Archive for the 'Club Notices' Category

Apr 30 2020

Notice from Essex Marine Police and Crouch Harbour Authority

Published by under Club Notices

The Crouch Harbour Authority have issued the following joint statement with the Essex Police Marine Police. It covers Do’s and Don’t during Lockdown as a reminder, so worth a read.

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Apr 17 2020

From Our Commodore

Published by under Club Notices

Dear Member(s)

I hope you are all well and staying safe.

It will be no surprise to you that following the latest Government advice the club will sadly remain closed for at least another three weeks.  As this is far from ideal, the general committee continues to meet weekly to work out how to engage our members.

With this in mind, I’m sure you have noticed an increase in notices, games, virtual reports and offers of help to those in need, along with other ideas we have implemented.  We also continue business as usual from an administration point of view.  The club office is open from Tuesday to Friday.

There are several ideas which will be put into action during the next week, including Howard Warrington’s Virtual Regatta Racing, information videos and a training guide for cadets.  An online quiz is also planned, so keep checking Facebook and the club website for what’s going on.

Many members have excelled and continue to do so, producing witty reports, and Jeremy Sandford, has been manufacturing protective visors for care workers using a 3D printer.   All of this makes my job, in these difficult times, almost a joy.

Finally, I would like to thank each and every one of you for supporting our fantastic club.  I wrote to you just recently and out of 1,100 members nearly all have not only paid to support our club but have sent messages of encouragement to both the general committee and me, personally.

So, in the meantime, stay safe and well.  I look forward to celebrating with you all, both on and off the water soon.

Your sincerely
Steve Hopper, Commodore

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Apr 07 2020

From Our Commodore

Published by under Club Notices

Hi All, I hope you are keeping safe and well.  Here at the club it has been a peculiar time.

Whilst we are on suspension of business as usual I am reminded daily of what a fantastic club we have, full of selfless, like-minded people.  I receive so many words of encouragement and support.

We have had many offers from members, willing to help other members.  If you are not going out but need essential supplies or medication, they are there for you.

Contact the club by email to [email protected] or by phone 01702 587563.  If the phone doesn’t answer, call 07969 598309.  A volunteer will be happy to assist.

We will, of course, keep in touch and update you all regularly.
Steve Hopper


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Apr 03 2020

Dinghy Park Boat Checks

Published by under Club Notices,Racing

The General Committee have appointed Peter Thompson to carry out weekly checks on the Dinghy Park and report. Also to check on windy days to ensure no harm comes to your boats and tie down if required.

Steve Hopper Commodore

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Apr 01 2020

Peter Hancock

Published by under Club Notices

It is with great sadness and regret that we inform the club of the death of my Father, Peter Hancock on Monday 23rd March at Southend General Hospital.

Dad was very active in the cruiser section of the club in the 1990s, (sailing with Mike Root on ‘Ruspina’), and served as Vice Commodore during his membership. He always enjoyed his time at the club on and off the water and I’m sure he will be remembered by many members. Peter was also active at Thorpe Hall Golf club, Thorpe Bay Bowls club, and Rochford Rotary.

Peter had been residing in Joseph House Nursing Home, Shoeburyness, since December 2019, following a series of health issues.

Unfortunately, due to the current corona virus situation the funeral will be restricted to immediate family only.  However the family intend to hold a memorial service for Peter at a later date.

Peter will be greatly missed by family and friends, leaving behind wife Maureen, daughter Sarah, son Lee and four grandchildren.
Kind Regards to all
Sarah Speller (Nee Hancock)

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Mar 26 2020

The Dinghy Park is Closed

Published by under Club Notices

As a result of government, RYA and PLA advice the dinghy park is closed and water activities are suspended until further notice.

Unfortunately, this means that no work can be carried out on boats nor can they leave or be brought to the club.

Cruiser and Sandhopper lift-in will take place as soon as is allowed.  It will be one of our priorities.  We are all keen to get back on the water.

The committee is reviewing the situation constantly and currently having to react to new advice and guidance.

In the weeks to come the club will rely, a good deal, on the goodwill and support of its members.

If anyone needs help – shopping, chatting, transport – please get in touch.

In the meantime, stay safe and well.

Happy Sailing soon, we hope.

