Archive for the 'Club Notices' Category

May 21 2020

Trot Boats/ NO Support Cover

Published by under Club Notices

Until further notice TBYC will be running 2 trot boats on each weekend and bank holiday sailing days. This is  subject to obtaining volunteers each duty and will be available from 1/2 hr before previously scheduled club start times to just after HW but will require sailors to ensure they have made suitable arrangements with the trot crews for their conveyance ashore when first going afloat. The trot will be in the main crewed by one person and will only take  one  set of crew afloat at a time. The trot will only be used if the wind strength is 15 mph or below as measured from the Pier head. Volunteers will be required to book via duty man which has suspended all previously booked duties for this summer sailing at present. The club is currently not providing support boats for those sailing and the 15 mph limit is regarding the use of the trot boats only. It is for members to make their own risk assessment re wind strength etc but further consideration should be taken into account that the level of assistance in general on the Thames if needed will be greatly reduced

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May 21 2020

Dinghy Park/ Car Park Access Re Road Closure

Published by under Club Notices

Whilst Thorpe Bay Esplanade is closed for road works. Access has been authorised by Council from junction with Maplin Way only for members of TBYC only. From the afternoon of Fri 22 May members may return their dinghies for the summer season and use the car park.

The only access /exit route is to be from Maplin Way. Please keep your speed to a minimum and be aware of wandering pedestrians and cyclists.

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May 21 2020

Dinghy Park Allocation 2020

Published by under Club Notices

Due to the success of the Cadet and general sailing sections of the club in 2019 we have a number of new boats in the Dinghy Park for 2020. We have an additional 9 Feva’s and 5 Hurricane’s to name just two.

It has been necessary to have a move around with the boats to ensure all sailors are catered for. It will therefore be a little tighter this year and some existing classes will have to move rows to ensure each class is positioned together.

I have attached the 2020 list of boat positions and would be most grateful if you can park your boats in the correct space at the beginning of the season being May 23rd.

There are a number of winter stored boats that will need to be moved on Saturday 23rd to their Summer positions whilst observing the current restrictions regarding Social Distancing.

Your help in this matter would be appreciated. Please don’t leave moving your boat to others. There are 47 boats that require moving to the Summer position.

Many thanks, stay safe and good sailing.

Nick Elmore
Dinghy Park

TBYC Dinghy Park Allocation 2020


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May 19 2020


Published by under Club Notices,Cruising

USER FRIENDLY CAN. Reviews suggest one of the most effective Antifouling Paints available. Being tested by Wayne.

Special Boat Club discount Offer Prices as low as £64.99 PER 2.5Ltr. CAN. Including V.A.T. and in most cases FREE delivery. Recommended Retail Price £103.88

SAVINGS OF UP TO  £39.00 per 2.5Ltr. CAN!


Discounts for club members are as follows:-

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May 19 2020

Notice to members No.2 – Back to Sailing and Dinghy Park

Published by under Club Notices

This is updated notice to include details on going sailing.
Click on Image for larger copy – This information is also available in the COVID19 Banner and Side Section

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May 16 2020

Seafront Closed

Published by under Club Notices

Please note. Until further notice the seafront is closed in front of the club. Don’t attempt to drive round the roadblocks as you will get a ticket.

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May 15 2020

Prepare your Kit to get back on the Water

Published by under Club Notices



We look forward to getting on the water within the club plans, however it does give us some time to make sure our personal sailing clothing and safety equipment is good and if it needs replacing.


WetSuitOutlet have advised us that a Click and Collect counter is now open and all we need to do is follow the attached instructions.           Click on the Image on the right for more details.


Check out all their available stock at , all local at Shoebury Garrison.

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May 13 2020

TBYC Return to Sailing

Published by under Club Notices

Notice to members – Return to Sailing Plan. Please read carefully.

Please note that your committee are working very hard to bring as swift a return to sailing and club activities as is possible. Whilst making allowances for the age range of members and of course all of the HMG guidelines including the important guidance from the PLA, the River Police, the RNLI and the RYA.

Following the PM’s announcement on Sunday and further information published today, it looks likely we will be able to bring about a gentle return to activities. The RYA have recommended that this return be a measured and careful return with clubs to take their time to protect all. We are keen therefore, not to rush this and to provide sensible boundaries and protection for all members.

Please bear with us we have all your interests at heart.


The Plan…

1.   The dinghy park will be open to members from Saturday 16th May for members to return to their boats for pre-sailing seaworthiness maintenance and check over. Please do not use the dinghy park until then to allow for some maintenance to take place on the fencing and safety signage including increasing the size of the dinghy park. The opening of the dinghy park is for preparation of the Sandhoppers and Cruisers ready for lift in. Masts need to be raised and boats rigged. This time having been lost 2 weeks prior to the original lift in date due to the lockdown. For those requiring assistance with this, a mast lifting, isolated team will be on hand to do this for you. This needs to be done whilst observing government social distancing guidelines

If you are working on a dinghy, please take your boat into the grass car park – observing distancing rules, and work on it there. Returning it to your spot having completed your tasks.

