Archive for the 'Club Notices' Category

Jan 17 2021


Published by under Club Notices

It is with deep sadness that I announce that our dear friend Toby Speller passed away on Saturday evening.

Toby will be dearly missed by everybody at TBYC and the wider community who had the pleasure of knowing him.

On behalf of the club we send our most sincere condolences to Sara, Dano, L and all of his family at this very sad time.


Adrian Bunting

Commodore TBYC


The tide comes in today as any other but today there will be no sailing.

Today it took our collective strength just to put the flags up with love.

Rest in Peace our dear friend Toby.

Nick Elmore.

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Jan 09 2021

Closure of Club access to Free sailing and Restricted access to Dinghy Park

Published by under Bilge,Club Notices

Dear Members

At this time the General Committee have decided that the access to free sailing from our Dinghy Park will now be closed and we ask members to comply with that decision.

In coming to that decision we have taken into account the following but it is not an exhaustive list: Current very high infection rates and hospital admissions in Southend. Government STAY AT HOME message including journeys for exercise should be local.Public perception.The spirit in which the Government rules were intended.The impact on emergency services should you get into difficulty.No pre organised activity is authorised.

We also took note of the RYA generic guidelines issued on 8/1/21. This was not deemed appropriate at this time in our case and hence the reason for currently closing sailing access.

If members wish to continue to sail in line with RYA guidance you may remove your boat from the dinghy park but will not be permitted to return it at this time until restrictions change. Any preparations needed or go afloat cannot be done on club  grounds and includes the use of our car parks.

The club slipway is private and therefore Goverment rules and RYA guidelines prevent this from being used. Access to the foreshore therefore can only be via the council slipway if that remains open.

The Dinghy Park and car parks are closed to all except those attending in a professional capacity i.e paid employment or voluntarily for the club to complete essential work which would otherwise be paid. Before attending those persons must first have booked it with our club secretary so a record can be kept for any required inspection.

The responsibility for your boats security is still with members. We would suggest that between classes a member is asked to periodically on behalf of the class and for this purpose only, access to the dinghy park will be allowed for a short period of time.

Social distancing must be observed at all times and there is to be no social congregation by any persons present.

Members as you will all appreciate these Government rules,regulations,RYA guidance and interpretations are being continually updated and amended. As these and local circumstances change our guidance to members will continue to be updated.

As a Club, safety of our staff, members and the public at large is our number one priority and this is foremost in our minds when making decisions on your behalf.

This notice supersedes any previous club notice regarding these matters.

Adrian Bunting

Commodore TBYC




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Jan 07 2021

Free sailing/ Dinghy Park / Toilets

Published by under Bilge,Club Notices

The RYA update yesterday allows Free sailing but this is generic guidance for the UK bearing in mind Southend is currently Covid critical. If members sail this must not be an organised event in any way and members do so at their own risk with no safety cover provided.

You may go afloat with one other person i.e 2 Lasers. If you are sailing/ launching/ recovering with more than one other boat you breach Government rules.
Members when deciding to sail please take into account that Southend area is currently in a critical state with regard Covid infections and hospital admissions. You are also reminded that Government rules include staying at home , do not make unnecessary journeys and journeys for exercise should be local.

The dinghy park will remain open but the toilets will now be closed to all members. Use of the Dinghy Park is at members own risk.

Please follow the current Government rules for the benefit of all members and to avoid access to free sailing and dinghy park being removed.


Adrian Bunting

Commodore TBYC

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Jan 04 2021

Lockdown awaiting guidance

Published by under Bilge,Club Notices

Dear Members

Following tonight’s lockdown address we await further guidance from, RYA and PLA in order to amend our advice to members of TBYC if deemed appropriate.


Adrian Bunting

Commodore TBYC


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Dec 31 2020

Happy New Year To You All At TBYC

Published by under Bilge,Club Notices

Dear Members,

As 2020 draws to a close it has been challenging in so many ways to so many of us.

I particularly want to pause and remember those members who are no longer with us, wish those who are poorly a speedy recovery and to look forward to a very much more positive 2021.

We have continued to be a very active club and your Committee’s have ensured a well planned calendar for next year to cater for all our members.

Please stay safe. I wish you all a happy New Year and will drink a toast to you all as we enter 2021.

Take care


Commodore TBYC.


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Dec 29 2020

Frozen Sheets Race + Racing Update

Dear Members

The Government is due to review our Tier status on the 30th. Should we be moved to a lower Tier, which seems unlikely, the Sailing Committee feel that with the dangerous levels of infections currently being seen across the area, it would be fool hardy of us to endorse racing even if we are able.


We are all very keen to continue with racing as for most of us, it is our beloved sport and something we all long for. To disrupt this is hard for all of us at TBYC but a necessary sacrifice to ensure the protection of our community, members and staff.


Rest assured that will be looking at the guidance continuously and if a window of opportunity should appear we will react if it is right to do so.


I am sure that the whole club will pull together and look forward to better times to come. With more vaccine available and the spring weather to both help reduce infections and allow us to return safely to racing.


In the meantime, continue to stay safe and well. Remember, the dinghy park is still open for winter preparations to Cruisers and Sandhoppers and of course free sailing is available ensuring the Tier 4 and club guidance is followed.


Howard Warrington
Rear Commodore Racing

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Dec 24 2020

Merry Christmas To All At TBYC

Dear Members,

It has been a tough year for many of our members but the strong TBYC spirit has been evident throughout the year.

The award of the Gerald Mitcham Cup to all our members is a fitting tribute.

Lots is already planned for 2021 and our club spirit will continue to thrive.

I would like to thank our staff and the many unsung volunteers of the club for making us such a success.

Merry Christmas and happy sailing for 2021.

Best wishes

Adrian Bunting

Commodore TBYC


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Dec 20 2020

Tier 4 update

Dear Members,

Following the Governments announcement that we are now in Tier 4 the club has reviewed its guidance to members.

Members can still access the dinghy park and free sail as there is no limit on outdoor exercise.

Please also consider you should be staying at home and only travelling for specific reasons like work and education.

If attending the dinghy park on your own you may only mix with one other person who is not part of your household or support bubble.

RYA guidelines currently do not include Tier 4 advice. This will be reviewed by the club when published.


Adrian Bunting

Commodore TBYC


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Dec 14 2020

Temporary Closing Of Club House.

Dear Members,

Following the latest Government announcement placing the local area in Tier 3 from 1 minute past Midnight Wednesday 15 th December the Club House is now closed. The closure includes the Bar,Kitchen and changing rooms until further notice.

The Club Toilets and Dinghy park remain open.

We look forward to opening the Club House soon.


Adrian Bunting

Commodore TBYC.


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Dec 08 2020

Club opening and Food Orders

Update: Following the review of bookings Thursday evening, it has been decided it will be more cost effective to close for the evening. The club will still be open lunchtime.

Dear Members,

The club is currently open as much as possible on the run up to Christmas.

Whilst adhering to the Government guidelines the tables are arranged so that you may eat with friends whilst maintaining a safe distance.

Can members book in advance if possible as we do not want to have more staff on than necessary, however I do not wish to deter people coming down last minute as well.

This Thursday James is also cooking in the evening but as yet we have no pre bookings so please make sure you book.

If we receive no bookings for Thursday by tomorrow afternoon I will make the decision to close to avoid an unnecessary cost.

This Sunday the club now closes at 3.30pm to allow lunch time attendance but without sailing this week it was not believed worth staying open later.

Hopefully with the rollout of vaccines now started the new year will bring our normal times a step closer.

Kind regards

Adrian Bunting.
Commodore TBYC.

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