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Mar 25 2020

PLA Notice to Mariners – COVID 19 Restrictions

Published by under Club Notices

Port of London – River Thames NOTICE TO MARINERS No.6 of 2020  – 24 March 2020


We are issuing this in line with current Government Coronavirus guidance, placing restrictions on movement.

To reduce social contact, travel and potential strain on emergency services, we strongly recommend that all recreation and leisure activities on the tidal Thames are avoided until further notice.

Our priority at the PLA is to help ensure the UK continues to receive essential supplies of food, fuel and medical goods at this time.

As a result, we expect to have a reduced capability in responding to recreational incidents on the river.

To support our essential port operations, we are reducing the operating hours of our harbour service patrols between Putney and Teddington.

We are grateful for your co-operation in these exceptional circumstances.

Port of London Authority
London River House, Royal Pier Road,
Gravesend, Kent DA12 2BG

Bob Baker
Chief Harbour Master

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Mar 24 2020

TBYC Supporting the NHS

Published by under Club Notices

Sadly suspended at the moment but feel it important for us as a club to show our support to all those brave people of the NHS saving lives

All keep safe and well and observe official advise

Thanks all for your understanding and support

Steve Hopper Commodore

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Mar 23 2020

Dinghy Park Closure

Following tonight’s message from our Prime Minister. The General Committee have now decided that the time has come to sadly, close the dinghy park.  We are sure you will all understand the reasoning behind this. Other than going to work, shopping, walk or a run, we are to remain at home.

We ask all members to respect this decision and not enter the dinghy park or attempt to go for a sail. The reflection back on the club that we all love would not be favourable. This includes boat maintenance.

We will of course, review the situation constantly and look forward to being back on the water when the situation allows.

Thank you for your co-operation and please stay safe and well.  Keep watching the website and Facebook for updates and info.

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Mar 18 2020

Coronavirus Update from the Commodore

Published by under Club Notices

Hi All
I hope you are keeping safe and well.

We are exploring many ideas at present and these may or may not be able to be implemented or even have a need or requirement depending on members appetite for the ideas and services.

Some of the ideas are:-

1 Possibly using the club’s buying power and contacts to buy some essential groceries and cleaning products and combine them in packages to be available to purchase at cost by members (a very exclusive grocery store).

2. James, our chef, has also expressed a willingness to possibly offer a locally based Meals on Wheels (would require some volunteers of which both my wife and daughter have offered to help). This would be primarily aimed at the elderly and less able members or as many members as we can cope with. Prices in line with business as usual.

3. If possible and current government advice allows, each class captain could offer help with launch and upkeep of boats

4. TBYC community: we are also looking at helping in other ways. Can we help people who are isolated with shopping or other tasks requiring local travel?

5. Have a virtual lunch with a TBYC friend. Randomly pick either someone on the Facebook group or a friend from the club and arrange a lunch whilst on Skype or FaceTime (Let’s stay in touch)

6. Introducing via social media, web and email a frequently asked questions and answers list. Please check there first if you have any questions or concerns

There will be many more ideas and we are actively working to use this time wisely. Currently we are trying to be as considerate as possible to our valued and hard-working key staff. So, what does that mean.

For this week we have told all staff “business as usual” however this does not mean stay at home and do nothing and that incidentally is not what they want either. As from Tuesday the 17th (Day One) the main bar has been completely emptied of all stock and glasses and is undergoing a complete deep clean and reorganisation as is the Commodore bar and the kitchen.

This will extend around the Club for as long as possible being mindful of costs of course.

Other aspects of the club such as stock, suppliers etc are all being reviewed and or suspended to limit financial impact

The above being said we are in a strong financial position for just such an emergency. We just have to be careful to limit how we managed to spend

Our club does not stand still. We are looking forward to opening up as soon as possible with a clean and improved facility

In the background we are also working on a new Bosuns and Race hut project, RIB store project, extensions of the dinghy park, a feasibility study on the bar layout and resurfacing of the rear car park. I have met with my architect on many of these and will l have preliminary plans within two weeks and a target to go for planning within one month.

If we consider these projects are of value, we will then enter the next stage of working out how we would fund the projects.

1. Possibly grants
2. Member sponsorship
3. Part Work parties
4. Government help to potential loss etc etc etc
5. Fundraising event

That’s all for me now, keep safe and well, and know this, the decision to temporarily close has not been taken lightly and is for the safety and well-being of all

Your Commodore
Steve Hopper

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