cancelled
As a committee we took the decision back in March to continue to plan for a Cadet week, but not to put out the application forms due to the uncertainty of the duration of lockdown. The General Committee have been meeting on a weekly basis, closely monitoring the guidance from the Government and subsequent changes to the advice given by the RYA and PLA.
Having reviewed the planned changes to restrictions issued last week and even with the gradual lifting of lockdown, the obstacles were too big for us to provide a safe event on and off the water. We have therefore taken the decision to cancel this year’s Cadet Week. This is not a decision we have taken lightly, we are disappointed but feel it is the right decision.
As the summer progresses I look forward to seeing more people re integrating with the club and getting back on the water in whatever form that may be. When as a club we are able to organise activities safely, we will look at the remaining planned Cadet programme for the season and issue further guidance.
Jeremy Sandford
TBYC Cadet Representative
Jul 03 2020
Guidance for Club Opening
Hi All
Please see attached guidance notes for the bar and food offering. It is limited for both your and our staff’s safety.
General Rules and Guidance No.4 Club House r2
TBYC Club Covid Diagramme Ground Floor r2
TBYC Club Covid Diagramme 1st Floor r1
As you will read it has been produced within current HM government guide lines, rules and regulations.
The primary information we have used to produce our covid safe operation can be found:
With frequently asked questions on what is and isn’t permitted from the 4th July:
May I also take this opportunity to thank:
Tony Byrne (Health & Safety)
Paul Palmer (Medical)
Martin Swindon (Leisure Sector)
Who were co-opted, in to an opening committee along with myself, Vice-Commodore Wayne, Paul Morgan, James Johnson and Janet.
Steve Hopper, Commodore
Apr 16 2020
Another Cadet Eggs Hunt (Closes Saturday 18th April)
This competition closes Saturday 18th April
This is the second Cadet Egg Hunt of the day and Steve Hopper didn’t know about it but he must have a big stash of prizes.
On the website (no more than one link down, so try the pages) there are nine small pictures of 3 Easter Eggs and when you find them click on them, you will be given a word. When you have the words put them in the correct order and send the 9 word sentence to me at [email protected] .
The winner for another egg will be pulled randomly from the correct entries. Cadets must be 19 or under.