Archive for the 'Bilge' Category

Apr 28 2021

Cadet Training and Racing this weekend

Published by under Bilge

On Saturday 1st May there is ADVANCED CADET TRAINING AND RACES with Nick.  To make these sessions productive, they are ONLY for the more experienced sailors, probably Year 8 and above and based on ‘Racing fast’. All classes of boats are allowed and races will be using the Portsmouth Handicap system.

Briefing at 13.00 on the beach (Changed and rigged). Leaving the beach at 13.30. Debriefing by cadet Rib store 40 minutes after the last boat returns .  Click here for the Training Plan. Please click here to complete the form to help with the organisation.

On Sunday, there will be Cadet Training with Andras. See separate post.

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Apr 23 2021


Published by under Bilge,Duties,Racing

We need volunteers to help with support boat duties this weekend please


Sat 24 Apr 2021 10:00 Spring Sat – Assistant Race Officer – SWAP WITH Julian Reichert OR VOLUNTEER PLEASE


Don’t forget you can swap a duty with a VOLUNTEER PLEASE duty

If you can help please volunteer / swap in the usual way via Dutyman or email [email protected]

Many thanks

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Apr 21 2021

Cadet week 2021

Published by under Bilge,Cadets

The Cadet Week registration form and information pack are being finalised and should be released by the end of the month! Please start thinking about coming down and getting out on the water to build skills, start finding partnerships and pairings in preparation for applications, build skills and friendships before the main event! 😄⛵️🏖

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Mar 28 2021

TBYC Sail Chart 2021

Published by under Bilge,Club Notices

From tomorrow Monday 29th March the dinghy park, club slipway and toilets are open for all our members to use in line with current government rules on social distancing. The committee boat is planned to return on Wednesday ready for the start of a full sailing programme for the Easter weekend. The first half of the lift in will take place on Thursday 1st April. For those members who did not pay winter storage they may bring their dinghies back to the dinghy park from 2nd April.  A risk assessment for returning to sailing and 2021 sailing instructions will be posted and circulated.  Please note in line with government rules both changing rooms are not to be used so currently members need to come ready to sail.


Commodore TBYC

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Mar 15 2021

Rules regarding current access to TBYC dinghy park and car park.

Published by under Bilge,Club Notices

In line with Government rules and RYA guidelines.

TBYC from the 8th March  allows members to access the dinghy park to remove only their own personal equipment (i.e.dinghy) stored there in order to exercise. If you are using your dinghy from the dinghy park to go afloat then you may also use the car park. The Club private slipway CANNOT be used all launching and recovery must be from the beach.

If your personal equipment (I.E dinghy/windsurfer/ paddle board) is currently not stored in the dinghy park then by law TBYC  cannot allow you access to the dinghy park or car park even if you wish to go a float.

TBYC  is currently shut to all other members unless its access for professional paid work to be done, to ensure the safety of personal  property or to do voluntary work for the club which otherwise would be paid for.

All members are reminded that the government message is still stay at home and exercise locally.

The good news is on the 29th March unless things change TBYC will be open bar the clubhouse and changing rooms ready for a full Easter programme.


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Mar 08 2021

2021 TBYC duty calendar – now’s the time to choose your duties!

With the start of the 2021 season only a few weeks away and the sailing programme now published I’ll be putting names against duties and publishing on DutyMan by 19th March.

For those already registered on Dutyman who wish to pick their own duties / dates, you should have received an email from [email protected] on 6th March with a link and instructions on how to do this. Choices close on 16th March to allow me time to publish the calendar on 19th.

If you prefer not to do it online then simply email me at [email protected] with dates you can’t do and I’ll allocate duties for you.

If you have not received your email (check your spam folder?) please contact me at [email protected]

Although duties are covered mainly by club members who race, many non racers / sailors also choose to do duties. If you have not done duties before and would like to get involved (no experience necessary) please contact me at [email protected]

One response so far

Feb 28 2021

TBYC Road Map 2021

Published by under Bilge,Club Notices

Positive News. TBYC Road Map as it appears currently and subject to the Government not moving backwards or forwards on their own road map and also taking into account current RYA guidelines updated on the 25/2/21.

Mon March 8th. Access lifted to dinghy park to allow members to get access to their own personal equipment only, to go sailing in line with Government guidelines. The Club slipway CANNOT  be used to launch and recover members personal boats as this would breach Government rules and RYA legal advice. Club work continues to be permitted on site and also paid work on members boats but access to members to work on their own boats is not permitted before the 29th March. The Government advice remains STAY AT HOME AND EXERCISE LOCALLY.

