Archive for the 'Club Notices' Category

Feb 05 2020

Lark 1512

Published by under Club Notices

The Club has been given the opportunity to give a member Lark 1512. Mr Chris Brandon will generously give the boat to any member who will sail the boat at the club. It needs a little tlc and it will be ready to go in no time.

The Lark is a two person boat with a Symmetrical spinnaker. It has a very large and active class association with events all over the country.

This is a great opportunity for a member to bring the boat back into competitive use for 2020 and beyond.

Any interested members please contact me or Janet at the club, or leave a message here.

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Jan 15 2020

Have you lost a flare?

Published by under Club Notices

A flare has been found in the dinghy park.  It’s in date 12/21.  Please call 01702 587563.

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Nov 22 2019

Cadet Christmas Party 2019

Sunday 8th December, 16:00-19:00

Urgent Reminder to purchase tickets for the Christmas Party by the end of the month. Tickets are available over the bar or by phone.

  • £7.50 Members
  • £10 non members

As always take up is slow until nearer the date, however we need ticket sales to let the event go ahead, don’t disappoint Father Christmas, he loves coming to TBYC!

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Nov 22 2019

AGM – Sunday 24th November

Published by under Club Notices

The club AGM will be held at the Clubhouse at 10am on Sunday 24th November.

Honorary and Cadet members are welcome to attend but have no voting rights.

Lunchtime members are not eligible to attend the AGM.

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Nov 21 2019

This weekends Feva Theory Training

There is Feva Sail Training this weekend, although all Feva owners are aware and the club boat us being used, any interested cadets may attend any theory sessions by contacting Conrad Stevenson or myself. 08:30 start Saturday, 09:00 Sunday.

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Nov 15 2019

Winter Series / Storage in the Dinghy Park

Published by under Club Notices,Racing

The main club season finished over a month ago and tomorrow is the third Winter Series Saturday Race. There are still over half the boats in the dinghy park (60+) that have yet to pay for winter sailing or storage.

The club would like all members with boats to make sure they are fully paid before the end of November 2019.

The resources of the huge volunteer force that help to run the club are better spent on facilities and sailing management rather than chasing overdue payments.

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Oct 22 2019

Winter / Frozen Sheets / Icicle SI’s

Hi all, here’s the SI’s for the winter, for those of you that can’t be bothered to read it, courses and fleets are the same as last year

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Oct 20 2019

Not paid for Pico winter dinghy park storage

All Pico owners must move their boats out of the dinghy park today. Cruiser lift out is tomorrow. If you intend to keep your boat at the club for the Winter you need to pay and move it onto the racks. If you have not paid you boat will be moved to clear space for lift out and you may not be able to keep it here over the winter. Please message me your intentions as soon as possible. Boats will be start to be moved in the next half hour.

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Oct 14 2019

Winter Dinghy Park

Hi All, It’s that time of year when the sailing season is over and the winter series will begin (after the Cruiser and Sandhopper liftout 21/22nd October). As per the Club program, all dinghies should have vacated the dinghy park in order for these manoeuvres take place. Specifically rows E,F,G.
If you own a pico or laser and wish to pay for storage for the winter please contact your class captain to discuss rack storage and how you will put your boat on the racks. It is YOUR OWN responsibility to ensure your boats are moved.

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Oct 14 2019

Thanks from Jim Percy

Published by under Club Notices

I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to Simon Boygle, Adrian Bunting, Chris Boshier, Tony Clarke, Robin Foster-Taylor, and George Mellon, who provided help and comfort to me when I collapsed in the dinghy car park yesterday. And also to others who showed their concern about my well being both during the incident and afterwards.

After very thorough checks in the ambulance and at the hospital, which took account of my existing medical condition, I was given a clean bill of health, with the incident being put down solely to dehydration. I had only consumed one cup of liquid since the previous evening. So be warned – do keep the liquid intake up.

So again, many thanks indeed to the wonderful Members of Thorpe Bay Yacht Club who continue to provide great expertise and care, both on and off the water.

Jim Percy

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