Nov 06 2018
Archive for the 'Club Notices' Category
Oct 25 2018
John Paxman
Sadly John Paxman passed away a short time ago at the age of 92 after short illness. My crazy / funny Uncle will be missed by his family his brother Rick snr and friends.
The funeral is at the Crematorium on Tuesday 30th October at 12pm and then afterwards at the Yacht Club.
Donations on the day to the Alzheimers Society
Oct 11 2018
busy weekend
and what a weekend, tail end of (now tropical storm Michael), Storm Leslie, Sandhopper Final Fling and Lift out, First races of the Winter series (13:00 Sat & 14:00 Sun) and the cruisers being lifted out Saturday morning too!
So if you have a boat paid for in the dinghy park, please ensure it is
a) not in the way of either the cruisers or the sandhoppers (row’s I,J,K or M)
b) securely tied down
AND if you have not paid for winter racing or storage, please remove your boat from the dinghy park as they should have all moved last Sunday.
Oct 05 2018
Dinghy Park Reminder
The closing date for entries to the Winter series and Dinghy Park Storage is this Sunday 7th October. If you intend to leave your boat at the club this winter your time is running out.
Will members please note that if your boat is in rows I J K or M it will need to be moved by this Sunday after racing.
Thank you in advance for you cooperation.
Oct 01 2018
Winter Series and Storage
Winter series costs will be as per club winter storage rates for club members, £80 for non members.
Please complete the appropriate form and return to the secretary. SI’s also below
Winter Series 2018 Meeting entry form
Please note if you do not intend to store your boat or race in the winter series your boat needs to be removed from the boat park next Sunday (7th October)
Even if you do intent to complete, be available to move your boats on the 7th for a work party to replace some hawsers and to allow room for cruisers and sandhoppers, it is your responsibility to ensure that your boat is adequately secured.
Sep 28 2018
Access Autumn Trophy
Will be re-sailed this Sunday – 30/09/2018
hopefully it’ll be a bit drier this weekend.
Sep 24 2018
Important forthcoming dates
Hi Everyone
Your club needs your CONTINUED INPUT and SUPPORT; important dates coming up
Club Annual AGM Sunday 25th. Nov 15.00hrs Anything you wish to be discussed has to be submitted ASAP for the Agenda.
Cruiser AGM Tuesday Nov 13th. p.m.
Sailing AGM date to follow.
Sunday 7th October End of Season Trophy & boats to vacate the Boat Park
Not forgetting Saturday 20th October CLUB WORK PARTY
Margaret Kennedy, Honorary Sec.
Sep 22 2018
Cadet Halloween Party
Tickets are now available behind the bar for the Cadet Halloween Party on Saturday 27th October 2028, 6-8pm
£5.00 per child includes disco with fun and games, sweet treats and squash. This is a members only event.