Archive for the 'Club Notices' Category

Sep 20 2018

Boatacs Retirement

Published by under Club Notices

Hi All,

Not sure if the club has been made aware but I recieved an email from the RSA forum stating that Boatacs at Chalkwell Park is to close due to retirement.

For those interested the email stated they are clearing all stock at reduced prices.

Sad after so long and now will have to drive to Wallasea Island.. !!!

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Sep 13 2018

Bart’s Bash 2018 – this Sunday

This Sunday will be the 5th Bart’s Bash, how time flies
This year they’re going for the Guiness record of most boats in one race so come along, sign up at
sign on in the bosun’s hut and come and race in the largest sailing race in the world.
Sailing will be mass start from the committee boat, with an upwind downwind course incorporating a spreader mark.

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Sep 12 2018

Cadets Meetings and Racing

Published by under Cadets,Club Notices

Friday 14th September

7.00pm Cadet Sailor’s Meeting with Andras (Sail Training Room)

7.30pm Race preparation with Nick for Bart’s Bash, Matt Dear Trophy and Inter-Club Cadet Team Race (Commodore’s bar)

8.00pm Parents meeting – Organisation / transporting boats etc. for Matt Dear Trophy and Interclub.

Sunday 16th September

Sail Training with Andras – Start on the water at 15.00.

Barts Bash – Start 15.00    Nick will support the Cadets doing this race (optional) Friday evening (as above) and with a briefing at 14.00.

This will be a great opportunity to practice for the follow weekend.

Saturday 22nd September

Matt Dear Trophy at TEYC Start 11.00 (TEYC Briefing 10.00)

Sunday 23rd September

Inter-Club Dinghy Team Race at Leigh on Sea Sailing Club (4 boats in a team, as many teams as we wish) Start 11.25.

Photo: Last year’s Cadets at the ‘Matt Dear Trophy’ Race

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Sep 10 2018

TBYC Sail Training – Stage 3

Published by under Club Notices

Another successful group of sailors achieved their Stage 3 certificates on Sunday.

The course involves two ‘land based’ sessions covering Sailing theory, Racing rules, Club Racing essentials, VHF Radio, Meteorology and Navigation. Also two ‘On-the-water’ sessions when candidates practice their Seamanship and Racing skills, such as sailing backwards, Man-over-board and effective starting. 

Well done to all.

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Sep 06 2018

Autumn Series Racing

Hi guys,
as requested slow mono course has been changed to A,B,D and cadet racing has been added, please see latest SI’s and SSI06/09/2018 thanks.

links below

Supplementary Sailing Instructions 20180906

TBYC SI 2018 V3
Chris Boshier
Rear Commodore Racing

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Aug 13 2018

TBYC Sail Training – Stage 3

Published by under Club Notices

TBYC runs 3 levels of training courses to get members sailing and racing. (This is in addition to Cadet training).

The Stage 3 course is open to any adult or cadet who has already completed their Stage 2 and has continued to improve their skills or are an intermediate sailor who would benefit from more guidance (See TBYC Sail Training Stage 3 syllabus – click here).

Dates: Friday 31st August 19.30 (Shore based), Sunday 2nd September 14.30 (On the water),  Friday 7th September 19.30 (Shore based), Sunday 9nd September 10.30 (On the water).  

The Club has 6 Picos for Sail Training , however members can use their own boats.

There is no charge for the Sail Training Courses and Log Books. Spaces are limited to 12 persons. To apply, complete an application form which can be found here Sail-Training-Application-Form

Please send it to [email protected]



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Jul 25 2018

Found Sunglasses

Published by under Club Notices

Hi All I have found a pair of very expensive looking sunglasses in the dinghy park Monday. They were left on the vice on the bench.

See photo’s attached

I will drop them off in the club behind the bar latter today wednesday 25th July

Kind Regards Steve

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Jul 19 2018

Cadet Week loose ends

3 days to go and it’s looking hot hot hot for next week so plan ahead. Hydration and sunscreen, maybe a beach tent for some groups?

Club Picos are not available to use till Sat 28th. They are being used for sail training Saturday and booked out for Cadet Week. If you have arranged with me to use a club boat during Cadet week, please see me during registration on Sunday (16:30-17:30) to collect your sails.

I have put all the groupings and volunteer rotas on the Cadet notice board in the front of the club. Please take time to check your volunteer role, child’s cadet group and that their boat, sail number and crew are as expected. Please make any amendments on the paper notice board copies. If you with to swap a volunteer duty please write your SWAP on the lists by 16:30 Sunday and see me to tell me what you have agreed.

If you are helping on the stingray beach you will be expected to be dressed to be in the water. Piranha helpers may be in the water if they feel able to help cadets sail, or in a rescue boat starting, timing and recording the results of games and races.

The front Car Park will not be used for the duration of the Week, so please do not park in or block the entrance to the front car park.

Cadets are welcome to Sundays registration, but not required, parents simply need to turn up and pick up their cadets paper bag full of goodies.

Thanks everyone for their hard work, help and sponsorship, without it we could not plan such a fun packed week for our cadets. Take a moment to read this years sponsors, they deserve our thanks and support.

See you on the water soon

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Jun 29 2018


Thanks to all the volunteers who stepped up last weekend to allow sailing to go ahead.


These were: John Casson, Tony Padbury, Gary Burrows, Barry Duce and Alex? (hopefully the right Warrington!) – and of course thanks as ever to those with duties who were there.


We have a significant number of people dropping out of duties this year often at the last minute and with no good reason which just makes it harder for the rest of us.


So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE – if you have a duty and can’t do it for any reason do the following as early as possible:

  • Mark as SWAP REQUIRED on Dutyman and actively look for others to swap with.
  • Approach others who are not looking to swap – often they will swap with you if you ask.
  • Or find a future Vacancy on Dutyman and swap with that

If all else fails please let the Duty Officer know asap and at least a week before so we can advertise for a replacement

If you need help with Dutyman (it’s easy when you try, honest ) just contact me at [email protected] I will assist.

When people have made a real effort and have a reason they cannot do their duty we can often help but that is difficult if things are left until the last minute.


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Jun 19 2018

Main Bar Usage

Published by under Club Notices

Please be aware the main bar has been hired for private functions, or is being used for club functions on the following days

Wednesday 19th June – from 1pm
Saturday 29th June  – evening
Saturday 6th July – evening
Saturday 13th July – evening
Saturday 20th July – evening
Saturday 10th August – evening
Saturday 24th August – lunchtime into afternoon
Saturday 7th September – evening
Saturday 21st September – evening
Saturday 12th October – evening
Saturday 26th October – evening
Saturday 7th December – evening
Saturday 21st December – Christmas Ball



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