Oct 04 2019
winter Series
entries now being accepted for winter 2019/20 Winter-Series-Entry-Form
fees will be same as winter storage, please see attached Winter storage rates 2019 20
Oct 04 2019
entries now being accepted for winter 2019/20 Winter-Series-Entry-Form
fees will be same as winter storage, please see attached Winter storage rates 2019 20
Sep 17 2019
If you are planning to use a club boat for the Youth and Junior Regatta at the weekend, please ensure you have requested the boat to avoid problems Saturday.
You are free to turn up and use the club boats on Saturday, however priority will be given to those who have reserved boats. So far I have 2 Picos reserved.
Sep 13 2019
please see attached for the long version, however if you don’t want to read that,
Saturday 14th September
short version – ladies race + club racing, first race 11:30 mass start from committee boat, course upwind downwind with a spreader mark using special marks (orange inflatables). this will also count towards club points
Saturday Autumn 2nd Race ASAP after ladies race usual club racing, fleet starts, courses on the committee boat front and back.
Sunday 15th September – Barts Bash – First race
Main racing from committee Boat same course as Ladies race on Saturday, mass start 12:30, this will also count towards club points.
juniors – Barts Bash, trapezoid couse inshore start from one of the cadet safety boats (polly, SS9 or maybe a rowing boat(?))
Sunday Autumn 2nd Race , ASAP after ladies race usual club racing, fleet starts, courses on the committee boat front and back.
Sep 13 2019
Ten Sailors, cadets and adults successfully completed their Stage 3 Sailing course last weekend during a Sunset sail. The course, which included seamanship and racing skills plus meteorology and navigation knowledge was completed over four sessions on and off the water.
Congratulation to: Jonathan W, Toby W, Theo W, Lesley D, Aimee D, Joe H-F, Charlotte R, Nathan S, Ben E, Peter S.
Sep 12 2019
Aug 28 2019
The club’s door entry code will be changed soon. If you currently receive emails from the club you will be informed of the new code. If you would like your address to be added to our address book, please email [email protected]
Aug 25 2019
Hi All as there is no sailing on Monday we are going to do an impromptu mulberry day. We will take the committee boat and ribs along with my rib and toys out early morning to the mulberry and set up on the bank to have fun!!!
Then come back in with the late afternoon early evening tide
Kind Regards Steve
Jul 28 2019
Due to changes in the numbers of Cadet in Stingrays, We have needed to revise the teams. The revised teams will he posted at the YC before registration this afternoon.
This year Stingrays is as popular as ever but is relatively young and inexperienced so we have worked really hard to make the teams as balanced in average age and experience as possible. Thank you for your support with this as we move towards another fantastic week on water and the beach.
Jul 25 2019
Please find the Cadet Week volunteer rotas posted on the Cadet board in the club. Janet will also be emailing copies out to entrants today. Adults may swap duties other than support boat by mutual agreement and ensure the swap is written on the master copy posted on the board. Thank you for volunteering, the week only happens because we help in one way or another. All other queries to me please.
Looking forward to another great week, please check Facebook for Lindsay’s kit list and make sure you are ready, see you all at registration on Sunday.