Archive for the 'Catamarans' Category

Oct 22 2008

Another Spitfire tale! Junior National Champions.

Published by under Catamarans

Well done David White and Adam Piggott, sailing at Brightlingsea Regfest, They were made Spitfire junior national champions and came second overall one point behind the winner at the Open, would that be a mention on the board I wonder?
This last weekend at Grafham, Hugh styles phoned him and asked to sail with him on hugh’s boat and they had 4 bullets a second and a sixth, however unfortunately the first two races were disqualified cos they went through the start line downwind (hugh was driving) so they didn’t win the event – they need to be helped through that!He had a good weekend though, said he learn’t a lot but needs to talk to Kyle on what he was doing wrong (Only Kidding). Well done David it seems the cat section of TBYC are doing well representing the club around the country.

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Oct 03 2008

Sprint 15 winner

Published by under Catamarans

Well done to Howard Hawkes for winning the Sprint 15 northern championships.

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Oct 02 2008

Willing Crew for the Winter Series Available

Published by under Catamarans

Dear Catamaran and Dingy fleets doing the winter series, you need to register now! to take part but best off all we have some willing crew available, these two guys, Simon Brown and Garry Ellis are looking for more sailing experience and are newish members to the club. Drop me a line and I’ll pass on contact details or pop into the club and look on the notice board. Here’s to some cracking winter sailing, God knows it’s got to be better than this summer. Regards,  Struan

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Sep 04 2008

Nick & Kyle on the F20

Enjoy the film, Camera work by Glen.YouTube Preview Image

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Aug 28 2008

Hurricane Videos

Hi All cat sailors and interested parties, I’ve posted some Hurricane videosYouTube Preview Image and Nicks F20 shot by Glen on youtube, have a look.

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Aug 28 2008

TBYC Catamaran Sailing videos

Published by under Catamarans

I’ve just put some sailing videos on youtube, have a look.YouTube Preview Image

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Aug 19 2008

Sprint 15 Nationals.

Published by under Catamarans,Nationals

A very big “thank you” to all who contributed to the success of the Sprint Nationals this weekend, for which we had 61 entries.  I have been overwhelmed by comments such as “as good as any Nationals we’ve ever had”, “marvellous facilities”, “friendly atmosphere”, “great organisation” and – perhaps most important of all – praise for our Race Officer Phil Crawford and his team for their efficiency and good judgement.

Not only that, but we have a champion in the making – Kyle Stoneham, who finished fourth.  Mark my words, his name will be on the Honours Board before long.  Martyn Ellis should also be congratulated for finishing a very creditable 12th and winning the “most improved helm” award.

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Aug 15 2008

Leigh-on-Sea Sailor Needs Crew

Published by under Cadets,Catamarans

Nick Henson writesI am the youth coordinator for the the British Hobie Cat Class Association and UK Cat Racing association.  I have a sailor in Leigh on Sea who requires an enthusiastic cat sailor to team up with him on his Hobie Dragoon. 
The Hobie Dragoon is the RYA recognised junior pathway catamaran for sailors up to 16.  There is a nationwide circuit of events and training for the Dragoon.  Training is subsidised by the RYA who also supply the coach and rib.
We are holding a cat intro day at Minnis Bay Kent on Saturday September 13.  This would provide a perfect opportunity for the sailors to meet and sail with each other for the first time.
If you are interested in giving this a go please contact Nick Henson on 07968 310077.

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Aug 08 2008

Hurricanes Away at Canvey Open

Published by under Catamarans

Last weekend saw tough sailing conditions at the Canvey Hurricane Open, with gusts reaching 25 + kts and confused seas.

On the Friday, three TBYC boats were hoping to do 7 mile delivery trip to the Island SC but common sense prevailed as the Southerly gusting F6 winds battered the shoreline. Instead Pete, Wayne and myself decided it was perfect to take my old day boat out for a sail on the R. Crouch. With a ton of lead in her long keel, we blasted up wind with water everywhere, what fun.

Saturday morning in better sailing conditions, four Hurricanes left TBYC to race in the Open meeting at Canvey, first start @ 12.30pm. We left the beach in a SW, F4-5 and within 25 minutes arrived safely at Canvey. For those who don’t really know the Island Yacht Club, it’s based at the East end of Canvey on a mud flat, I mention this as I had forgot to raise my rudders and dagger boards on the way in to the slipway. It was when Wayne, my crew said that the sailors coming out to meet us were only up to their ankles (F**k**G Sh*t) It was mention later that nobody had seen a Hurricane do12 kts land yachting for a while. Continue Reading »

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Jul 20 2008

Hurricane & F18 Crews wanted

Published by under Catamarans

Sounds like a WW2 call-up to save “Blighty”. Have you noticed that all these fast boats have names resembling aircraft form the War, F18, Spitfire, Tornado, Hurricane etc. Makes you proud to sail one, if the dart 15s where named Mosquito, we would have a squadron. Any way I digress, I have been asked recently to find crews for fast cats recently, so if anybody fancies a sail on a quick boat, please get in touch or put your name and contact details on the Cat notice board. Many thanks Struan.

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