Apr 17 2012
Archive for the 'Catamarans' Category
Apr 10 2012
Watch found at the club.
We found a watch in the yacht park yesterday morning (Bank Holiday Monday).
Please let me know if it is yours.
[email protected] or mobile: 07906 279212
Mar 22 2012
Work Party
yes its that time of year for ALL members to come along to a free party and enjoy a day with your friends making our club look fresh for the year ahead.
Sunday the 1st April from 9am
Its not an April fools, it is real.
so please come along and help, plenty to do.
many thanks
Barry house rep.
Mar 11 2012
TBYC Boat Fayre : Sunday 25th March 2012 08:00 BST Now only £10!
Do you have a collection of unwanted sailing related items in your loft/garage/cupboard under the stairs?
Our Boat Fayre on Sunday 25th March is the perfect opportunity to have a spring clean and sell on your unwanted/outgrown wetsuits, boots, sails etc….
Pitches can be booked either through the office by contacting Janet on 01702 587563, [email protected] or through the bar @ only £10.00 for advance bookings, or pitches can also be purchased on the day for £15.00.
The Fayre will start at 08:00 BST (remember clocks turn forward at 01:00 to 02:00).
All proceeds will go towards the Rib Replacement Fund. Donations greatly appreciated.
Many thanks,
Martin Swindon
Feb 24 2012
Hurricane 5.9 on Facebook
Calling all Hurricane sailors, there is a new Hurricane 5.9 International page on Facebook. www.facebook.com/hurricane59. Share photos, videos, comments and keep up to date with all the latest news from the class association.
Feb 07 2012
TBYC Racing Calendar 2012-2013
Do you write all the racing dates from the programme onto a Calendar ? Why not just buy the TBYC Racing Calendar 2012-2013 and save the trouble. The Calendar contains all the racing and many other dates pre printed, with load of great photos from last seasons by Linzi.
The Calendar doesn’t start until April so you can preorder and pick it up after the middle of March.
If you would like to order one then you can do so by posting a cheque to TBYC for £12 before the 4th March. Otherwise you can order directly from www.lulu.com and search for TBYC, however unfortunately this option with P&P is over £15.
The Calendar was produced at no cost to the club and we hope that a small amount from each will go to the Cadets Fund Raising. If popular we will also hope to produce one for next year. If you want to see before ordering there is a couple already in the club.
Jan 24 2012
Little America’s Cup footage from British Pathe
Who else remembers the ICC Trophy racing at Thorpe Bay?
Brought to my attention by Barry Duce and Robin Foster-Taylor, Thanks Guys.
Jan 04 2012
Frozen Sheets Race Notice – amended results
The Race Committee announce that the previously published results were calculated in error not in accordance with the Racing Rules of Sailing and the Sailing Instructions. The error is now remedied with the publication of correct results.
The Sailing Instructions state the following:
1. Unless the number of rounds was signalled in advance then after an appropriate sailing time has elapsed International Code Flag S would be displayed and boats would be finished when they next passed through the finish line.
2. Scoring would be calculated on the basis of average lap times.
3. Results would be calculated on the basis of average lap times.
After International Code Flag S had been raised, boats were finished, and the times recorded, as they next passed the finishing line. In calculating the published results the time of raising Code Flag S was reduced by a few minutes compared with the actual time of raising the flag which resulted in the last lap of 5 boats being excluded when calculating the corrected times. This was undertaken in order to make an adjustment because two classes of boat with the same PN (49er and 29er) had each been split at the time of raising the flag.
This has been reviewed. This method of adjustment of average lap times has not been used previously by the organising authority and is not part of suggested practice by the RYA, and is not therefore in accordance with the Rules or Sailing Instructions. The published results were incorrect and have now been amended.
Race Committee
3 January 2012
Dec 08 2011
TBYC Volvo Ocean Race Game
Hi All, for all you armchair sailors, and following popular demand I am sponsoring a trophy for the best placed TBYC virtual boat in the game. For those of you who have not entered or who do not know about it, then here are a few facts. The virtual race mirrors the actual Volvo ocean race covering 8 legs over 9 months. The game has in excess of 120000 virtual boats. leg 1 is complete but we will run each leg as a race in a series and load the entrants on Hal’s racing programme as a series. The series will have 2 discards for the 8 legs to enable newcomers to join in and possibly win!!!. After the first leg the top five TBYC boats were 1st Daren Fitchew, 2nd Jeremy Sandford, 3rd Steve Healey, 4th Steve Hopper and 5th David Hopper.
The next leg starts on Sunday 11th Dec 2011 so get registered and join in the banter and fun!!!
You can register at http://www.volvooceanracegame.org/play
Then please leave a comment on this article so we can enter you and your boat in the regatta.
Happy armchair sailing Steve Hopper