Archive for the 'Catamarans' Category

Aug 21 2015

Photos of Hurricane Nationals 2015

Thanks to both Struan Wallace and Margaret Kennedy for taking photos across the four day event. They are now available on Flickr at Link to Flickr Hurricane Nationals Album

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Aug 19 2015

Hurricane nationals footage from the Monday

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Aug 14 2015

All Members Welcome to Free Entertainment this Weekend

Published by under Catamarans,Social

During the Hurricane Nationals this weekend, entertainment has been arranged by the club and everybody is welcome. So why not plan an evening out.PhilReid-Orange

Saturday @ 9 Pm – Comedy with Comedian Phil Reid
Sunday @ 9 Pm    – Live Music with Jukebox Junkies (band doesn’t finish until after 11:00)

About Phil Reid – “Don’t just take our word for it. Beating over 100 comedians from all over the uk, this genuinely funny guy was rightfully crowned joker of the year 2014.
This warm,vibrant cheeky chap has a natural story telling ability that captures all the audience, tickling your funny bone whither you are young or old. From the mishaps of JBJunkieslife to the mischief of his extensive work experience as a bingo caller to holiday park entertainer to children’s party host, it makes him one of the most versatile and adaptable comedians/comperes out there.”

About Jukebox Junkies – Retro 5-piece Essex (Southend)-based Band playing authentic live covers of Greatest Hits from ’50s,’60s, ’70s, ’80s & ’90s. They may already be known by a few members as they have played regularly in the area. Fronted by Tony “The Voice” Jumont as lead vocals which would be no surprise with that nickname.

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Aug 10 2015

Safety Boat Cover

On Saturday we had no volunteers to run the second rib.  We could not lower the engine on the one rib we had launched and the breeze was up.  Once again in the absence of volunteers a huge thank you to Peter, Rupert, Struan, Kerryn for not racing and jumping straight onto safety boats to ensure your safety during racing, Toby for launching 2 more ribs at short notice  and Paul Farrall for manning SS2 before the start during a pre race rescue of the RS which involved helm and crew separated form the boat and Chris Boshier who was helming SS2 sailing it in.  When thing go wrong, they go wrong quickly.  Without the swift and selfless actions of such active members of TBYC we would struggle to safely run our current busy racing programme.

Keep an eye on Paul Morgan’s Weekly sailing posts, if it says VOLUNTEER PLEASE, we need your help to keep others safe.  If you are around, inexperienced or not racing, keep some kit in the car and step up, your help is always welcome.

Thank you in anticipation.

Jeremy Sandford

Rear Commodore Racing

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Aug 02 2015

Sprint 15 Nationals @ Netley

Published by under Catamarans,Racing

Well done to all those that attended the Sprint 15 Nationals at Netley from Friday until today. Keeping good positions in the field of 47 (small compared to 83 last year at TBYC). TBYC won the Team Trophy for the second year, Steve Healy came 2nd for over 50’s and Gerald & Nathan Sverdloff came 2nd in the 2 up.


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Jul 26 2015

sailing starts from Saturday

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Jul 16 2015

Rib Launch and Recovery Duty

The use of Ribs to supplement our displacement Safety craft SS2 and 3 has become a common sight at TBYC.  Our Ribs provide excellent speed of response in an emergency situation, allowing the easy laying of the Start buoy and use of Special marks as well as taking the Race officer and displacement crews to their boats.  In order for us to enjoy use the Ribs they need Launching prior to the race and recovering after every one is ashore.

The task of launching and recovering the Ribs has now been added to Dutyman for the rest of July and August to keep track of who volunteer to do this essential job.  At the end of this time the Sailing Committee will review the situation going forward.

Treating launching and recovery as two separate duties we have 44 duties to cover over the next two months.  Rob Baily has kindly volunteered to cover this Saturday Launch and Recovery, with Toby Speller taking 18 of the duties straight away.  The remaining launch and recovery duties need covering if we are to see Ribs supporting our Weekend Racing.  If you can help, please volunteer through Dutyman, or email Janet, Graham and I to get your offer of cover added on to Dutyman.

Thank you all for your help and support in enabling the use of Ribs to continue at TBYC.  Without your help it won’t happen.

Jeremy Sandford

(Rear Commodore Racing)

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Mar 20 2015

Winter Series and Icicle Prize Giving Sunday,3pm

Winter prize giving will be held in the bar after racing Sunday. Come and gather in the bar around 3pm to support and celebrate this years winners.

If you have completed any of the winter race series and are scoring finishes in your results (you can discard one DNC) then you to could be winning a prize in the new prize draw.

Enjoy todays racing (12:00 start), see you in the bar for prizes at 15:00.

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Jan 25 2015

Sunday racing 25th Jan

Thanks to Howard Hawkes and Kevin Soane for taking the video.

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Jan 12 2015

Frozen Sheets

Many thanks to Peter Thompson for taking the video in the freezing conditions and to Kerryn for the editing.

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