Mon 29th March. Outdoor sporting facilities open. Access to dinghy park and Club slipway for all members and sailing and racing can resume. The toilets will be open but the changing rooms will remain shut.

Thurs 1st April. lift in for support boats and any Cruisers or Sandhoppers that are ready and in a position to be lifted in.

Fri 2nd April. Dinghy boats can return to the dingy park although some may not go into their allotted slot until 2nd Lift in is sorted. Full Easter racing calendar will commence.

Mon 12th April. Club changing rooms will open. Alcohol can be served outdoors.We MAY decide to open the Club Bar a few days for limited hours during good weather if the demand is there.

Fri 16th April. Lift in for ALL remaining Sandhoppers and Cruisers. this gives all owners nearly 3 weeks, 2 weekends including Easter bank holiday weekend to sort their boats since access was allowed to all from the 29th March.

Tues 18th May. Club house reopens

Mon 21st June. National restrictions lifted no restrictions at the club.

Mon 9th -13th Aug. Planning for Cadet week is now actively underway.

Sat 4th Sept Summer Ball (Revised date).

As we progress throughout the year relevant Social distancing rules applicable to members attending the Club at that time will be updated and notified to all members.

If anybody needs to discuss then please phone me but it is worth looking at the RYA guidance first as this is what we have used to issue our road map as it currently stands and has been agreed by the General Committee.

Adrian Bunting

Commodore TBYC.


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Jan 09 2021

Closure of Club access to Free sailing and Restricted access to Dinghy Park

Published by under Bilge,Club Notices

Dear Members

At this time the General Committee have decided that the access to free sailing from our Dinghy Park will now be closed and we ask members to comply with that decision.

In coming to that decision we have taken into account the following but it is not an exhaustive list: Current very high infection rates and hospital admissions in Southend. Government STAY AT HOME message including journeys for exercise should be local.Public perception.The spirit in which the Government rules were intended.The impact on emergency services should you get into difficulty.No pre organised activity is authorised.

We also took note of the RYA generic guidelines issued on 8/1/21. This was not deemed appropriate at this time in our case and hence the reason for currently closing sailing access.

If members wish to continue to sail in line with RYA guidance you may remove your boat from the dinghy park but will not be permitted to return it at this time until restrictions change. Any preparations needed or go afloat cannot be done on club  grounds and includes the use of our car parks.

The club slipway is private and therefore Goverment rules and RYA guidelines prevent this from being used. Access to the foreshore therefore can only be via the council slipway if that remains open.

The Dinghy Park and car parks are closed to all except those attending in a professional capacity i.e paid employment or voluntarily for the club to complete essential work which would otherwise be paid. Before attending those persons must first have booked it with our club secretary so a record can be kept for any required inspection.

The responsibility for your boats security is still with members. We would suggest that between classes a member is asked to periodically on behalf of the class and for this purpose only, access to the dinghy park will be allowed for a short period of time.

Social distancing must be observed at all times and there is to be no social congregation by any persons present.

Members as you will all appreciate these Government rules,regulations,RYA guidance and interpretations are being continually updated and amended. As these and local circumstances change our guidance to members will continue to be updated.

As a Club, safety of our staff, members and the public at large is our number one priority and this is foremost in our minds when making decisions on your behalf.

This notice supersedes any previous club notice regarding these matters.

Adrian Bunting

Commodore TBYC




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Jan 07 2021

Free sailing/ Dinghy Park / Toilets

Published by under Bilge,Club Notices

The RYA update yesterday allows Free sailing but this is generic guidance for the UK bearing in mind Southend is currently Covid critical. If members sail this must not be an organised event in any way and members do so at their own risk with no safety cover provided.

You may go afloat with one other person i.e 2 Lasers. If you are sailing/ launching/ recovering with more than one other boat you breach Government rules.
Members when deciding to sail please take into account that Southend area is currently in a critical state with regard Covid infections and hospital admissions. You are also reminded that Government rules include staying at home , do not make unnecessary journeys and journeys for exercise should be local.

The dinghy park will remain open but the toilets will now be closed to all members. Use of the Dinghy Park is at members own risk.

Please follow the current Government rules for the benefit of all members and to avoid access to free sailing and dinghy park being removed.


Adrian Bunting

Commodore TBYC

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Jan 04 2021

Lockdown awaiting guidance

Published by under Bilge,Club Notices

Dear Members

Following tonight’s lockdown address we await further guidance from, RYA and PLA in order to amend our advice to members of TBYC if deemed appropriate.


Adrian Bunting

Commodore TBYC


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