The Authorities have now released water activities. We cannot stop you going sailing at this stage. However, and again to help with social distancing, hygiene and safety, protect the majority, we would ask that you be patient and not use your boats if they are in either the dinghy park or car park. We understand you are keen to get back on the water, as are we all. But to clarify; this is to keep the numbers down in the dinghy park during the early days and protect fellow members.

We would ask all members to support this request and not go afloat before the dates published below.

Please only park in the car park, not the dinghy park.

2.   The next step is to launch the Sandhoppers and Cruisers for those who would like to go in the water for the remainder of the year. Some may choose not to launch and space will be found to store boats for the duration. It is very likely that your boat will be moved that being the case.

We aim to have both fleets launched by Friday 22nd May. This will be done with a selected and vastly reduced crew than usual. Members are requested to remain outside of the working area while this is happening. You will be requested to go onto the mud to secure your boat once the lift in is complete or nominate someone to do this for you. If you would like one of the launch team to do this, please let us know. Strict guidance will apply and you are asked to comply in all regards.

As previously noted, members are requested not to use their boats from the dinghy park or car park.

Club members wishing to bring dinghies to the club will be unable to do so before lift in has been completed on Friday 22nd May as there is currently no room and lift in cannot be conducted if there are further boats obstructing the way. These members will need to liaise with Nick Elmore before bringing their boat to the club to be allocated a dinghy space and date to return as it is unknown at present how many boats will be lifted in from the number currently in the dinghy park.

Please note, all members with a dinghy space allocated will be found a space

3.   Saturday 23rd May will see the return for members to go sailing, paddle boarding or fishing etc and using their boats. Members are requested to always follow the HMG guidelines to distancing and help protect your fellow members. Depending on the rules that apply at this time (which may have changed from the time of writing), it is likely that you may only sail with a person with whom you have been isolated during the lockdown. This may restrict some members having access to the water.





Ideally there will be some form of hand sanitiser available at the club but it is the responsibility of club members to provide their own hand sanitisers.

No club dinghies are to be used currently by members but this will hopefully change once guidance has been put in place.

We sincerely hope that in due course, we will be able to slowly return to racing. We aim to ensure that all the equipment necessary for this will be in place before the time comes so we are able to react swiftly and commence our sailing season. You may see the ribs and the displacement craft out being run. This will be for testing and good maintenance only.

We desperately look forward to being able to sail with you all and more so enjoy a social drink in the bar and all the usual wonderful banter that follows a great day on the water.

Further guidance notes to all activities will be available on the club website under a new Covid 19 tab.

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May 12 2020

TBYC Update

Published by under Club Notices

Notice to members


Following the PM’s announcement on Sunday and the detail document released yesterday. Your committee are now working hard to assess this information along with any guidance from the PLA, RNLI, Essex Marine Police and the RYA who either govern our stretch of water or are stakeholder in our sport.

More information is imminent, and we would ask you to be patient just a little longer whilst we sift through the detail to get us safely back on the water and to our boats as soon as possible.

We are meeting again tonight and tomorrow at which point we hope to notify all the first steps to getting us on the water rules and permitting.


Kind Regards Steve Hopper Commodore

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May 08 2020

TBYC Update

Published by under Club Notices

I hope you are all keeping safe and well. I would like you all to be reassured that your committee are doing everything in its power to explore and plan how we get our fantastic club back to Sailing, Racing and Club activities. We fully expect this to be a staged approach however we are planning for all eventualities.


We as a general committee continue to meet weekly (via Webex) and have scheduled our next meeting on Monday evening following the PM’s advice due on Sunday.


We have already had several in depth meetings in addition to GC weekly meeting, to discuss how we may conduct activities safely and within potential guide lines to get as prepared as we can. We have further discussed, and are currently coming up with ways we can open the club. However this as you can imagine may be more difficult if social distancing continues, but not impossible with the right forethought.


Following the PM’s revised guidelines on Sunday GC will meet Monday evening at 19.30 as scheduled to discuss how it effects our club and how we proceed. At this point I will contact all members via all mediums as before Club Website, Club Facebook page, emails and letters to those less techie members.


Again personally as your Commodore may I thank you all for your support and kind words.


The one positive for me out of these unprecedented time, is what wonderful members we have and how lucky I am to represent our Club.


I would also like to add, whilst we cannot celebrate VE Day at our club we would still like to see pictures of your celebrations.  So please send or post your pictures and we will put them in to a montage picture and post on all mediums


Stay Safe and Well

Steve Hopper


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